import { times } from 'lodash'; import { resolve, dirname } from 'path'; const TOTAL_CI_SHARDS = 4; const ROOT = dirname(require.resolve('../../package.json')); module.exports = function (grunt) { const config = { options: { // base path that will be used to resolve all patterns (eg. files, exclude) basePath: '', captureTimeout: 30000, browserNoActivityTimeout: 120000, frameworks: ['mocha'], port: 9876, colors: true, logLevel: grunt.option('debug') || grunt.option('verbose') ? 'DEBUG' : 'INFO', autoWatch: false, browsers: ['<%= karmaBrowser %>'], // available reporters: reporters: process.env.CI ? ['dots', 'junit'] : ['progress'], junitReporter: { outputFile: resolve(ROOT, 'target/junit/karma.xml'), useBrowserName: false, nameFormatter: (browser, result) => [ ...result.suite, result.description ].join(' '), classNameFormatter: (browser, result) => { const rootSuite = result.suite[0] || result.description; return `Browser Unit Tests.${rootSuite.replace(/\./g, 'ยท')}`; } }, // list of files / patterns to load in the browser files: [ 'http://localhost:5610/bundles/vendors.bundle.js', 'http://localhost:5610/bundles/commons.bundle.js', 'http://localhost:5610/bundles/tests.bundle.js', 'http://localhost:5610/bundles/', 'http://localhost:5610/bundles/', 'http://localhost:5610/bundles/' ], proxies: { '/tests/': 'http://localhost:5610/tests/', '/bundles/': 'http://localhost:5610/bundles/' }, client: { mocha: { reporter: 'html', // change Karma's debug.html to the mocha web reporter timeout: 10000, slow: 5000 } } }, dev: { singleRun: false }, unit: { singleRun: true }, coverage: { singleRun: true, reporters: ['coverage'], coverageReporter: { reporters: [ { type: 'html', dir: 'coverage' }, { type: 'text-summary' }, ] } }, }; /** * ------------------------------------------------------------ * CI sharding * ------------------------------------------------------------ * * Every test retains nearly all of the memory it causes to be allocated, * which has started to kill the test browser as the size of the test suite * increases. This is a deep-rooted problem that will take some serious * work to fix. * * CI sharding is a short-term solution that splits the top-level describe * calls into different "shards" and instructs karma to only run one shard * at a time, reloading the browser in between each shard and forcing the * memory from the previous shard to be released. * * ## how * * Rather than modify the bundling process to produce multiple testing * bundles, top-level describe calls are sharded by their first argument, * the suite name. * * The number of shards to create is controlled with the TOTAL_CI_SHARDS * constant defined at the top of this file. * * ## controlling sharding * * To control sharding in a specific karma configuration, the total number * of shards to create (?shards=X), and the current shard number * (&shard_num=Y), are added to the testing bundle url and read by the * test_harness/setup_test_sharding[1] module. This allows us to use a * different number of shards in different scenarios (ie. running * `yarn test:browser` runs the tests in a single shard, effectively * disabling sharding) * * These same parameters can also be defined in the URL/query string of the * karma debug page (started when you run `yarn test:dev`). * * ## debugging * * It is *possible* that some tests will only pass if run after/with certain * other suites. To debug this, make sure that your tests pass in isolation * (by clicking the suite name on the karma debug page) and that it runs * correctly in it's given shard (using the `?shards=X&shard_num=Y` query * string params on the karma debug page). You can spot the shard number * a test is running in by searching for the "ready to load tests for shard X" * log message. * * [1]: src/ui/public/test_harness/test_sharding/setup_test_sharding.js */ times(TOTAL_CI_SHARDS, i => { const n = i + 1; config[`ciShard-${n}`] = { singleRun: true, options: { files: [ 'http://localhost:5610/bundles/vendors.bundle.js', 'http://localhost:5610/bundles/commons.bundle.js', `http://localhost:5610/bundles/tests.bundle.js?shards=${TOTAL_CI_SHARDS}&shard_num=${n}`, 'http://localhost:5610/bundles/', 'http://localhost:5610/bundles/', 'http://localhost:5610/bundles/' ] } }; }); return config; };