#!/usr/bin/env groovy library identifier: 'apm@current', retriever: modernSCM( [$class: 'GitSCMSource', credentialsId: 'f94e9298-83ae-417e-ba91-85c279771570', id: '37cf2c00-2cc7-482e-8c62-7bbffef475e2', remote: 'git@github.com:elastic/apm-pipeline-library.git']) pipeline { agent { label 'linux && immutable' } environment { BASE_DIR = 'src/github.com/elastic/kibana' HOME = "${env.WORKSPACE}" E2E_DIR = 'x-pack/plugins/apm/e2e' PIPELINE_LOG_LEVEL = 'INFO' KBN_OPTIMIZER_THEMES = 'v7light' } options { timeout(time: 1, unit: 'HOURS') buildDiscarder(logRotator(numToKeepStr: '30', artifactNumToKeepStr: '10', daysToKeepStr: '30')) timestamps() ansiColor('xterm') disableResume() durabilityHint('PERFORMANCE_OPTIMIZED') } triggers { issueCommentTrigger('(?i)(retest|.*jenkins\\W+run\\W+(?:the\\W+)?e2e?.*)') } parameters { booleanParam(name: 'FORCE', defaultValue: false, description: 'Whether to force the run.') } stages { stage('Checkout') { options { skipDefaultCheckout() } steps { deleteDir() gitCheckout(basedir: "${BASE_DIR}", githubNotifyFirstTimeContributor: false, shallow: false, reference: "/var/lib/jenkins/.git-references/kibana.git") // Filter when to run based on the below reasons: // - On a PRs when: // - There are changes related to the APM UI project // - only when the owners of those changes are members of the given GitHub teams // - On merges to branches when: // - There are changes related to the APM UI project // - FORCE parameter is set to true. script { def apm_updated = false dir("${BASE_DIR}"){ apm_updated = isGitRegionMatch(patterns: [ "^x-pack/plugins/apm/.*" ]) } if (isPR()) { def isMember = isMemberOf(user: env.CHANGE_AUTHOR, team: ['apm-ui', 'uptime']) setEnvVar('RUN_APM_E2E', params.FORCE || (apm_updated && isMember)) } else { setEnvVar('RUN_APM_E2E', params.FORCE || apm_updated) } } } } stage('Prepare Kibana') { options { skipDefaultCheckout() } when { expression { return env.RUN_APM_E2E != "false" } } environment { JENKINS_NODE_COOKIE = 'dontKillMe' } steps { notifyStatus('Preparing kibana', 'PENDING') dir("${BASE_DIR}"){ sh "${E2E_DIR}/ci/prepare-kibana.sh" } } post { unsuccessful { notifyStatus('Kibana warm up failed', 'FAILURE') } } } stage('Smoke Tests'){ options { skipDefaultCheckout() } when { expression { return env.RUN_APM_E2E != "false" } } steps{ notifyTestStatus('Running smoke tests', 'PENDING') dir("${BASE_DIR}"){ sh "${E2E_DIR}/ci/run-e2e.sh" } } post { always { dir("${BASE_DIR}/${E2E_DIR}"){ archiveArtifacts(allowEmptyArchive: false, artifacts: 'cypress/screenshots/**,cypress/videos/**,cypress/test-results/*e2e-tests.xml') junit(allowEmptyResults: true, testResults: 'cypress/test-results/*e2e-tests.xml') dir('tmp/apm-integration-testing'){ sh 'docker-compose logs > apm-its-docker.log || true' sh 'docker-compose down -v || true' archiveArtifacts(allowEmptyArchive: true, artifacts: 'apm-its-docker.log') } archiveArtifacts(allowEmptyArchive: true, artifacts: 'tmp/*.log') } } unsuccessful { notifyTestStatus('Test failures', 'FAILURE') } success { notifyTestStatus('Tests passed', 'SUCCESS') } } } } post { always { dir("${BASE_DIR}"){ archiveArtifacts(allowEmptyArchive: true, artifacts: "${E2E_DIR}/kibana.log") } } } } def notifyStatus(String description, String status) { withGithubStatus.notify('end2end-for-apm-ui', description, status, getBlueoceanTabURL('pipeline')) } def notifyTestStatus(String description, String status) { withGithubStatus.notify('end2end-for-apm-ui', description, status, getBlueoceanTabURL('tests')) }