/* jshint node:true */ 'use strict'; module.exports = function (grunt) { var config = { pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'), kibanaCheckoutDir: './vendor/kibana', kibanaRevision: 'master', exporterDir: 'exporter', buildDir: 'build', packageDir: 'packages', esPort: { dev: '"'+ (grunt.option('es_port') || 9200) +'"', dist: "(window.location.port !== '' ? ':'+window.location.port : '')" }, kibanaPort: grunt.option('port') || 5601, kibanaHost: 'localhost' }; // more detailed config config['buildTempDir'] = config['buildDir'] + '/tmp'; // kibana and custom panels will be merged here config['buildSiteDir'] = config['buildDir'] + '/_site'; // compressed minified marvel site will be outputted here // Utility function to load plugin settings into the above config object function loadConfig(config, path) { require('glob').sync('*', {cwd: path}).forEach(function (option) { var key = option.replace(/\.js$/, ''); // Merge duplicate plugin configs. It is your responsibility to avoid naming collisions // in tasks config[key] = config[key] || {}; grunt.util._.extend(config[key], require(path + option)(config, grunt)); }); return config; } // load plugins require('load-grunt-tasks')(grunt); // Load Marvel tasks. Identical task names will override kibana tasks grunt.loadTasks('tasks'); loadConfig(config, './tasks/options/'); // pass the config to grunt grunt.initConfig(config); };