James Gowdy 01d8f00b50
[ML] Refactor in preparation for new es client (#74552)
* [ML] Refactor in preparation for new es client

* removing commented out code

Co-authored-by: Elastic Machine <>
2020-08-11 08:53:16 +01:00

273 lines
7.9 KiB

* Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one
* or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License;
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the Elastic License.
import { schema } from '@kbn/config-schema';
import { Request } from 'hapi';
import { ILegacyScopedClusterClient } from 'kibana/server';
import { wrapError } from '../client/error_wrapper';
import { mlLog } from '../client/log';
import { capabilitiesProvider } from '../lib/capabilities';
import { spacesUtilsProvider } from '../lib/spaces_utils';
import { RouteInitialization, SystemRouteDeps } from '../types';
* System routes
export function systemRoutes(
{ router, mlLicense }: RouteInitialization,
{ spaces, cloud, resolveMlCapabilities }: SystemRouteDeps
) {
async function getNodeCount(legacyClient: ILegacyScopedClusterClient) {
const filterPath = 'nodes.*.attributes';
const resp = await legacyClient.callAsInternalUser('', {
let count = 0;
if (typeof resp.nodes === 'object') {
Object.keys(resp.nodes).forEach((k) => {
if (resp.nodes[k].attributes !== undefined) {
const maxOpenJobs = resp.nodes[k].attributes['ml.max_open_jobs'];
if (maxOpenJobs !== null && maxOpenJobs > 0) {
return { count };
* @apiGroup SystemRoutes
* @api {post} /api/ml/_has_privileges Check privileges
* @apiName HasPrivileges
* @apiDescription Checks if the user has required privileges
path: '/api/ml/_has_privileges',
validate: {
body: schema.maybe(schema.any()),
options: {
tags: ['access:ml:canAccessML'],
mlLicense.basicLicenseAPIGuard(async ({ legacyClient, request, response }) => {
try {
const { callAsCurrentUser, callAsInternalUser } = legacyClient;
let upgradeInProgress = false;
try {
const info = await callAsInternalUser('');
// if ml indices are currently being migrated, upgrade_mode will be set to true
// pass this back with the privileges to allow for the disabling of UI controls.
upgradeInProgress = info.upgrade_mode === true;
} catch (error) {
// if the check fails, it could be due to the user having insufficient privileges
// most likely they do not have the ml_user role and therefore will be blocked from using
// ML at all. However, we need to catch this error so the privilege check doesn't fail.
if (error.status === 403) {
'Unable to determine whether upgrade is being performed due to insufficient user privileges'
} else {
mlLog.warn('Unable to determine whether upgrade is being performed');
if (mlLicense.isSecurityEnabled() === false) {
// if has been explicitly set to false
// return that security is disabled and don't call the privilegeCheck endpoint
return response.ok({
body: {
securityDisabled: true,
} else {
const body = request.body;
const resp = await callAsCurrentUser('ml.privilegeCheck', { body });
resp.upgradeInProgress = upgradeInProgress;
return response.ok({
body: resp,
} catch (error) {
return response.customError(wrapError(error));
* @apiGroup SystemRoutes
* @api {get} /api/ml/ml_capabilities Check ML capabilities
* @apiName MlCapabilitiesResponse
* @apiDescription Checks ML capabilities
path: '/api/ml/ml_capabilities',
validate: false,
mlLicense.basicLicenseAPIGuard(async ({ legacyClient, request, response }) => {
try {
// if spaces is disabled force isMlEnabledInSpace to be true
const { isMlEnabledInSpace } =
spaces !== undefined
? spacesUtilsProvider(spaces, (request as unknown) as Request)
: { isMlEnabledInSpace: async () => true };
const mlCapabilities = await resolveMlCapabilities(request);
if (mlCapabilities === null) {
return response.customError(wrapError(new Error('resolveMlCapabilities is not defined')));
const { getCapabilities } = capabilitiesProvider(
return response.ok({
body: await getCapabilities(),
} catch (error) {
return response.customError(wrapError(error));
* @apiGroup SystemRoutes
* @api {get} /api/ml/ml_node_count Get the amount of ML nodes
* @apiName MlNodeCount
* @apiDescription Returns the amount of ML nodes.
path: '/api/ml/ml_node_count',
validate: false,
options: {
tags: ['access:ml:canGetJobs', 'access:ml:canGetDatafeeds'],
mlLicense.basicLicenseAPIGuard(async ({ legacyClient, request, response }) => {
try {
return response.ok({
body: await getNodeCount(legacyClient),
} catch (e) {
return response.customError(wrapError(e));
* @apiGroup SystemRoutes
* @api {get} /api/ml/info Get ML info
* @apiName MlInfo
* @apiDescription Returns defaults and limits used by machine learning.
path: '/api/ml/info',
validate: false,
options: {
tags: ['access:ml:canAccessML'],
mlLicense.basicLicenseAPIGuard(async ({ legacyClient, request, response }) => {
try {
const info = await legacyClient.callAsInternalUser('');
const cloudId = cloud && cloud.cloudId;
return response.ok({
body: {, cloudId },
} catch (error) {
return response.customError(wrapError(error));
* @apiGroup SystemRoutes
* @apiDeprecated
* @api {post} /api/ml/es_search ES Search wrapper
* @apiName MlEsSearch
path: '/api/ml/es_search',
validate: {
body: schema.maybe(schema.any()),
options: {
tags: ['access:ml:canGetJobs'],
mlLicense.fullLicenseAPIGuard(async ({ legacyClient, request, response }) => {
try {
return response.ok({
body: await legacyClient.callAsCurrentUser('search', request.body),
} catch (error) {
return response.customError(wrapError(error));
* @apiGroup SystemRoutes
* @api {post} /api/ml/index_exists ES Field caps wrapper checks if index exists
* @apiName MlIndexExists
path: '/api/ml/index_exists',
validate: {
body: schema.object({ index: schema.string() }),
options: {
tags: ['access:ml:canGetJobs'],
mlLicense.fullLicenseAPIGuard(async ({ legacyClient, request, response }) => {
try {
const { index } = request.body;
const options = {
index: [index],
fields: ['*'],
ignoreUnavailable: true,
allowNoIndices: true,
ignore: 404,
const fieldsResult = await legacyClient.callAsCurrentUser('fieldCaps', options);
const result = { exists: false };
if (Array.isArray(fieldsResult.indices) && fieldsResult.indices.length !== 0) {
result.exists = true;
return response.ok({
body: result,
} catch (error) {
return response.customError(wrapError(error));