[[saved-objects-api]] == Saved Objects API The saved objects API allows people to manage Kibana saved objects, including but not limited to dashboards, visualizations, and index patterns. Traditionally, developers would perform this level of integration by writing documents directly to the `.kibana` index. *Do not do this!* Writing directly to the `.kibana` index is not safe and it _will_ result in corrupted data that permanently breaks Kibana in a future version. NOTE: You cannot access these endpoints via the Console in Kibana. * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> include::saved-objects/get.asciidoc[] include::saved-objects/bulk_get.asciidoc[] include::saved-objects/find.asciidoc[] include::saved-objects/create.asciidoc[] include::saved-objects/bulk_create.asciidoc[] include::saved-objects/update.asciidoc[] include::saved-objects/delete.asciidoc[] include::saved-objects/export.asciidoc[] include::saved-objects/import.asciidoc[] include::saved-objects/resolve_import_conflicts.asciidoc[]