[[saved-objects-api]] == Saved objects APIs Manage {kib} saved objects, including dashboards, visualizations, index patterns, and more. WARNING: Do not write documents directly to the `.kibana` index. When you write directly to the `.kibana` index, the data becomes corrupted and permanently breaks future {kib} versions. The following saved objects APIs are available: * <> to retrieve a single {kib} saved object by ID * <> to retrieve multiple {kib} saved objects by ID * <> to retrieve a paginated set of {kib} saved objects by various conditions * <> to create {kib} saved objects * <> to create multiple {kib} saved objects * <> to update the attributes for existing {kib} saved objects * <> to remove {kib} saved objects * <> to retrieve sets of saved objects that you want to import into {kib} * <> to create sets of {kib} saved objects from a file created by the export API * <> to resolve errors from the import API include::saved-objects/get.asciidoc[] include::saved-objects/bulk_get.asciidoc[] include::saved-objects/find.asciidoc[] include::saved-objects/create.asciidoc[] include::saved-objects/bulk_create.asciidoc[] include::saved-objects/update.asciidoc[] include::saved-objects/delete.asciidoc[] include::saved-objects/export.asciidoc[] include::saved-objects/import.asciidoc[] include::saved-objects/resolve_import_errors.asciidoc[]