2018-04-24 13:48:10 -07:00

383 lines
14 KiB

* Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one
* or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License;
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the Elastic License.
import _ from 'lodash';
import semver from 'semver';
import numeral from '@elastic/numeral';
import { parseInterval } from './parse_interval';
// work out the default frequency based on the bucket_span in seconds
export function calculateDatafeedFrequencyDefaultSeconds(bucketSpanSeconds) {
let freq = 3600;
if (bucketSpanSeconds <= 120) {
freq = 60;
} else if (bucketSpanSeconds <= 1200) {
freq = Math.floor(bucketSpanSeconds / 2);
} else if (bucketSpanSeconds <= 43200) {
freq = 600;
return freq;
// Returns a flag to indicate whether the job is suitable for viewing
// in the Time Series dashboard.
export function isTimeSeriesViewJob(job) {
// TODO - do we need another function which returns whether to enable the
// link to the Single Metric dashboard in the Jobs list, only allowing single
// metric jobs with only one detector with no by/over/partition fields
// only allow jobs with at least one detector whose function corresponds to
// an ES aggregation which can be viewed in the single metric view and which
// doesn't use a scripted field which can be very difficult or impossible to
// invert to a reverse search.
let isViewable = false;
const dtrs = job.analysis_config.detectors;
for (let i = 0; i < dtrs.length; i++) {
isViewable = isTimeSeriesViewDetector(job, i);
if (isViewable === true) {
return isViewable;
// Returns a flag to indicate whether the detector at the index in the specified job
// is suitable for viewing in the Time Series dashboard.
export function isTimeSeriesViewDetector(job, dtrIndex) {
// Check that the detector function is suitable for viewing in the Time Series dashboard,
// and that the partition, by and over fields are not using mlcategory or a scripted field which
// can be very difficult or impossible to invert to a reverse search of the underlying metric data.
let isDetectorViewable = false;
const dtrs = job.analysis_config.detectors;
if (dtrIndex >= 0 && dtrIndex < dtrs.length) {
const dtr = dtrs[dtrIndex];
isDetectorViewable = (isTimeSeriesViewFunction(dtr.function) === true) &&
(dtr.by_field_name !== 'mlcategory') &&
(dtr.partition_field_name !== 'mlcategory') &&
(dtr.over_field_name !== 'mlcategory');
const usesScriptedFields = _.has(job, 'datafeed_config.script_fields');
const scriptedFields = usesScriptedFields ? _.keys(job.datafeed_config.script_fields) : [];
if (isDetectorViewable === true && usesScriptedFields === true) {
// Perform extra check to see if the detector is using a scripted field.
isDetectorViewable = (dtr.partition_field_name === undefined || scriptedFields.indexOf(dtr.partition_field_name) === -1) &&
(dtr.by_field_name === undefined || scriptedFields.indexOf(dtr.by_field_name) === -1) &&
(dtr.over_field_name === undefined || scriptedFields.indexOf(dtr.over_field_name) === -1);
return isDetectorViewable;
// Returns a flag to indicate whether a detector with the specified function is
// suitable for viewing in the Time Series dashboard.
export function isTimeSeriesViewFunction(functionName) {
return mlFunctionToESAggregation(functionName) !== null;
// Returns a flag to indicate whether model plot has been enabled for a job.
// If model plot is enabled for a job with a terms filter (comma separated
// list of partition or by field names), performs additional checks that
// the supplied entities contains 'by' and 'partition' fields in the detector,
// if configured, whose values are in the configured model_plot_config terms,
// where entityFields is in the format [{fieldName:status, fieldValue:404}].
export function isModelPlotEnabled(job, detectorIndex, entityFields) {
// Check if model_plot_config is enabled.
let isEnabled = _.get(job, ['model_plot_config', 'enabled'], false);
if (isEnabled === true) {
// If terms filter is configured in model_plot_config, check supplied entities.
const termsStr = _.get(job, ['model_plot_config', 'terms'], '');
if (termsStr !== '') {
// NB. Do not currently support empty string values as being valid 'by' or
// 'partition' field values even though this is supported on the back-end.
// If supplied, check both the by and partition entities are in the terms.
const detector = job.analysis_config.detectors[detectorIndex];
const detectorHasPartitionField = _.has(detector, 'partition_field_name');
const detectorHasByField = _.has(detector, 'by_field_name');
const terms = termsStr.split(',');
if (detectorHasPartitionField === true) {
const partitionEntity = _.find(entityFields, { 'fieldName': detector.partition_field_name });
isEnabled = partitionEntity !== undefined && terms.indexOf(partitionEntity.fieldValue) !== -1;
if (isEnabled === true && detectorHasByField === true) {
const byEntity = _.find(entityFields, { 'fieldName': detector.by_field_name });
isEnabled = byEntity !== undefined && terms.indexOf(byEntity.fieldValue) !== -1;
return isEnabled;
// Returns whether the version of the job (the version number of the elastic stack that the job was
// created with) is greater than or equal to the supplied version (e.g. '6.1.0').
export function isJobVersionGte(job, version) {
const jobVersion = _.get(job, 'job_version', '0.0.0');
return semver.gte(jobVersion, version);
// Takes an ML detector 'function' and returns the corresponding ES aggregation name
// for querying metric data. Returns null if there is no suitable ES aggregation.
// Note that the 'function' field in a record contains what the user entered e.g. 'high_count',
// whereas the 'function_description' field holds an ML-built display hint for function e.g. 'count'.
export function mlFunctionToESAggregation(functionName) {
if (functionName === 'mean' || functionName === 'high_mean' || functionName === 'low_mean' ||
functionName === 'metric') {
return 'avg';
if (functionName === 'sum' || functionName === 'high_sum' || functionName === 'low_sum' ||
functionName === 'non_null_sum' || functionName === 'low_non_null_sum' || functionName === 'high_non_null_sum') {
return 'sum';
if (functionName === 'count' || functionName === 'high_count' || functionName === 'low_count' ||
functionName === 'non_zero_count' || functionName === 'low_non_zero_count' || functionName === 'high_non_zero_count') {
return 'count';
if (functionName === 'distinct_count' || functionName === 'low_distinct_count' || functionName === 'high_distinct_count') {
return 'cardinality';
if (functionName === 'median' || functionName === 'high_median' || functionName === 'low_median') {
return 'percentiles';
if (functionName === 'min' || functionName === 'max') {
return functionName;
// Return null if ML function does not map to an ES aggregation.
// i.e. median, low_median, high_median, rare, freq_rare,
// varp, low_varp, high_varp, time_of_day, time_of_week, lat_long,
// info_content, low_info_content, high_info_content
return null;
// Job name must contain lowercase alphanumeric (a-z and 0-9), hyphens or underscores;
// it must also start and end with an alphanumeric character'
export function isJobIdValid(jobId) {
return (jobId.match(/^[a-z0-9\-\_]{1,64}$/g) && !jobId.match(/^([_-].*)?(.*[_-])?$/g)) ? true : false;
// To get median data for jobs and charts we need to use Elasticsearch's
// percentiles aggregation. This setting is used with the `percents` field
// of the percentiles aggregation to get the correct data.
export const ML_MEDIAN_PERCENTS = '50.0';
// The number of preview items to show up in
// the Advanced Job Configuration data/datafeed preview tab
export const ML_DATA_PREVIEW_COUNT = 10;
// add a prefix to a datafeed id before the "datafeed-" part of the name
export function prefixDatafeedId(datafeedId, prefix) {
return (datafeedId.match(/^datafeed-/)) ?
datafeedId.replace(/^datafeed-/, `datafeed-${prefix}`) :
// Returns a name which is safe to use in elasticsearch aggregations for the supplied
// field name. Aggregation names must be alpha-numeric and can only contain '_' and '-' characters,
// so if the supplied field names contains disallowed characters, the provided index
// identifier is used to return a safe 'dummy' name in the format 'field_index' e.g. field_0, field_1
export function getSafeAggregationName(fieldName, index) {
return fieldName.match(/^[a-zA-Z0-9-_.]+$/) ? fieldName : `field_${index}`;
export function uniqWithIsEqual(arr) {
return arr.reduce((dedupedArray, value) => {
if (
compareValue => _.isEqual(compareValue, value)
).length === 0
) {
return dedupedArray;
}, []);
// check job without manipulating UI and return a list of messages
// job and fields get passed as arguments and are not accessed as $scope.* via the outer scope
// because the plan is to move this function to the common code area so that it can be used on the server side too.
export function basicJobValidation(job, fields, limits) {
const messages = [];
let valid = true;
if (job) {
// Job details
if (_.isEmpty(job.job_id)) {
messages.push({ id: 'job_id_empty' });
valid = false;
} else if (isJobIdValid(job.job_id) === false) {
messages.push({ id: 'job_id_invalid' });
valid = false;
} else {
messages.push({ id: 'job_id_valid' });
if (job.groups !== undefined) {
let groupIdValid = true;
job.groups.forEach(group => {
if (isJobIdValid(group) === false) {
groupIdValid = false;
valid = false;
if (job.groups.length > 0 && groupIdValid) {
messages.push({ id: 'job_group_id_valid' });
} else if (job.groups.length > 0 && !groupIdValid) {
messages.push({ id: 'job_group_id_invalid' });
// Analysis Configuration
if (job.analysis_config.categorization_filters) {
let v = true;
_.each(job.analysis_config.categorization_filters, (d) => {
try {
new RegExp(d);
} catch (e) {
v = false;
if (job.analysis_config.categorization_field_name === undefined || job.analysis_config.categorization_field_name === '') {
v = false;
if (d === '') {
v = false;
if (v) {
messages.push({ id: 'categorization_filters_valid' });
} else {
messages.push({ id: 'categorization_filters_invalid' });
valid = false;
if (job.analysis_config.detectors.length === 0) {
messages.push({ id: 'detectors_empty' });
valid = false;
} else {
let v = true;
_.each(job.analysis_config.detectors, (d) => {
if (_.isEmpty(d.function)) {
v = false;
if (v) {
messages.push({ id: 'detectors_function_not_empty' });
} else {
messages.push({ id: 'detectors_function_empty' });
valid = false;
// check for duplicate detectors
if (job.analysis_config.detectors.length >= 2) {
// create an array of objects with a subset of the attributes
// where we want to make sure they are not be the same across detectors
const compareSubSet = => _.pick(d, [
const dedupedSubSet = uniqWithIsEqual(compareSubSet);
if (compareSubSet.length !== dedupedSubSet.length) {
messages.push({ id: 'detectors_duplicates' });
valid = false;
// we skip this influencer test because the client side form check is ignoring it
// and the server side tests have their own influencer test
// TODO: clarify if this is still needed or can be deleted
if (job.analysis_config.influencers &&
job.analysis_config.influencers.length === 0) {
messages.push({ id: 'influencers_low' });
valid = false;
} else {
messages.push({ id: 'success_influencers' });
if (
job.analysis_config.bucket_span === '' ||
job.analysis_config.bucket_span === undefined
) {
messages.push({ id: 'bucket_span_empty' });
valid = false;
} else {
const bucketSpan = parseInterval(job.analysis_config.bucket_span, false);
if (bucketSpan === null || bucketSpan.asMilliseconds() === 0) {
messages.push({ id: 'bucket_span_invalid' });
valid = false;
} else {
messages.push({ id: 'bucket_span_valid' });
// Datafeed
if (typeof fields !== 'undefined') {
const loadedFields = Object.keys(fields);
if (loadedFields.length === 0) {
messages.push({ id: 'index_fields_invalid' });
valid = false;
} else {
messages.push({ id: 'index_fields_valid' });
// model memory limit
if (typeof job.analysis_limits !== 'undefined' && typeof job.analysis_limits.model_memory_limit !== 'undefined') {
if (typeof limits === 'object' && typeof limits.max_model_memory_limit !== 'undefined') {
const max = limits.max_model_memory_limit.toUpperCase();
const mml = job.analysis_limits.model_memory_limit.toUpperCase();
const mmlBytes = numeral(mml).value();
const maxBytes = numeral(max).value();
if(mmlBytes > maxBytes) {
messages.push({ id: 'model_memory_limit_invalid' });
valid = false;
} else {
messages.push({ id: 'model_memory_limit_valid' });
} else {
valid = false;
return {
contains(id) { return _.some(messages, { id }); },
find(id) { return _.find(messages, { id }); }