Chris Roberson 25802019ae
[Monitoring] Integrate logs source for Logs UI (#36929)
* Define and use an internal log ui source configuration

* Fix urls in tests

* Remove unnecessary code
2019-06-13 09:28:54 -04:00

123 lines
4.7 KiB

* Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one
* or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License;
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the Elastic License.
import { i18n } from '@kbn/i18n';
import { LOGGING_TAG, KIBANA_MONITORING_LOGGING_TAG } from './common/constants';
import { requireUIRoutes } from './server/routes';
import { instantiateClient } from './server/es_client/instantiate_client';
import { initMonitoringXpackInfo } from './server/init_monitoring_xpack_info';
import { initBulkUploader } from './server/kibana_monitoring';
import {
} from './server/kibana_monitoring/collectors';
import { initInfraSource } from './server/lib/logs/init_infra_source';
* Initialize the Kibana Monitoring plugin by starting up asynchronous server tasks
* - [1] instantiation of an elasticsearch-js client exposed as a server plugin object
* - [2] start monitoring cluster x-pack license and features check
* - [3] webserver route handling
* - [4] start the internal monitoring collector/bulk uploader
* - [5] expose the monitoring collector object for other plugins to register with
* @param monitoringPlugin {Object} Monitoring UI plugin
* @param server {Object} HapiJS server instance
export const init = (monitoringPlugin, server) => {
const kbnServer = monitoringPlugin.kbnServer;
const config = server.config();
const { collectorSet } = server.usage;
* Register collector objects for stats to show up in the APIs
collectorSet.register(getOpsStatsCollector(server, kbnServer));
collectorSet.register(getSettingsCollector(server, kbnServer));
* Instantiate and start the internal background task that calls collector
* fetch methods and uploads to the ES monitoring bulk endpoint
const xpackMainPlugin = server.plugins.xpack_main;
xpackMainPlugin.status.once('green', async () => { // first time xpack_main turns green
* End-user-facing services
const uiEnabled = config.get('xpack.monitoring.ui.enabled');
if (uiEnabled) {
await instantiateClient(server); // Instantiate the dedicated ES client
await initMonitoringXpackInfo(server); // Route handlers depend on this for xpackInfo
await requireUIRoutes(server);
id: 'monitoring',
name: i18n.translate('xpack.monitoring.featureRegistry.monitoringFeatureName', {
defaultMessage: 'Stack Monitoring',
icon: 'monitoringApp',
navLinkId: 'monitoring',
app: ['monitoring', 'kibana'],
catalogue: ['monitoring'],
privileges: {},
reserved: {
privilege: {
savedObject: {
all: [],
read: []
ui: [],
description: i18n.translate('xpack.monitoring.feature.reserved.description', {
defaultMessage: 'To grant users access, you should also assign the monitoring_user role.'
const bulkUploader = initBulkUploader(kbnServer, server);
const kibanaCollectionEnabled = config.get('xpack.monitoring.kibana.collection.enabled');
const { info: xpackMainInfo } = xpackMainPlugin;
if (kibanaCollectionEnabled) {
* Bulk uploading of Kibana stats
xpackMainInfo.onLicenseInfoChange(() => {
// use updated xpack license info to start/stop bulk upload
const mainMonitoring = xpackMainInfo.feature('monitoring');
const monitoringBulkEnabled = mainMonitoring && mainMonitoring.isAvailable() && mainMonitoring.isEnabled();
if (monitoringBulkEnabled) {
} else {
} else if (!kibanaCollectionEnabled) {
'Internal collection for Kibana monitoring is disabled per configuration.'
server.injectUiAppVars('monitoring', (server) => {
const config = server.config();
return {
maxBucketSize: config.get('xpack.monitoring.max_bucket_size'),
minIntervalSeconds: config.get('xpack.monitoring.min_interval_seconds'),
kbnIndex: config.get('kibana.index'),
showLicenseExpiration: config.get('xpack.monitoring.show_license_expiration'),
showCgroupMetricsElasticsearch: config.get('xpack.monitoring.ui.container.elasticsearch.enabled'),
showCgroupMetricsLogstash: config.get('xpack.monitoring.ui.container.logstash.enabled') // Note, not currently used, but see part 2
export const postInit = server => {