[[getting-started]] = Getting Started [partintro] -- Ready to get some hands-on experience with Kibana? This tutorial shows you how to: * Load a sample data set into Elasticsearch * Define an index pattern * Discover and explore the sample data * Visualize the data * Assemble visualizations into a dashboard Before you begin, make sure you've <> and established a {kibana-ref}/connect-to-elasticsearch.html[connection to Elasticsearch]. You might also be interested in the https://www.elastic.co/webinars/getting-started-kibana[Getting Started with Kibana] video tutorial. -- include::getting-started/tutorial-load-dataset.asciidoc[] include::getting-started/tutorial-define-index.asciidoc[] include::getting-started/tutorial-discovering.asciidoc[] include::getting-started/tutorial-visualizing.asciidoc[] include::getting-started/tutorial-dashboard.asciidoc[] include::getting-started/wrapping-up.asciidoc[]