2020-05-22 09:08:58 +02:00

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* Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one
* or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License;
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the Elastic License.
import { MonitoringViewBaseController } from './';
import { tableStorageGetter, tableStorageSetter } from '../components/table';
* Class to manage common instantiation behaviors in a view controller
* And add persistent state to a table:
* - page index: in table pagination, which page are we looking at
* - filter text: what filter was entered in the table's filter bar
* - sortKey: which column field of table data is used for sorting
* - sortOrder: is sorting ordered ascending or descending
* This is expected to be extended, and behavior enabled using super();
export class MonitoringViewBaseTableController extends MonitoringViewBaseController {
* Create a table view controller
* - used by parent class:
* @param {String} title - Title of the page
* @param {Function} getPageData - Function to fetch page data
* @param {Service} $injector - Angular dependency injection service
* @param {Service} $scope - Angular view data binding service
* @param {Boolean} options.enableTimeFilter - Whether to show the time filter
* @param {Boolean} options.enableAutoRefresh - Whether to show the auto refresh control
* - specific to this class:
* @param {String} storageKey - the namespace that will be used to keep the state data in the Monitoring localStorage object
constructor(args) {
const { storageKey, $injector } = args;
const storage = $injector.get('localStorage');
const getLocalStorageData = tableStorageGetter(storageKey);
const setLocalStorageData = tableStorageSetter(storageKey);
const { pageIndex, filterText, sortKey, sortOrder } = getLocalStorageData(storage);
this.pageIndex = pageIndex;
this.filterText = filterText;
this.sortKey = sortKey;
this.sortOrder = sortOrder;
this.onNewState = (newState) => {
setLocalStorageData(storage, newState);