Jonathan Budzenski ce8677ba91
[7.15] Bump node to 14.18.1 (#116783)
* [7.15] Bump node to 14.18.1

* fix version

* backport connection count delay
2021-11-02 08:49:03 -05:00

67 lines
2.8 KiB

# Define the workspace base name and a managed directory by bazel
# that will hold the node_modules called @npm
name = "kibana",
managed_directories = {"@npm": ["node_modules"]},
load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive")
# Fetch Node.js rules
name = "build_bazel_rules_nodejs",
sha256 = "e79c08a488cc5ac40981987d862c7320cee8741122a2649e9b08e850b6f20442",
urls = [""],
# Now that we have the rules let's import from them to complete the work
load("@build_bazel_rules_nodejs//:index.bzl", "check_rules_nodejs_version", "node_repositories", "yarn_install")
# Assure we have at least a given rules_nodejs version
check_rules_nodejs_version(minimum_version_string = "3.8.0")
# Setup the Node.js toolchain for the architectures we want to support
# NOTE: darwin-arm64 is not being installed because bazel is not yet available on that architecture.
# The PR for it was merged and should be available in the next release of bazel and bazelisk. As soon as they have it
# we can update that rule.
node_repositories = {
"14.18.1-darwin_amd64": ("node-v14.18.1-darwin-x64.tar.gz", "node-v14.18.1-darwin-x64", "78731152378577decf681167f4c6be6c31134dfef07403c1cebfbd3289d3886f"),
"14.18.1-linux_arm64": ("node-v14.18.1-linux-arm64.tar.xz", "node-v14.18.1-linux-arm64", "15c2ba182bafcc006c01a0e6f736a6ff3df101dec4c45026add51025095ab60d"),
"14.18.1-linux_s390x": ("node-v14.18.1-linux-s390x.tar.xz", "node-v14.18.1-linux-s390x", "e01f11308371b4268341a1b25dfb4433ae2e2403940f5acbfeb820b128ca7e27"),
"14.18.1-linux_amd64": ("node-v14.18.1-linux-x64.tar.xz", "node-v14.18.1-linux-x64", "ad1e3baa1aee8028b43206da3b2be9b8867cb598b4318bc88a0ae4518cc062a2"),
"14.18.1-windows_amd64": ("", "node-v14.18.1-win-x64", "86737cd4544c4f8cda2abd8e60709a87dbf46119062c5f1d4ec297f71a9e204b"),
node_version = "14.18.1",
node_urls = [
yarn_repositories = {
"1.21.1": ("yarn-v1.21.1.tar.gz", "yarn-v1.21.1", "d1d9f4a0f16f5ed484e814afeb98f39b82d4728c6c8beaafb5abc99c02db6674"),
yarn_version = "1.21.1",
yarn_urls = [
package_json = ["//:package.json"],
# Run yarn_install rule to take care of dependencies
# NOTE: FORCE_COLOR env var forces colors on non tty mode
name = "npm",
package_json = "//:package.json",
yarn_lock = "//:yarn.lock",
data = [
exports_directories_only = True,
symlink_node_modules = True,
quiet = False,
frozen_lockfile = False,