def promote(snapshotVersion, snapshotId) { def snapshotDestination = "${snapshotVersion}/archives/${snapshotId}" def MANIFEST_URL = "${snapshotDestination}/manifest.json" dir('verified-manifest') { def verifiedSnapshotFilename = 'manifest-latest-verified.json' sh """ curl -O '${MANIFEST_URL}' mv manifest.json ${verifiedSnapshotFilename} """ googleStorageUpload( credentialsId: 'kibana-ci-gcs-plugin', bucket: "gs://kibana-ci-es-snapshots-daily/${snapshotVersion}", pattern: verifiedSnapshotFilename, sharedPublicly: false, showInline: false, ) } // This would probably be more efficient if we could just copy using gsutil and specifying buckets for src and dest // But we don't currently have access to the GCS credentials in a way that can be consumed easily from here... dir('transfer-to-permanent') { googleStorageDownload( credentialsId: 'kibana-ci-gcs-plugin', bucketUri: "gs://kibana-ci-es-snapshots-daily/${snapshotDestination}/*", localDirectory: '.', pathPrefix: snapshotDestination, ) def manifestJson = readFile file: 'manifest.json' writeFile( file: 'manifest.json', text: manifestJson.replace("kibana-ci-es-snapshots-daily/${snapshotDestination}", "kibana-ci-es-snapshots-permanent/${snapshotVersion}") ) // Ideally we would have some delete logic here before uploading, // But we don't currently have access to the GCS credentials in a way that can be consumed easily from here... googleStorageUpload( credentialsId: 'kibana-ci-gcs-plugin', bucket: "gs://kibana-ci-es-snapshots-permanent/${snapshotVersion}", pattern: '*.*', sharedPublicly: false, showInline: false, ) } } return this