Stratoula Kalafateli 1803511ec4
Updates the TSVB docs for v8 (#112778)
* Updates the TSVB docs for v8

* Update docs/management/advanced-options.asciidoc

Co-authored-by: Kaarina Tungseth <>

* Update docs/user/dashboard/tsvb.asciidoc

Co-authored-by: Kaarina Tungseth <>

Co-authored-by: Kaarina Tungseth <>
Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <>
2021-09-23 09:54:43 +03:00

291 lines
11 KiB

=== TSVB
*TSVB* is a set of visualization types that you configure and display on dashboards.
With *TSVB*, you can:
* Combine an infinite number of <<aggregation-reference,aggregations>> to display your data.
* Annotate time series data with timestamped events from an {es} index.
* View the data in several types of visualizations, including charts, data tables, and markdown panels.
* Display multiple <<index-patterns, index patterns>> in each visualization.
* Use custom functions and some math on aggregations.
* Customize the data with labels and colors.
image::images/tsvb-screenshot.png[TSVB overview]
==== Open and set up TSVB
Open *TSVB*, then configure the required settings.
. On the dashboard, click *All types*, then select *TSVB*.
. In *TSVB*, click *Panel options*, then specify the required *Data* settings.
.. From the *Index pattern* dropdown, select the index pattern you want to visualize.
To visualize the data in an {es} index, open the *Index pattern selection mode* menu, deselect *Use only {kib} index patterns*, then enter the {es} index.
.. From the *Time field* dropdown, select the field you want to visualize, then enter the field *Interval*.
.. Select a *Drop last bucket* option.
By default, *TSVB* drops the last bucket because the time filter intersects the time range of the last bucket. To view the partial data, select *No*.
.. To view a filtered set of documents, enter <<kuery-query, KQL filters>> in the *Panel filter* field.
==== Change the {data-source} mode
You can create *TSVB* visualizations with only {data-sources}, or {es} index strings.
When you use only {data-sources}, you are able to:
* Create visualizations with runtime fields
* Add URL drilldowns
* Add interactive filters for time series visualizations
* Improve performance
IMPORTANT: Creating *TSVB* visualizations with an {es} index string is deprecated. To use an {es} index string, contact your administrator, or go to <<advanced-options, Advanced Settings>> and set `metrics:allowStringIndices` to `true`. Creating *TSVB* visualizations with an {es} index string will be removed in a future release.
Creating visualizations with only {data-sources} is the default one for new visualizations but it can also be switched for the old implementations:
. Click *Panel options*, then open the *Index pattern selection mode* options next to the *Index pattern* dropdown.
. Select *Use only Kibana index patterns*.
. From the *Index pattern* drodpown, select the index pattern, then select the *Time field*.
image::images/tsvb_index_pattern_selection_mode.png[Change index pattern selection mode action]
==== Configure the series
Each *TSVB* visualization shares the same options to create a *Series*. Each series can be thought of as a separate {es} aggregation.
For each series, the *Options* control the styling and {es} options, and are inherited from *Panel options*.
When you have separate options for each series, you can compare different {es} indices, and view two time ranges from the same index.
To configure the value of each series, select the function, then configure the function inputs. Only the last function is displayed.
. From the *Aggregation* dropdown, select the function for the series.
. To display each group separately, select one of the following options from the *Group by* dropdown:
* *Filters* &mdash; Groups the data into the specified filters. To differentiate the groups, assign a color to each filter.
* *Terms* &mdash; Displays the top values of the field. The color is only configurable in the *Time Series* chart. To configure, click *Options*, then select an option from the *Split color theme* dropdown.
. Click *Options*, then configure the inputs for the function.
==== TSVB visualization options
The configuration options differ for each *TSVB* visualization.
===== Time Series
By default, the y-axis displays the full range of data, including zero. To automatically scale the y-axis from
the minimum to maximum values of the data, click *Data > Options > Fill*, then enter `0` in the *Fill* field.
You can add annotations to the x-axis based on timestamped documents in a separate {es} index.
===== All chart types except Time Series
The *Data timerange mode* dropdown in *Panel options* controls the timespan that *TSVB* uses to match documents.
*Last value* is unable to match all documents, only the specific interval. *Entire timerange* matches all documents specified in the time filter.
===== Metric, Top N, and Gauge
*Color rules* in *Panel options* contains conditional coloring based on the values.
===== Top N and Table
When you click a series, *TSVB* applies a filter based on the series name.
To change this behavior, click *Panel options*, then specify a URL in the *Item URL* field, which opens a URL instead of applying a filter on click.
===== Markdown
The *Markdown* visualization supports Markdown with Handlebar (mustache) syntax to insert dynamic data, and supports custom CSS using the LESS syntax.
==== TSVB function reference
*TSVB* provides you with shortcuts for some frequently-used functions.
*Filter Ratio*::
Returns a percent value by calculating a metric on two sets of documents.
For example, calculate the error rate as a percentage of the overall events over time.
*Counter Rate*::
Used when dealing with monotonically increasing counters. Shortcut for *Max*, *Derivative*, and *Positive Only*.
*Positive Only*::
Removes any negative values from the results, which can be used as a post-processing step
after a derivative.
*Series Agg*::
Applies a function to all of the *Group by* series to reduce the values to a single number.
This function must always be the last metric in the series.
For example, if the *Time Series* visualization shows 10 series, the sum *Series Agg* calculates
the sum of all 10 bars and output a single Y value per X value. This is often confused
with the overall sum function, which outputs a single Y value per unique series.
The math context is able to do simple and advanced calculations per series.
This function must always be the last metric in the series.
===== Save and add the panel
Save the panel to the *Visualize Library* and add it to the dashboard, or add it to the dashboard without saving.
To save the panel to the *Visualize Library*:
. Click *Save to library*.
. Enter the *Title* and add any applicable <<managing-tags,*Tags*>>.
. Make sure that *Add to Dashboard after saving* is selected.
. Click *Save and return*.
To save the panel to the dashboard:
. Click *Save and return*.
. Add an optional title to the panel.
.. In the panel header, click *No Title*.
.. On the *Customize panel* window, select *Show panel title*.
.. Enter the *Panel title*, then click *Save*.
==== Frequently asked questions
For answers to frequently asked *TSVB* question, review the following.
.*How do I create dashboard drilldowns for Top N and Table visualizations?*
You can create dashboard drilldowns that include the specified time range for *Top N* and *Table* visualizations.
. Open the dashboard that you want to link to, then copy the URL.
. Open the dashboard with the *Top N* and *Table* visualization panel, then click *Edit* in the toolbar.
. Open the *Top N* or *Table* panel menu, then select *Edit visualization*.
. Click *Panel options*.
. In the *Item URL* field, enter the URL.
For example `dashboards#/view/f193ca90-c9f4-11eb-b038-dd3270053a27`.
. Click *Save and return*.
. In the toolbar, cick *Save as*, then make sure *Store time with dashboard* is deselected.
.*Why is my TSVB visualization missing data?*
It depends, but most often there are two causes:
* For *Time series* visualizations with a derivative function, the time interval can be too small. Derivatives require sequential values.
* For all other *TSVB* visualizations, the cause is probably the *Data timerange mode*, which is controlled by *Panel options > Data timerange mode > Entire time range*.
By default, *TSVB* displays the last whole bucket. For example, if the time filter is set to *Last 24 hours*, and the
current time is 9:41, *TSVB* displays only the last 10 minutes &mdash; from 9:30 to 9:40.
.*How do I calculate the difference between two data series?*
Performing math across data series is unsupported in *TSVB*. To calculate the difference between two data series, use <<timelion, *Timelion*>> or <<vega, *Vega*>>.
.*How do I compare the current versus previous month?*
*TSVB* can display two series with time offsets, but it can't perform math across series. To add a time offset:
. Click *Clone Series*, then choose a color for the new series.
image::images/tsvb_clone_series.png[Clone Series action]
. Click *Options*, then enter the offset value in the *Offset series time by* field.
.*How do I calculate a month over month change?*
The ability to calculate a month over month change is not fully supported in *TSVB*, but there is a special case that is supported _if_ the
time filter is set to 3 months or more _and_ the *Interval* is `1m`. Use the *Derivative* to get the absolute monthly change. To convert to a percent,
add the *Math* function with the `params.current / (params.current - params.derivative)` formula, then select *Percent* from the *Data Formatter* dropdown.
For other types of month over month calculations, use <<timelion, *Timelion*>> or <<vega, *Vega*>>.
.*How do I calculate the duration between the start and end of an event?*
Calculating the duration between the start and end of an event is unsupported in *TSVB* because *TSVB* requires correlation between different time periods.
*TSVB* requires that the duration is pre-calculated.
.*How do I group on multiple fields?*
To group with multiple fields, create runtime fields in the index pattern you are visualizing.
. Create a runtime field. Refer to <<managing-index-patterns, *Manage index patterns data fields*>> for more information.
image::images/tsvb_group_by_multiple_fields.png[Group by multiple fields]
. Create a *TSVB* visualization and group by this field.