Frank Hassanabad af228f0f20
[Security Solutions] (Phase 1) Adds an application cache called metrics entities and integrates it within Security Solutions behind a feature flag (#96446)
## Summary

Phase 1 of a multi-phase cautious approach for adding an experimental application cache for Kibana solutions called `metric_entities` and integrates it within Security Solutions.

Phase 1 is putting experimental support into the application without breaking existing features. Lots of TODO's, conversations and a possible RFC from phase 1 to phase 2 approach. Some features are missing, but for phase 1 the general idea and code is all there.

To enable this first phase after checking out the branch add this to your ``

xpack.metricsEntities.enabled: true
xpack.securitySolution.enableExperimental: ['metricsEntitiesEnabled']

Then go into Stack Management -> Advanced Settings (Under Security Solutions) and set the enabled to true like so:
<img width="1229" alt="Screen Shot 2021-04-08 at 2 21 02 PM" src="">

Next go to the security_solutions page and you will see it being activated and you will have these transforms running if you look under stack management:
<img width="1710" alt="Screen Shot 2021-04-29 at 2 00 27 PM" src="">

On the hosts page, network, page, etc... You can see them being activated when you have no query/filter and you click on request:
<img width="1405" alt="Screen Shot 2021-04-29 at 2 01 28 PM" src="">

You will see in the request the index patterns all starting with `estc_xyz*`

### Checklist

Delete any items that are not applicable to this PR.

- [x] Any text added follows [EUI's writing guidelines](, uses sentence case text and includes [i18n support](

We have lots of TODO's but no concrete docs with this just yet.
- [ ] [Documentation]( was added for features that require explanation or tutorials

Behind a feature flag and this isn't there yet.
- [ ] [Unit or functional tests]( were updated or added to match the most common scenarios
2021-04-30 12:36:06 -06:00

74 lines
3.2 KiB

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"": "plugins/discover_enhanced",
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"": ["plugins/ml"],
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"xpack.remoteClusters": "plugins/remote_clusters",
"xpack.reporting": ["plugins/reporting"],
"xpack.rollupJobs": ["plugins/rollup"],
"xpack.runtimeFields": "plugins/runtime_fields",
"xpack.searchProfiler": "plugins/searchprofiler",
"": "plugins/security",
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"xpack.timelines": "plugins/timelines",
"xpack.transform": "plugins/transform",
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"xpack.uptime": ["plugins/uptime"],
"xpack.urlDrilldown": "plugins/drilldowns/url_drilldown",
"xpack.watcher": "plugins/watcher",
"xpack.observability": "plugins/observability",
"xpack.banners": "plugins/banners"
"exclude": ["examples"],
"translations": [