2018-05-29 17:34:07 -07:00

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=== PDF
==== Job Parameters
If integrating with Reporting via a custom UI, the following job parameters must be Rison encoded and posted to
the aforementioned generate job url:
interface jobParameters {
objectType: string;
title: string;
browserTimezone: string;
relativeUrls: string[];
layout: {
id: string;
dimensions: {
height: number;
width: number;
`jobParameters.browserTimezone` is a string that appears in the tz database
`` presently only accepts "print" and "preserve_layout"
`jobParameters.layout.dimensions` is only currently used by "preserve_layout"
==== `export-config` Directive
If integrating with Reporting via the `export-config` directive, the AngularJS controller that contains
the directive should expose the following methods and the `export-config` directive will POST them to the
reporting API:
function getSharingType(): string;
function getSharingTitle(): string;
The `export-config` directive will use the browser's current URL and timezone when generating the job
parameters automatically. The `export-config` directive will also grab the height/width of the element
with the `data-shared-items-container` attribute and use this as the dimensions.
==== Screenshot capturing attributes
When generating the PDF, reporting looks for a number of attributes in the DOM to determine which elements
should have their screenshot taken and when the Visualizations are done rendering.
The print layout takes a screenshot of every element with the `data-shared-item` attribute and includes the
individual screenshots in the PDF. The print layout also uses the `data-title` and `data-description`
attributes on the same HTMLElement as the `data-shared-item` to specify the title and description
that appears right above the individual screenshots.
The preserve layout takes a screenshot of the element with the `data-shared-items-container` attribute. Additionally,
reporting will resize the element with the `data-shared-items-container` to be the size specified in the layout dimensions.
The preserve layout also uses the `data-title` and `data-description` attributes on the HTMLElement with the
`data-shared-items-container` attribute to specify the title/description for the entire PDF.
Reporting needs to determine when all of the visualizations have completed rendering, so that it can begin taking screenshots.
If there are multiple visualizations, the `data-shared-items-count` attribute should be specified to let Reporting know how
many Visualizations to look for. Reporting will look at every element with the `data-shared-item` attribute and use the corresponding
`data-render-complete` attribute and `renderComplete` events to listen for rendering to complete. When rendering is complete for a visualization
the `data-render-complete` attribute should be set to "true" and it should dispatch a custom DOM `renderComplete` event.