const camelCase = require('lodash').camelCase; require('babel/register')(require('./src/optimize/babel_options').node); module.exports = function (grunt) { // set the config once before calling load-grunt-config // and once during so that we have access to it via // grunt.config.get() within the config files const config = { pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'), root: __dirname, src: __dirname + '/src', buildDir: __dirname + '/build', // temporary build directory plugins: __dirname + '/src/core_plugins', server: __dirname + '/src/server', target: __dirname + '/target', // location of the compressed build targets testUtilsDir: __dirname + '/src/test_utils', configFile: __dirname + '/src/config/kibana.yml', karmaBrowser: (function () { if (grunt.option('browser')) { return grunt.option('browser'); } switch (require('os').platform()) { case 'win32': return 'IE'; default: return 'Chrome'; } }()), nodeVersion:'.node-version').trim(), meta: { banner: '/*! <%= %> - v<%= package.version %> - ' + '<%="yyyy-mm-dd") %>\n' + '<%= package.homepage ? " * " + package.homepage + "\\n" : "" %>' + ' * Copyright (c) <%="yyyy") %> <%= %>;' + ' Licensed <%= package.license %> */\n' }, lintThese: [ 'Gruntfile.js', '<%= root %>/tasks/**/*.js', '<%= root %>/test/**/*.js', '<%= src %>/**/*.js', '!<%= src %>/ui/public/angular-bootstrap/**/*.js', '!<%= src %>/core_plugins/timelion/bower_components/**/*.js', '!<%= src %>/core_plugins/timelion/vendor_components/**/*.js', '!<%= src %>/fixtures/**/*.js', '!<%= root %>/test/fixtures/scenarios/**/*.js' ], deepModules: { 'caniuse-db': '1.0.30000265', 'chalk': '1.1.0', 'glob': '4.5.3', 'har-validator': '1.8.0', 'json5': '0.4.0', 'loader-utils': '0.2.11', 'micromatch': '2.2.0', 'postcss-normalize-url': '2.1.1', 'postcss-reduce-idents': '1.0.2', 'postcss-unique-selectors': '1.0.0', 'postcss-minify-selectors': '1.4.6', 'postcss-single-charset': '0.3.0', 'regenerator': '0.8.36', 'readable-stream': '2.1.0' } }; grunt.config.merge(config); // must run before even services/platforms grunt.config.set('build', require('./tasks/config/build')(grunt)); config.packageScriptsDir = __dirname + '/tasks/build/package_scripts'; // ensure that these run first, other configs need them = require('./tasks/config/services')(grunt); config.platforms = require('./tasks/config/platforms')(grunt); grunt.config.merge(config); // load plugins require('load-grunt-config')(grunt, { configPath: __dirname + '/tasks/config', init: true, config: config, loadGruntTasks: { pattern: ['grunt-*', '@*/grunt-*', 'gruntify-*', '@*/gruntify-*', 'intern'] } }); // load task definitions grunt.task.loadTasks('tasks'); grunt.task.loadTasks('tasks/build'); };