/* * Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one * or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License * 2.0 and the Server Side Public License, v 1; you may not use this file except * in compliance with, at your election, the Elastic License 2.0 or the Server * Side Public License, v 1. */ import { FtrProviderContext } from '../ftr_provider_context'; export default function ({ getService, getPageObjects }: FtrProviderContext) { const PageObjects = getPageObjects(['common', 'dashboard', 'header', 'home', 'settings']); const a11y = getService('a11y'); const dashboardAddPanel = getService('dashboardAddPanel'); const testSubjects = getService('testSubjects'); const listingTable = getService('listingTable'); describe('Dashboard', () => { const dashboardName = 'Dashboard Listing A11y'; const clonedDashboardName = 'Dashboard Listing A11y Copy'; it('dashboard', async () => { await PageObjects.common.navigateToApp('dashboard'); await a11y.testAppSnapshot(); }); it('create dashboard button', async () => { await PageObjects.dashboard.clickNewDashboard(); await a11y.testAppSnapshot(); }); it('save empty dashboard', async () => { await PageObjects.dashboard.saveDashboard(dashboardName); await a11y.testAppSnapshot(); }); it('Open Edit mode', async () => { await PageObjects.dashboard.switchToEditMode(); await a11y.testAppSnapshot(); }); it('Open add panel', async () => { await dashboardAddPanel.clickOpenAddPanel(); await a11y.testAppSnapshot(); }); it('add a visualization', async () => { await testSubjects.click('savedObjectTitle[Flights]-Delay-Buckets'); await a11y.testAppSnapshot(); }); it('add a saved search', async () => { await dashboardAddPanel.addSavedSearch('[Flights] Flight Log'); await a11y.testAppSnapshot(); }); it('save the dashboard', async () => { await PageObjects.dashboard.saveDashboard(dashboardName); await a11y.testAppSnapshot(); }); it('Open Edit mode', async () => { await PageObjects.dashboard.switchToEditMode(); await a11y.testAppSnapshot(); }); it('open options menu', async () => { await PageObjects.dashboard.openOptions(); await a11y.testAppSnapshot(); }); it('Should be able to hide panel titles', async () => { await testSubjects.click('dashboardPanelTitlesCheckbox'); await a11y.testAppSnapshot(); }); it('Should be able display panels without margins', async () => { await testSubjects.click('dashboardMarginsCheckbox'); await a11y.testAppSnapshot(); }); it('Open add panel', async () => { await dashboardAddPanel.clickOpenAddPanel(); await a11y.testAppSnapshot(); }); it('Add one more saved object to cancel it', async () => { await testSubjects.click('savedObjectTitle[Flights]-Destination-Weather'); await a11y.testAppSnapshot(); }); it('Close add panel', async () => { await dashboardAddPanel.closeAddPanel(); await a11y.testAppSnapshot(); }); it('Exit out of edit mode', async () => { await PageObjects.dashboard.clickCancelOutOfEditMode(false); await a11y.testAppSnapshot(); }); it('Discard changes', async () => { await PageObjects.common.clickConfirmOnModal(); await PageObjects.dashboard.getIsInViewMode(); await a11y.testAppSnapshot(); }); it('Test full screen', async () => { await PageObjects.dashboard.clickFullScreenMode(); await a11y.testAppSnapshot(); }); it('Exit out of full screen mode', async () => { await PageObjects.dashboard.exitFullScreenMode(); await a11y.testAppSnapshot(); }); it('Make a clone of the dashboard', async () => { await PageObjects.dashboard.clickClone(); await a11y.testAppSnapshot(); }); it('Confirm clone with *copy* appended', async () => { await PageObjects.dashboard.confirmClone(); await a11y.testAppSnapshot(); }); it('Dashboard listing table', async () => { await PageObjects.dashboard.gotoDashboardLandingPage(); await a11y.testAppSnapshot(); }); it('Delete a11y clone dashboard', async () => { await listingTable.searchForItemWithName(clonedDashboardName); await listingTable.checkListingSelectAllCheckbox(); await listingTable.clickDeleteSelected(); await a11y.testAppSnapshot(); await PageObjects.common.clickConfirmOnModal(); await listingTable.searchForItemWithName(''); }); }); }