import groovy.transform.Field public static @Field GLOBAL_RETRIES_ENABLED = false public static @Field MAX_GLOBAL_RETRIES = 1 public static @Field CURRENT_GLOBAL_RETRIES = 0 public static @Field FLAKY_FAILURES = [] def setMax(max) { retryable.MAX_GLOBAL_RETRIES = max } def enable() { retryable.GLOBAL_RETRIES_ENABLED = true } def enable(max) { enable() setMax(max) } def haveReachedMaxRetries() { return retryable.CURRENT_GLOBAL_RETRIES >= retryable.MAX_GLOBAL_RETRIES } def getFlakyFailures() { return retryable.FLAKY_FAILURES } def printFlakyFailures() { catchError { def failures = getFlakyFailures() if (failures && failures.size() > 0) { print "This build had the following flaky failures:" failures.each { print "\n${it.label}" buildUtils.printStacktrace(it.exception) } } } } def call(label, Closure closure) { if (!retryable.GLOBAL_RETRIES_ENABLED) { closure() return } try { closure() } catch (ex) { if (haveReachedMaxRetries()) { print "Couldn't retry '${label}', have already reached the max number of retries for this build." throw ex } retryable.CURRENT_GLOBAL_RETRIES++ buildUtils.printStacktrace(ex) unstable "${label} failed but is retryable, trying a second time..." def JOB = env.JOB ? "${env.JOB}-retry" : "" withEnv([ "JOB=${JOB}", ]) { closure() } retryable.FLAKY_FAILURES << [ label: label, exception: ex, ] unstable "${label} failed on the first attempt, but succeeded on the second. Marking it as flaky." } }