ymao1 874dfc62f4
[Actions] Rename tls.* configs to ssl.* (#102902)
* Changing tls to ssl

* Changing tls to ssl

* Updating docs

Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <>
2021-06-23 14:37:31 -04:00

173 lines
5.7 KiB

* Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one
* or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License
* 2.0; you may not use this file except in compliance with the Elastic License
* 2.0.
import { readFileSync } from 'fs';
import { cloneDeep } from 'lodash';
import { Logger } from '../../../../../src/core/server';
import { ActionsConfig, CustomHostSettings } from '../config';
type DeepWriteable<T> = { -readonly [P in keyof T]: DeepWriteable<T[P]> };
type ActionsConfigWriteable = DeepWriteable<ActionsConfig>;
type CustomHostSettingsWriteable = DeepWriteable<CustomHostSettings>;
export function getCanonicalCustomHostUrl(url: URL): string {
const port = getActualPort(url.protocol, url.port);
return `${url.protocol}//${url.hostname}:${port}`;
const ErrorPrefix = 'In configuration xpack.actions.customHosts,';
const ValidProtocols = new Set(['https:', 'smtp:']);
const ProtocolsForSmtp = new Set(['smtp:']);
// converts the custom host data in config, for ease of use, and to perform
// validation we can't do in config-schema, since the cloud validation can't
// do these sorts of validations
export function resolveCustomHosts(logger: Logger, config: ActionsConfig): ActionsConfig {
const result: ActionsConfigWriteable = cloneDeep(config);
if (!result.customHostSettings) {
return result as ActionsConfig;
const savedSettings: CustomHostSettingsWriteable[] = [];
for (const customHostSetting of result.customHostSettings) {
const originalUrl = customHostSetting.url;
let parsedUrl: URL | undefined;
try {
parsedUrl = new URL(originalUrl);
} catch (err) {
logger.warn(`${ErrorPrefix} invalid URL "${originalUrl}", ignoring; error: ${err.message}`);
customHostSetting.url = getCanonicalCustomHostUrl(parsedUrl);
if (!ValidProtocols.has(parsedUrl.protocol)) {
logger.warn(`${ErrorPrefix} unsupported protocol used in URL "${originalUrl}", ignoring`);
const port = getActualPort(parsedUrl.protocol, parsedUrl.port);
if (!port) {
logger.warn(`${ErrorPrefix} unable to determine port for URL "${originalUrl}", ignoring`);
if (parsedUrl.username || parsedUrl.password) {
`${ErrorPrefix} URL "${originalUrl}" contains authentication information which will be ignored, but should be removed from the configuration`
if (parsedUrl.hash) {
`${ErrorPrefix} URL "${originalUrl}" contains hash information which will be ignored`
if (parsedUrl.pathname && parsedUrl.pathname !== '/') {
`${ErrorPrefix} URL "${originalUrl}" contains path information which will be ignored`
if (!ProtocolsForSmtp.has(parsedUrl.protocol) && customHostSetting.smtp) {
`${ErrorPrefix} URL "${originalUrl}" contains smtp properties but does not use smtp; ignoring smtp properties`
delete customHostSetting.smtp;
// read the specified ca files, add their content to certificateAuthoritiesData
if (customHostSetting.ssl) {
let files = customHostSetting.ssl?.certificateAuthoritiesFiles || [];
if (typeof files === 'string') {
files = [files];
for (const file of files) {
const contents = getFileContents(logger, file);
if (contents) {
appendToCertificateAuthoritiesData(customHostSetting, contents);
const customSmtpSettings = customHostSetting.smtp;
if (customSmtpSettings) {
if (customSmtpSettings.requireTLS && customSmtpSettings.ignoreTLS) {
`${ErrorPrefix} URL "${originalUrl}" cannot have both requireTLS and ignoreTLS set to true; using requireTLS: true and ignoreTLS: false`
customSmtpSettings.requireTLS = true;
customSmtpSettings.ignoreTLS = false;
// check to see if there are any dups on the url
const existingUrls = new Set<string>();
for (const customHostSetting of savedSettings) {
const url = customHostSetting.url;
if (existingUrls.has(url)) {
`${ErrorPrefix} multiple URLs match the canonical url "${url}"; only the first will be used`
// mark this entry to be able to delete it after processing them all
customHostSetting.url = '';
// remove the settings we want to skip
result.customHostSettings = savedSettings.filter((setting) => setting.url !== '');
return result as ActionsConfig;
function appendToCertificateAuthoritiesData(customHost: CustomHostSettingsWriteable, cert: string) {
const ssl = customHost.ssl;
if (ssl) {
if (!ssl.certificateAuthoritiesData) {
ssl.certificateAuthoritiesData = cert;
} else {
ssl.certificateAuthoritiesData += '\n' + cert;
function getFileContents(logger: Logger, fileName: string): string | undefined {
try {
return readFileSync(fileName, 'utf8');
} catch (err) {
`error reading file "${fileName}" specified in xpack.actions.customHosts, ignoring: ${err.message}`
// 0 isn't a valid port, so result can be checked as falsy
function getActualPort(protocol: string, port: string): number {
if (port !== '') {
const portNumber = parseInt(port, 10);
if (isNaN(portNumber)) {
return 0;
return portNumber;
// from
if (protocol === 'http:') return 80;
if (protocol === 'https:') return 443;
if (protocol === 'smtp:') return 25;
return 0;