[role="xpack"] [[apm-app-users]] == APM app users and privileges :beat_default_index_prefix: apm :beat_kib_app: APM app :annotation_index: observability-annotations ++++ Users and privileges ++++ You can use role-based access control to grant users access to secured resources. The roles that you set up depend on your organization's security requirements and the minimum privileges required to use specific features. {es-security-features} provides {ref}/built-in-roles.html[built-in roles] that grant a subset of the privileges needed by APM users. When possible, assign users the built-in roles to minimize the affect of future changes on your security strategy. If no built-in role is available, you can assign users the privileges needed to accomplish a specific task. In general, there are three types of privileges you'll work with: * **Elasticsearch cluster privileges**: Manage the actions a user can perform against your cluster. * **Elasticsearch index privileges**: Control access to the data in specific indices your cluster. * **Kibana space privileges**: Grant users write or read access to features and apps within Kibana. //// *********************************** *********************************** //// [role="xpack"] [[apm-app-reader]] === APM reader user ++++ Create an APM reader user ++++ [[apm-app-reader-full]] ==== Full APM reader APM reader users typically need to view the APM app, dashboards, and visualizations that contain APM data. These users might also need to create and edit dashboards, visualizations, and machine learning jobs. . Assign the following built-in roles: + [options="header"] |==== |Role | Purpose |`kibana_admin` |Grants access to all features in Kibana. |`apm_user` |Grants the privileges required for APM users on +{beat_default_index_prefix}*+ indices |`machine_learning_admin` |Grants the privileges required to create, update, and view machine learning jobs |==== [[apm-app-reader-partial]] ==== Partial APM reader In some instances, you may wish to restrict certain Kibana apps that a user has access to. . Assign the following built in roles: + [options="header"] |==== |Role | Purpose |`apm_user` |Grants the privileges required for APM users on +{beat_default_index_prefix}*+ indices |==== . Assign space privileges to any Kibana space that the user needs access to. Here are two examples: + [options="header"] |==== |Type | Privilege | Purpose | Spaces | `Read` or `All` on the {beat_kib_app} | Allow the use of the the {beat_kib_app} | Spaces | `Read` or `All` on Dashboards and Discover | Allow the user to view, edit, and create dashboards, as well as browse data. |==== . Finally, assign the following role if a user needs to enable and edit machine learning features: + [options="header"] |==== |Role | Purpose |`machine_learning_admin` |Grants the privileges required to create, update, and view machine learning jobs |==== //// *********************************** *********************************** //// [role="xpack"] [[apm-app-annotation-user-create]] === APM app annotation user ++++ Create an annotation user ++++ NOTE: By default, the `apm_user` built-in role provides access to Observability annotations. You only need to create an annotation user if the default annotation index defined in <> has been customized. [[apm-app-annotation-user]] ==== Annotation user View deployment annotations in the APM app. . Create a new role, named something like `annotation_user`, and assign the following privileges: + [options="header"] |==== |Type | Privilege | Purpose |Index |`read` on +\{ANNOTATION_INDEX\}+^1^ |Read-only access to the observability annotation index |Index |`view_index_metadata` on +\{ANNOTATION_INDEX\}+^1^ |Read-only access to observability annotation index metadata |==== + ^1^ +\{ANNOTATION_INDEX\}+ should be the index name you've defined in <>. . Assign the `annotation_user` created previously, and the built-in roles necessary to create a <> or <> APM reader to any users that need to view annotations in the APM app [[apm-app-annotation-api]] ==== Annotation API See <>. //// *********************************** *********************************** //// [role="xpack"] [[apm-app-central-config-user]] === APM app central config user ++++ Create a central config user ++++ [[apm-app-central-config-manager]] ==== Central configuration manager Central configuration users need to be able to view, create, update, and delete Agent configurations. . Assign the following built-in roles: + [options="header"] |==== |Role | Purpose |`apm_user` |Grants the privileges required for APM users on +{beat_default_index_prefix}*+ indices |==== . Assign the following Kibana space privileges: + [options="header"] |==== |Type | Privilege | Purpose | Spaces |`All` on {beat_kib_app} |Allow full use of the {beat_kib_app} |==== [[apm-app-central-config-reader]] ==== Central configuration reader In some instances, you may wish to create a user that can only read central configurations, but not create, update, or delete them. . Assign the following built-in roles: + [options="header"] |==== |Role | Purpose |`apm_user` |Grants the privileges required for APM users on +{beat_default_index_prefix}*+ indices |==== . Assign the following Kibana space privileges: + [options="header"] |==== |Type | Privilege | Purpose | Spaces |`read` on the {beat_kib_app} |Allow read access to the {beat_kib_app} |==== [[apm-app-central-config-api]] ==== Central configuration API See <>. //// *********************************** *********************************** //// [role="xpack"] [[apm-app-api-user]] === APM app API user ++++ Create an API user ++++ [[apm-app-api-config-manager]] ==== Central configuration API Users can list, search, create, update, and delete central configurations via the APM app API. . Assign the following Kibana space privileges: + [options="header"] |==== |Type | Privilege | Purpose | Spaces |`all` on the {beat_kib_app} |Allow all access to the {beat_kib_app} |==== [[apm-app-api-config-reader]] ==== Central configuration API reader Sometimes a user only needs to list and search central configurations via the APM app API. . Assign the following Kibana space privileges: + [options="header"] |==== |Type | Privilege | Purpose | Spaces |`read` on the {beat_kib_app} |Allow read access to the {beat_kib_app} |==== [[apm-app-api-annotation-manager]] ==== Annotation API Users can use the annotation API to create annotations on their APM data. . Create a new role, named something like `annotation_role`, and assign the following privileges: + [options="header"] |==== |Type | Privilege | Purpose |Index |`manage` on +{annotation_index}+ index |Check if the +{annotation_index}+ index exists |Index |`read` on +{annotation_index}+ index |Read the +{annotation_index}+ index |Index |`create_index` on +{annotation_index}+ index |Create the +{annotation_index}+ index |Index |`create_doc` on +{annotation_index}+ index |Create new annotations in the +{annotation_index}+ index |==== . Assign the `annotation_role` created previously, and the following Kibana space privileges to any annotation API users: + [options="header"] |==== |Type | Privilege | Purpose | Spaces |`all` on the {beat_kib_app} |Allow all access to the {beat_kib_app} |==== //LEARN MORE //Learn more about <>.