Dmitry Lemeshko 0bd3b4fdfb
Replace Leadfoot with WebDriver API (#26477)
* [services/browser] switch to webdriver API

* [services/find] switch to webdriver API

* [services/remote] update to use webdriver service

* rename WebDriver service

* [services/remote] remove browser_driver_api

* [services/find] update to use WebDriver element wrapper

* [services/web_element_wrapper] use wrapped elements

* [services/find] use element wrapped moveMouseTo function

* [services/find] fix webdriver service init, add missing functions

* add missing functions for Leadfoot Element API

* [services/web_element_wrapper] add search by tag name

* tune WebDriver API calls to match Leadfoot

* Fixed implementation of moveMouseTo that is causing el.getClientRect error.

* fix references to WebElementWrapper

* [services/find] fix findElement call on webElementWrapper object

* fix issues in find and test_subject services

* [web_element_wrapper] add search by partial link text

* [services/find] adjust wrapper functions with Leadfoot API to support tests

* fix dragAnDrop & filer on elements displayed

* [visualise_page] improve searching of bucket element

* [discover_page] wait for visualisation loaded + dragAndDrop

* [service/find] fix exists, add pressKey for element

* fixes for visualize tests

* [services/browser] update dragAnddrop

* Made change to test to use move() code path in drag and drop.

* tune page objects for chart tests

* fix discover & xpack tests

* [page_objects/upgrade_assistant] fix locator

* [page_objects/discover_page] retry on brushHistogram to fix staleElementException

* update dragAndDrop, retry on getHeaders

* retry on getTextTag

* [services/screenshots] fix webdriver image take

* skip histogram brushed test & remove --bail

* use legacyAction for dragAndDrop with offset

* add missing await

* page objects update

* increase mocha timeout to 5 min

* use data-rendering-count to track visualization loading completion

* adjust waitForVisualizationRenderingCompleted

* [page_objects/visualize_page] add waiting for visualization

* fixes for xpack functional tests

* improve logging in find & testSubjects

* [services/find] fix wrapped element usage

* [page_objects/visual_builder_page] use BACK_SPACE key, supported by WebDriver

* page objects fix

* [services/test_subjects] add async/await

* [visualize/_tile_map] add missing await in tests

* fix tile_map tests for webdriver

* replace bluebird.prop with async/await

* try to wait for rendering in openLegendOptionColors

* additional logs in find.allByCssSelector

* [services/find] fix implicit wait  handling

* fix mapping in getRowsFromTable

* add timeouts and waitForVisualisation in failed tests

* [services/test_subjects] set default timeout to FIND_TIME

* [services/test_subjects] replace bluebird.filter with for loop

* replace retry.try with waitForVisualisation

* add 'visualize' PO import

* [services/web_element_wrapper] add scrollIntoView support

* fixing kibana-intake

* fixes after merging master

* Switching browser temporarily to firefox to get a CI run on FF.

* set chrome back to default browser

* print logs for some WebElementWrapper functions

* fix _wrap function

* update NOTICE.txt

* Fixed some firefox config to get the browser working. Consolidated some of the calls to build out the driver.

* Cleaning driver instance creation

* Added network throttling option for chrome.

* fix implicit wait setting

* uncomment bail

* adjust waiting for timepicker popup

* [services/inspector] process table in sequence

* Added conditional for TEST_THROTTLE_NETWORK option along with updating the speed and comments.

* add cheerio checks

* [services/apps_menu] get links quicker via innerHtml

* install webdriver dependency via yarn

* [services/combo_box] wrap getComboBoxSelectedOptions with retry

* remove leadfoot

* [testSubjects] remove unnecessary method

* [ftr/browser] explicitly export specific keys, keep `BACKSPACE` name

* Revert "[ftr/browser] explicitly export specific keys, keep `BACKSPACE` name"

This reverts commit 779335f2d4.

* [ftr/filterBar] allow finding filters even if they're off the page

* [webdriver] write verbose logs

* [webdriver] shim executor to run all commands in series

Best we can tell WebDriver locks up sometimes when we send too many
commands at once, sometimes... It causes random lockups where we never
receive another response from WedDriver and we don't want to live with
that risk, so for now I've shimmed the Executor class in WebDiver to
queue all calls to Executor#send() if there is already a call in

* [webdriver] add comment about why we're shimming

* [webdriver] fix queue, actually put things there and take things off

* run all functional four times per build

* [webdriver] extract preventParallelCalls to test it

* Revert "run all functional four times per build"

This reverts commit f91996d977.
2019-02-16 08:29:29 +01:00

420 lines
13 KiB

"name": "kibana",
"description": "Kibana is a browser based analytics and search dashboard for Elasticsearch. Kibana is a snap to setup and start using. Kibana strives to be easy to get started with, while also being flexible and powerful, just like Elasticsearch.",
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