[role="xpack"] [[xpack-monitoring]] = Monitoring [partintro] -- {monitoring} in {kib} serves two separate purposes: . To visualize monitoring data from across the Elastic Stack. You can view health and performance data for {es}, Logstash, and Beats in real time, as well as analyze past performance. For more information, see {xpack-ref}/xpack-monitoring.html[Monitoring the Elastic Stack]. . To monitor {kib} itself and route that data to the monitoring cluster. If you enable {monitoring} across the Elastic Stack, a monitoring agent runs on each {es} node, Logstash node, {kib} instance, and Beat to collect and index metrics. Each node and instance is considered unique based on its persistent UUID, which is written to the <> directory when the node or instance starts. * <> * <> -- include::viewing-metrics.asciidoc[] include::monitoring-troubleshooting.asciidoc[]