var sinon = require('sinon'); var autoRelease = require('auto-release-sinon'); require('babel/register')(require('../src/optimize/babel_options').node); // hook into the global afterEach variable to allow autoReleaseSinon to register // an afterEach handler before mocha has exposed itself to the test files. // // This works by telling autoReleaseSinon to use a fake "afterEach" function. // Rather than actually record an afterEach handler the function tracks all of // the calls it received and queues them up in queuedAfterEachArgs. // // The global "afterEach" variable is also tracked, and once it is assigned by mocha // the variable global is reconfigured to point directly to the new value (from mocha) // and all of the queued invocations are executed. var queuedAfterEachArgs = []; Object.defineProperty(global, 'afterEach', { configurable: true, get() { return undefined; }, set(afterEach) { Object.defineProperty(global, 'afterEach', { configurable: true, writable: true, value: afterEach }); queuedAfterEachArgs.forEach(function (args) { afterEach.apply(null, args); }); return global.afterEach; } }); autoRelease.setupAutoRelease(sinon, function () { if (!global.afterEach) { queuedAfterEachArgs.push(; } else { global.afterEach.apply(this, arguments); } });