[role="xpack"] [[create-canvas-workpad]] == Create a workpad A Canvas _workpad_ provides you with a workspace where you can build presentations of your live data. To create a workpad, you can: * <> * <> * <> * <> [float] [[blank-canvas-workpad]] === Start with a blank page To use the background colors, images, and data of your choice, start with a blank workpad. . Open *Canvas*. . On the *Canvas workpads* view, click *Create workpad*. . Add a *Name* to your workpad. . In the *Width* and *Height* fields, specify the size. . Select the layout. + For example, click *720p* for a traditional presentation layout. . Click the *Background color* picker, then select the background color for your workpad. + [role="screenshot"] image::images/canvas-background-color-picker.gif[Canvas color picker] [float] [[canvas-template-workpad]] === Create a workpad from a template If you're unsure about where to start, you can use one of the preconfigured templates that come with Canvas. . Open *Canvas*. . On the *Canvas workpads* view, select *Templates*. . Click the preconfigured template that you want to use. . Add your own *Name* to the workpad. [float] [[import-canvas-workpad]] === Import an existing workpad When you want to use a workpad that someone else has already started, import the JSON file into Canvas. . Open *Canvas*. . On the *Canvas workpads* view, click and drag the file to the *Import workpad JSON file* field. [float] [[sample-data-workpad]] === Use a sample data workpad Each of the sample data sets comes with a Canvas workpad that you can use for your own workpad inspiration. . Add a {kibana-ref}/add-sample-data.html[sample data set]. . On the *Add Data to Kibana* page, click the *View data* dropdown list, then select *Canvas*. + Need some more workpad inspiration? Check out the link:https://www.elastic.co/blog/[Elastic Blog]. [float] [[apply-workpad-styles]] == Apply a set of styles to the entire workpad To make your workpad look exactly the way you want, use the editor on the right to apply CSS overrides. . Expand *Global CSS overrides*. . Enter the CSS. For example, to change the background on every page, enter: + [source,js] -------------------------------------------------- .canvasPage { background-color: #3990e6; } -------------------------------------------------- . Click *Apply stylesheet*.