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"src/core/public/chrome/recently_accessed/recently_accessed_service.ts", "lineNumber": 58 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.ChromeRecentlyAccessed.add", "type": "Function", "tags": [], "label": "add", "description": [ "\nAdds a new item to the recently accessed history.\n" ], "signature": [ "(link: string, label: string, id: string) => void" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/chrome/recently_accessed/recently_accessed_service.ts", "lineNumber": 71 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.ChromeRecentlyAccessed.add.$1", "type": "string", "tags": [], "label": "link", "description": [ "a relative URL to the resource (not including the {@link HttpStart.basePath | `http.basePath`})" ], "signature": [ "string" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/chrome/recently_accessed/recently_accessed_service.ts", "lineNumber": 71 }, "deprecated": false, "isRequired": true }, { "parentPluginId": "core", 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"src/core/public/chrome/types.ts", "lineNumber": 128 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.ChromeStart.setBrand.$1", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "brand", "description": [], "signature": [ { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "public", "docId": "kibCoreChromePluginApi", "section": "def-public.ChromeBrand", "text": "ChromeBrand" } ], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/chrome/types.ts", "lineNumber": 128 }, "deprecated": false, "isRequired": true } ], "returnComment": [] }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.ChromeStart.getIsVisible$", "type": "Function", "tags": [], "label": "getIsVisible$", "description": [ "\nGet an observable of the current visibility state of the chrome." ], "signature": [ "() => ", "Observable", "" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/chrome/types.ts", "lineNumber": 133 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [], "returnComment": [] }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.ChromeStart.setIsVisible", "type": "Function", "tags": [], "label": "setIsVisible", "description": [ "\nSet the temporary visibility for the chrome. This does nothing if the chrome is hidden\nby default and should be used to hide the chrome for things like full-screen modes\nwith an exit button." ], "signature": [ "(isVisible: boolean) => void" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/chrome/types.ts", "lineNumber": 140 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.ChromeStart.setIsVisible.$1", "type": "boolean", "tags": [], "label": "isVisible", "description": [], "signature": [ "boolean" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/chrome/types.ts", "lineNumber": 140 }, "deprecated": false, "isRequired": true } ], "returnComment": [] }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.ChromeStart.getApplicationClasses$", "type": "Function", "tags": [], "label": "getApplicationClasses$", "description": [ "\nGet the current set of classNames that will be set on the application container." ], "signature": [ "() => ", "Observable", "" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/chrome/types.ts", "lineNumber": 145 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [], "returnComment": [] }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.ChromeStart.addApplicationClass", "type": "Function", "tags": [], "label": "addApplicationClass", "description": [ "\nAdd a className that should be set on the application container." ], "signature": [ "(className: string) => void" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/chrome/types.ts", "lineNumber": 150 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.ChromeStart.addApplicationClass.$1", "type": "string", "tags": [], "label": "className", "description": [], "signature": [ "string" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/chrome/types.ts", "lineNumber": 150 }, "deprecated": false, "isRequired": true } ], "returnComment": [] }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.ChromeStart.removeApplicationClass", "type": "Function", "tags": [], "label": "removeApplicationClass", "description": [ "\nRemove a className added with `addApplicationClass()`. If className is unknown it is ignored." ], "signature": [ "(className: string) => void" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/chrome/types.ts", "lineNumber": 155 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.ChromeStart.removeApplicationClass.$1", "type": "string", "tags": [], "label": "className", "description": [], "signature": [ "string" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/chrome/types.ts", "lineNumber": 155 }, "deprecated": false, "isRequired": true } ], "returnComment": [] }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.ChromeStart.getBadge$", "type": "Function", "tags": [], "label": "getBadge$", "description": [ "\nGet an observable of the current badge" ], "signature": [ "() => ", "Observable", "<", { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "public", "docId": "kibCoreChromePluginApi", "section": "def-public.ChromeBadge", "text": "ChromeBadge" }, " | undefined>" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/chrome/types.ts", "lineNumber": 160 }, 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