2021-03-29 07:50:27 +02:00

419 lines
12 KiB

* Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one
* or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License
* 2.0; you may not use this file except in compliance with the Elastic License
* 2.0.
import expect from '@kbn/expect';
import { FtrProviderContext } from '../common/ftr_provider_context';
import { registry } from '../common/registry';
export default function featureControlsTests({ getService }: FtrProviderContext) {
const supertest = getService('supertestAsApmWriteUser');
const supertestWithoutAuth = getService('supertestWithoutAuth');
const security = getService('security');
const spaces = getService('spaces');
const es = getService('es');
const log = getService('log');
const start = encodeURIComponent(new Date( - 10000).toISOString());
const end = encodeURIComponent(new Date().toISOString());
const expect403 = (result: any) => {
const expect200 = (result: any) => {
interface Endpoint {
req: {
url: string;
method?: 'get' | 'post' | 'delete' | 'put';
body?: any;
expectForbidden: (result: any) => void;
expectResponse: (result: any) => void;
onExpectationFail?: () => Promise<any>;
const endpoints: Endpoint[] = [
// this doubles as a smoke test for the _inspect query parameter
req: {
url: `/api/apm/services/foo/errors?start=${start}&end=${end}&_inspect=true`,
expectForbidden: expect403,
expectResponse: expect200,
req: { url: `/api/apm/services/foo/errors/bar?start=${start}&end=${end}` },
expectForbidden: expect403,
expectResponse: expect200,
req: {
url: `/api/apm/services/foo/errors/distribution?start=${start}&end=${end}&groupId=bar`,
expectForbidden: expect403,
expectResponse: expect200,
req: {
url: `/api/apm/services/foo/errors/distribution?start=${start}&end=${end}`,
expectForbidden: expect403,
expectResponse: expect200,
req: {
url: `/api/apm/services/foo/metrics/charts?start=${start}&end=${end}&agentName=cool-agent`,
expectForbidden: expect403,
expectResponse: expect200,
req: { url: `/api/apm/services?start=${start}&end=${end}` },
expectForbidden: expect403,
expectResponse: expect200,
req: { url: `/api/apm/services/foo/agent_name?start=${start}&end=${end}` },
expectForbidden: expect403,
expectResponse: expect200,
req: { url: `/api/apm/services/foo/transaction_types?start=${start}&end=${end}` },
expectForbidden: expect403,
expectResponse: expect200,
req: { url: `/api/apm/traces?start=${start}&end=${end}` },
expectForbidden: expect403,
expectResponse: expect200,
req: { url: `/api/apm/traces/foo?start=${start}&end=${end}` },
expectForbidden: expect403,
expectResponse: expect200,
req: {
url: `/api/apm/services/foo/transactions/groups?start=${start}&end=${end}&transactionType=bar`,
expectForbidden: expect403,
expectResponse: expect200,
req: {
url: `/api/apm/services/foo/transactions/charts/latency?environment=testing&start=${start}&end=${end}&transactionType=bar&latencyAggregationType=avg`,
expectForbidden: expect403,
expectResponse: expect200,
req: {
url: `/api/apm/services/foo/transactions/charts/latency?environment=testing&start=${start}&end=${end}&transactionType=bar&latencyAggregationType=avg&transactionName=baz`,
expectForbidden: expect403,
expectResponse: expect200,
req: {
url: `/api/apm/services/foo/transactions/charts/throughput?environment=testing&start=${start}&end=${end}&transactionType=bar`,
expectForbidden: expect403,
expectResponse: expect200,
req: {
url: `/api/apm/services/foo/transactions/charts/throughput?environment=testing&start=${start}&end=${end}&transactionType=bar&transactionName=baz`,
expectForbidden: expect403,
expectResponse: expect200,
req: {
url: `/api/apm/services/foo/transactions/charts/distribution?start=${start}&end=${end}&transactionType=bar&transactionName=baz`,
expectForbidden: expect403,
expectResponse: expect200,
req: {
method: 'post',
url: `/api/apm/settings/agent-configuration/search`,
body: { service: { name: 'test-service' }, etag: 'abc' },
expectForbidden: expect403,
expectResponse: expect200,
onExpectationFail: async () => {
const res = await{
index: '.apm-agent-configuration',
log.error(JSON.stringify(res, null, 2));
req: {
url: `/api/apm/settings/custom_links/transaction`,
expectForbidden: expect403,
expectResponse: expect200,
req: {
url: `/api/apm/services/foo/metadata/details?start=${start}&end=${end}`,
expectForbidden: expect403,
expectResponse: expect200,
req: {
url: `/api/apm/services/foo/metadata/icons?start=${start}&end=${end}`,
expectForbidden: expect403,
expectResponse: expect200,
const elasticsearchPrivileges = {
indices: [
{ names: ['apm-*'], privileges: ['read', 'view_index_metadata'] },
{ names: ['.apm-agent-configuration'], privileges: ['read', 'write', 'view_index_metadata'] },
{ names: ['.apm-custom-link'], privileges: ['read', 'write', 'view_index_metadata'] },
async function executeAsUser(
{ method = 'get', url, body }: Endpoint['req'],
username: string,
password: string,
spaceId?: string
) {
const basePath = spaceId ? `/s/${spaceId}` : '';
let request = supertestWithoutAuth[method](`${basePath}${url}`);
// json body
if (body) {
request = request.send(body);
return await request
.auth(username, password)
.set('kbn-xsrf', 'foo')
.then((response: any) => ({ error: undefined, response }))
.catch((error: any) => ({ error, response: undefined }));
async function executeAsAdmin({ method = 'get', url, body }: Endpoint['req'], spaceId?: string) {
const basePath = spaceId ? `/s/${spaceId}` : '';
const fullPath = `${basePath}${url}`;
let request = supertest[method](fullPath);
// json body
if (body) {
request = request.send(body);
const response = await request.set('kbn-xsrf', 'foo');
const { status } = response;
if (status !== 200) {
throw new Error(`Endpoint: ${method} ${fullPath}
Status code: ${status}
Response: ${response.body.message}`);
return response;
async function executeRequests({
}: {
username: string;
password: string;
expectation: 'forbidden' | 'response';
spaceId?: string;
}) {
for (const endpoint of endpoints) {`Requesting: ${endpoint.req.url}. Expecting: ${expectation}`);
const result = await executeAsUser(endpoint.req, username, password, spaceId);`Responded: ${endpoint.req.url}`);
try {
if (expectation === 'forbidden') {
} else {
} catch (e) {
if (endpoint.onExpectationFail) {
await endpoint.onExpectationFail();
const { statusCode, body, req } = result.response;
throw new Error(
`Endpoint: ${req.method} ${req.path}
Status code: ${statusCode}
Response: ${body.message}
registry.when('apm feature controls', { config: 'basic', archives: [] }, () => {
const config = {
service: { name: 'test-service' },
settings: { transaction_sample_rate: '0.5' },
before(async () => {`Creating agent configuration`);
await executeAsAdmin({
method: 'put',
url: '/api/apm/settings/agent-configuration',
body: config,
});`Agent configuration created`);
after(async () => {'deleting agent configuration');
await executeAsAdmin({
method: 'delete',
url: `/api/apm/settings/agent-configuration`,
body: {
service: config.service,
it(`APIs can't be accessed by logstash_read user`, async () => {
const username = 'logstash_read';
const roleName = 'logstash_read';
const password = `${username}-password`;
try {
await security.role.create(roleName, {
elasticsearch: elasticsearchPrivileges,
await security.user.create(username, {
roles: [roleName],
full_name: 'a kibana user',
await executeRequests({ username, password, expectation: 'forbidden' });
} finally {
await security.role.delete(roleName);
await security.user.delete(username);
it('APIs can be accessed by global_all user', async () => {
const username = 'global_all';
const roleName = 'global_all';
const password = `${username}-password`;
try {
await security.role.create(roleName, {
elasticsearch: elasticsearchPrivileges,
kibana: [{ base: ['all'], spaces: ['*'] }],
await security.user.create(username, {
roles: [roleName],
full_name: 'a kibana user',
await executeRequests({ username, password, expectation: 'response' });
} finally {
await security.role.delete(roleName);
await security.user.delete(username);
// this could be any role which doesn't have access to the APM feature
it(`APIs can't be accessed by dashboard_all user`, async () => {
const username = 'dashboard_all';
const roleName = 'dashboard_all';
const password = `${username}-password`;
try {
await security.role.create(roleName, {
elasticsearch: elasticsearchPrivileges,
kibana: [{ feature: { dashboard: ['all'] }, spaces: ['*'] }],
await security.user.create(username, {
roles: [roleName],
full_name: 'a kibana user',
await executeRequests({ username, password, expectation: 'forbidden' });
} finally {
await security.role.delete(roleName);
await security.user.delete(username);
describe('spaces', () => {
// the following tests create a user_1 which has uptime read access to space_1 and dashboard all access to space_2
const space1Id = 'space_1';
const space2Id = 'space_2';
const roleName = 'user_1';
const username = 'user_1';
const password = 'user_1-password';
before(async () => {
await spaces.create({
id: space1Id,
name: space1Id,
disabledFeatures: [],
await spaces.create({
id: space2Id,
name: space2Id,
disabledFeatures: [],
await security.role.create(roleName, {
elasticsearch: elasticsearchPrivileges,
kibana: [
{ feature: { apm: ['read'] }, spaces: [space1Id] },
{ feature: { dashboard: ['all'] }, spaces: [space2Id] },
await security.user.create(username, {
roles: [roleName],
after(async () => {
await spaces.delete(space1Id);
await spaces.delete(space2Id);
await security.role.delete(roleName);
await security.user.delete(username);
it('user_1 can access APIs in space_1', async () => {
await executeRequests({ username, password, expectation: 'response', spaceId: space1Id });
it(`user_1 can't access APIs in space_2`, async () => {
await executeRequests({ username, password, expectation: 'forbidden', spaceId: space2Id });