[role="xpack"] [[vector-layer]] == Vector layer Vector layers display points, lines, and polygons. [role="screenshot"] image::maps/images/vector_layer.png[] To add a vector layer to your map, click *Add layer*, then select one of the following: *Choropleth*:: Shaded areas to compare statistics across boundaries. *Clusters and grids*:: Geospatial data grouped in grids with metrics for each gridded cell. The index must contain at least one field mapped as {ref}/geo-point.html[geo_point] or {ref}/geo-shape.html[geo_shape]. *Documents*:: Points, lines, and polyons from Elasticsearch. The index must contain at least one field mapped as {ref}/geo-point.html[geo_point] or {ref}/geo-shape.html[geo_shape]. NOTE: Document results are limited to the `index.max_result_window` index setting, which defaults to 10000. Use <> to plot large data sets. *EMS Boundaries*:: Administrative boundaries from https://www.elastic.co/elastic-maps-service[Elastic Maps Service]. *Point to point*:: Aggregated data paths between the source and destination. The index must contain at least 2 fields mapped as {ref}/geo-point.html[geo_point], source and destination. *Upload Geojson*:: Index GeoJSON data in Elasticsearch. include::vector-style.asciidoc[] include::vector-style-properties.asciidoc[] include::vector-tooltips.asciidoc[]