ymao1 b09e418e51
[Actions][Telemetry] Counting number of alert history connectors in use (#97063)
* Counting number of alert history connectors in use

* Telemetry for preconfigured alert history config enabled

* Updating telemetry mappings

* Updating tests

* Adding descriptions to new telemetry fields

Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <>
2021-04-15 14:13:19 -04:00

210 lines
6.9 KiB

* Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one
* or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License
* 2.0; you may not use this file except in compliance with the Elastic License
* 2.0.
import {
} from 'kibana/server';
import { AlertHistoryEsIndexConnectorId } from '../../common';
import { ActionResult } from '../types';
export async function getTotalCount(esClient: ElasticsearchClient, kibanaIndex: string) {
const scriptedMetric = {
scripted_metric: {
init_script: 'state.types = [:]',
map_script: `
String actionType = doc['action.actionTypeId'].value;
state.types.put(actionType, state.types.containsKey(actionType) ? state.types.get(actionType) + 1 : 1);
// Combine script is executed per cluster, but we already have a key-value pair per cluster.
// Despite docs that say this is optional, this script can't be blank.
combine_script: 'return state',
// Reduce script is executed across all clusters, so we need to add up all the total from each cluster
// This also needs to account for having no data
reduce_script: `
Map result = [:];
for (Map m : states.toArray()) {
if (m !== null) {
for (String k : m.keySet()) {
result.put(k, result.containsKey(k) ? result.get(k) + m.get(k) : m.get(k));
return result;
const { body: searchResult } = await{
index: kibanaIndex,
body: {
query: {
bool: {
filter: [{ term: { type: 'action' } }],
aggs: {
byActionTypeId: scriptedMetric,
// @ts-expect-error aggegation type is not specified
const aggs = searchResult.aggregations?.byActionTypeId.value?.types;
return {
countTotal: Object.keys(aggs).reduce(
(total: number, key: string) => parseInt(aggs[key], 0) + total,
countByType: Object.keys(aggs).reduce(
// ES DSL aggregations are returned as `any` by
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
(obj: any, key: string) => ({
[replaceFirstAndLastDotSymbols(key)]: aggs[key],
export async function getInUseTotalCount(
esClient: ElasticsearchClient,
actionsBulkGet: (
objects?: SavedObjectsBulkGetObject[] | undefined,
options?: SavedObjectsBaseOptions | undefined
) => Promise<SavedObjectsBulkResponse<ActionResult<Record<string, unknown>>>>,
kibanaIndex: string
): Promise<{
countTotal: number;
countByType: Record<string, number>;
countByAlertHistoryConnectorType: number;
}> {
const scriptedMetric = {
scripted_metric: {
init_script: 'state.connectorIds = new HashMap(); = 0;',
map_script: `
String connectorId = doc[''].value;
String actionRef = doc[''].value;
if (state.connectorIds[connectorId] === null) {
state.connectorIds[connectorId] = actionRef;;
// Combine script is executed per cluster, but we already have a key-value pair per cluster.
// Despite docs that say this is optional, this script can't be blank.
combine_script: 'return state',
// Reduce script is executed across all clusters, so we need to add up all the total from each cluster
// This also needs to account for having no data
reduce_script: `
Map connectorIds = [:];
long total = 0;
for (state in states) {
if (state !== null) {
total +=;
for (String k : state.connectorIds.keySet()) {
connectorIds.put(k, connectorIds.containsKey(k) ? connectorIds.get(k) + state.connectorIds.get(k) : state.connectorIds.get(k));
Map result = new HashMap(); = total;
result.connectorIds = connectorIds;
return result;
const { body: actionResults } = await{
index: kibanaIndex,
body: {
query: {
bool: {
filter: {
bool: {
must: {
nested: {
path: 'references',
query: {
bool: {
filter: {
bool: {
must: [
term: {
'references.type': 'action',
aggs: {
refs: {
nested: {
path: 'references',
aggs: {
actionRefIds: scriptedMetric,
// @ts-expect-error aggegation type is not specified
const aggs = actionResults.aggregations.refs.actionRefIds.value;
const bulkFilter = Object.entries(aggs.connectorIds).map(([key]) => ({
id: key,
type: 'action',
fields: ['id', 'actionTypeId'],
const actions = await actionsBulkGet(bulkFilter);
// filter out preconfigured connectors, which are not saved objects and return
// an error in the bulk response
const actionsWithActionTypeId = actions.saved_objects.filter(
(action) => action?.attributes?.actionTypeId != null
const countByActionTypeId = actionsWithActionTypeId.reduce(
(actionTypeCount: Record<string, number>, action) => {
const alertTypeId = replaceFirstAndLastDotSymbols(action.attributes.actionTypeId);
const currentCount =
actionTypeCount[alertTypeId] !== undefined ? actionTypeCount[alertTypeId] : 0;
actionTypeCount[alertTypeId] = currentCount + 1;
return actionTypeCount;
const preconfiguredAlertHistoryConnector = actions.saved_objects.filter(
(action) => === AlertHistoryEsIndexConnectorId
return {
countByType: countByActionTypeId,
countByAlertHistoryConnectorType: preconfiguredAlertHistoryConnector.length,
function replaceFirstAndLastDotSymbols(strToReplace: string) {
const hasFirstSymbolDot = strToReplace.startsWith('.');
const appliedString = hasFirstSymbolDot ? strToReplace.replace('.', '__') : strToReplace;
const hasLastSymbolDot = strToReplace.endsWith('.');
return hasLastSymbolDot ? `${appliedString.slice(0, -1)}__` : appliedString;
// TODO: Implement executions count telemetry with eventLog, when it will write to index