Dmitry Lemeshko 7d61cac2d8
FTR: fix testSubjects.missingOrFail (#42290)
* [services/test_subject] fix missingOrFail

* [services/test_subjects] allowHidden option for missingOrFail

* [page_objects/dashboard_page] wait for euiTable loaded, increase timeout for loading page check
2019-07-31 00:19:15 +02:00

479 lines
17 KiB

* Licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one or more contributor
* license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. Elasticsearch B.V. licenses this file to you under
* the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
* not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import { WebDriver, WebElement, By } from 'selenium-webdriver';
import { FtrProviderContext } from '../ftr_provider_context';
import { WebElementWrapper } from './lib/web_element_wrapper';
export async function FindProvider({ getService }: FtrProviderContext) {
const log = getService('log');
const config = getService('config');
const webdriver = await getService('__webdriver__').init();
const retry = getService('retry');
const driver = webdriver.driver;
const until = webdriver.until;
const browserType = webdriver.browserType;
const WAIT_FOR_EXISTS_TIME = config.get('timeouts.waitForExists');
const POLLING_TIME = 500;
const defaultFindTimeout = config.get('timeouts.find');
const fixedHeaderHeight = config.get('layout.fixedHeaderHeight');
const wrap = (webElement: WebElement | WebElementWrapper, locator: By | null = null) =>
const wrapAll = (webElements: Array<WebElement | WebElementWrapper>) => => wrap(e));
const findAndWrap = async (locator: By, timeout: number): Promise<WebElementWrapper> => {
const webElement = await driver.wait(until.elementLocated(locator), timeout);
return wrap(webElement, locator);
class Find {
public currentWait = defaultFindTimeout;
public async byName(
selector: string,
timeout: number = defaultFindTimeout
): Promise<WebElementWrapper> {
log.debug(`Find.byName('${selector}') with timeout=${timeout}`);
return await findAndWrap(, timeout);
public async byCssSelector(
selector: string,
timeout: number = defaultFindTimeout
): Promise<WebElementWrapper> {
log.debug(`Find.findByCssSelector('${selector}') with timeout=${timeout}`);
return findAndWrap(By.css(selector), timeout);
public async byXPath(
selector: string,
timeout: number = defaultFindTimeout
): Promise<WebElementWrapper> {
log.debug(`Find.byXPath('${selector}') with timeout=${timeout}`);
return findAndWrap(By.xpath(selector), timeout);
public async byClassName(
selector: string,
timeout: number = defaultFindTimeout
): Promise<WebElementWrapper> {
log.debug(`Find.findByClassName('${selector}') with timeout=${timeout}`);
return findAndWrap(By.className(selector), timeout);
public async activeElement(): Promise<WebElementWrapper> {
return wrap(await driver.switchTo().activeElement());
public async setValue(selector: string, text: string): Promise<void> {
log.debug(`Find.setValue('${selector}', '${text}')`);
return await retry.try(async () => {
const element = await this.byCssSelector(selector);
// in case the input element is actually a child of the testSubject, we
// call clearValue() and type() on the element that is focused after
// clicking on the testSubject
const input = await this.activeElement();
if (input) {
await input.clearValue();
await input.type(text);
} else {
await element.clearValue();
await element.type(text);
public async filterElementIsDisplayed(elements: WebElementWrapper[]) {
if (elements.length === 0) {
return [];
} else {
const displayed = [];
// tslint:disable-next-line:prefer-for-of
for (let i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
const isDisplayed = await elements[i].isDisplayed();
if (isDisplayed) {
return displayed;
public async allByCustom(
findAllFunction: (drive: WebDriver) => WebElementWrapper[],
timeout = defaultFindTimeout
): Promise<WebElementWrapper[]> {
await this._withTimeout(timeout);
return await retry.try(async () => {
let elements = await findAllFunction(driver);
if (!elements) {
elements = [];
// Force isStale checks for all the retrieved elements.
await Promise.all( (element: any) => await element.isEnabled()));
await this._withTimeout(defaultFindTimeout);
return elements;
public async allByLinkText(
selector: string,
timeout: number = defaultFindTimeout
): Promise<WebElementWrapper[]> {
log.debug(`Find.allByLinkText('${selector}') with timeout=${timeout}`);
await this._withTimeout(timeout);
const elements = await driver.findElements(By.linkText(selector));
await this._withTimeout(defaultFindTimeout);
return wrapAll(elements);
public async allByCssSelector(
selector: string,
timeout: number = defaultFindTimeout
): Promise<WebElementWrapper[]> {
log.debug(`Find.allByCssSelector('${selector}') with timeout=${timeout}`);
await this._withTimeout(timeout);
const elements = await driver.findElements(By.css(selector));
await this._withTimeout(defaultFindTimeout);
return wrapAll(elements);
public async descendantExistsByCssSelector(
selector: string,
parentElement: WebElementWrapper,
timeout: number = WAIT_FOR_EXISTS_TIME
): Promise<boolean> {
log.debug(`Find.descendantExistsByCssSelector('${selector}') with timeout=${timeout}`);
const els = await parentElement._webElement.findElements(By.css(selector));
return await this.exists(async () => wrapAll(els), timeout);
public async descendantDisplayedByCssSelector(
selector: string,
parentElement: WebElementWrapper
): Promise<WebElementWrapper | never> {
const element = await parentElement._webElement.findElement(By.css(selector));
const descendant = wrap(element, By.css(selector));
const isDisplayed = await descendant.isDisplayed();
if (isDisplayed) {
return descendant;
} else {
throw new Error('Element is not displayed');
public async allDescendantDisplayedByCssSelector(
selector: string,
parentElement: WebElementWrapper
): Promise<WebElementWrapper[]> {
const allElements = await wrapAll(
await parentElement._webElement.findElements(By.css(selector))
return await this.filterElementIsDisplayed(allElements);
public async displayedByLinkText(
linkText: string,
timeout: number = defaultFindTimeout
): Promise<WebElementWrapper> {
log.debug(`Find.displayedByLinkText('${linkText}') with timeout=${timeout}`);
const element = await this.byLinkText(linkText, timeout);
log.debug(`Wait for element become visible: ${linkText} with timeout=${timeout}`);
await driver.wait(until.elementIsVisible(element._webElement), timeout);
return wrap(element, By.linkText(linkText));
public async displayedByCssSelector(
selector: string,
timeout: number = defaultFindTimeout
): Promise<WebElementWrapper> {
const element = await this.byCssSelector(selector, timeout);
log.debug(`Wait for element become visible: ${selector} with timeout=${timeout}`);
await driver.wait(until.elementIsVisible(element._webElement), timeout);
return wrap(element, By.css(selector));
public async byLinkText(
selector: string,
timeout: number = defaultFindTimeout
): Promise<WebElementWrapper> {
log.debug(`Find.byLinkText('${selector}') with timeout=${timeout}`);
return findAndWrap(By.linkText(selector), timeout);
public async byPartialLinkText(
partialLinkText: string,
timeout: number = defaultFindTimeout
): Promise<WebElementWrapper> {
log.debug(`Find.byPartialLinkText('${partialLinkText}') with timeout=${timeout}`);
return findAndWrap(By.partialLinkText(partialLinkText), timeout);
public async exists(
findFunction: (
el: WebDriver
) =>
| WebElementWrapper
| WebElementWrapper[]
| Promise<WebElementWrapper[]>
| Promise<WebElementWrapper>,
timeout: number = WAIT_FOR_EXISTS_TIME
): Promise<boolean> {
await this._withTimeout(timeout);
try {
const found = await findFunction(driver);
await this._withTimeout(defaultFindTimeout);
if (Array.isArray(found)) {
return found.length > 0;
} else {
return found instanceof WebElementWrapper;
} catch (err) {
await this._withTimeout(defaultFindTimeout);
return false;
public async existsByLinkText(
linkText: string,
timeout: number = WAIT_FOR_EXISTS_TIME
): Promise<boolean> {
log.debug(`Find.existsByLinkText('${linkText}') with timeout=${timeout}`);
return await this.exists(
async drive => wrapAll(await drive.findElements(By.linkText(linkText))),
public async existsByDisplayedByCssSelector(
selector: string,
timeout: number = WAIT_FOR_EXISTS_TIME
): Promise<boolean> {
log.debug(`Find.existsByDisplayedByCssSelector('${selector}') with timeout=${timeout}`);
return await this.exists(async drive => {
const elements = wrapAll(await drive.findElements(By.css(selector)));
return await this.filterElementIsDisplayed(elements);
}, timeout);
public async existsByCssSelector(
selector: string,
timeout: number = WAIT_FOR_EXISTS_TIME
): Promise<boolean> {
log.debug(`Find.existsByCssSelector('${selector}') with timeout=${timeout}`);
return await this.exists(async drive => {
return wrapAll(await drive.findElements(By.css(selector)));
}, timeout);
public async clickByCssSelectorWhenNotDisabled(
selector: string,
{ timeout } = { timeout: defaultFindTimeout }
): Promise<void> {
log.debug(`Find.clickByCssSelectorWhenNotDisabled('${selector}') with timeout=${timeout}`);
// Don't wrap this code in a retry, or stale element checks may get caught here and the element
// will never be re-grabbed. Let errors bubble, but continue checking for disabled property until
// it's gone.
const element = await this.byCssSelector(selector, timeout);
await element.moveMouseTo();
await driver.wait(until.elementIsEnabled(element._webElement), timeout);
public async clickByPartialLinkText(
linkText: string,
timeout: number = defaultFindTimeout
): Promise<void> {
log.debug(`Find.clickByPartialLinkText('${linkText}') with timeout=${timeout}`);
await retry.try(async () => {
const element = await this.byPartialLinkText(linkText, timeout);
await (element as any).moveMouseTo();
public async clickByLinkText(
linkText: string,
timeout: number = defaultFindTimeout
): Promise<void> {
log.debug(`Find.clickByLinkText('${linkText}') with timeout=${timeout}`);
await retry.try(async () => {
const element = await this.byLinkText(linkText, timeout);
await (element as any).moveMouseTo();
public async byButtonText(
buttonText: string,
element: WebDriver | WebElement | WebElementWrapper = driver,
timeout: number = defaultFindTimeout
): Promise<WebElementWrapper> {
log.debug(`Find.byButtonText('${buttonText}') with timeout=${timeout}`);
return await retry.tryForTime(timeout, async () => {
// tslint:disable-next-line:variable-name
const _element = element instanceof WebElementWrapper ? element._webElement : element;
const allButtons = wrapAll(await _element.findElements(By.tagName('button')));
const buttonTexts = await Promise.all( el => {
return el.getVisibleText();
const index = buttonTexts.findIndex(text => text.trim() === buttonText.trim());
if (index === -1) {
throw new Error('Button not found');
return allButtons[index];
public async clickByButtonText(
buttonText: string,
element = driver,
timeout: number = defaultFindTimeout
): Promise<void> {
log.debug(`Find.clickByButtonText('${buttonText}') with timeout=${timeout}`);
await retry.try(async () => {
const button = await this.byButtonText(buttonText, element, timeout);
public async clickByCssSelector(
selector: string,
timeout: number = defaultFindTimeout
): Promise<void> {
log.debug(`Find.clickByCssSelector('${selector}') with timeout=${timeout}`);
await retry.try(async () => {
const element = await this.byCssSelector(selector, timeout);
if (element) {
// await element.moveMouseTo();
} else {
throw new Error(`Element with css='${selector}' is not found`);
public async clickByDisplayedLinkText(
linkText: string,
timeout: number = defaultFindTimeout
): Promise<void> {
log.debug(`Find.clickByDisplayedLinkText('${linkText}') with timeout=${timeout}`);
await retry.try(async () => {
const element = await this.displayedByLinkText(linkText, timeout);
if (element) {
await element.moveMouseTo();
} else {
throw new Error(`Element with linkText='${linkText}' is not found`);
public async clickDisplayedByCssSelector(
selector: string,
timeout: number = defaultFindTimeout
) {
log.debug(`Find.clickDisplayedByCssSelector('${selector}') with timeout=${timeout}`);
await retry.try(async () => {
const element = await this.displayedByCssSelector(selector, timeout);
if (element) {
await element.moveMouseTo();
} else {
throw new Error(`Element with css='${selector}' is not found`);
public async waitForDeletedByCssSelector(
selector: string,
timeout: number = defaultFindTimeout
) {
log.debug(`Find.waitForDeletedByCssSelector('${selector}') with timeout=${timeout}`);
await this._withTimeout(POLLING_TIME);
await driver.wait(
async () => {
const found = await driver.findElements(By.css(selector));
return found.length === 0;
`The element ${selector} was still present when it should have disappeared.`
await this._withTimeout(defaultFindTimeout);
public async waitForAttributeToChange(
selector: string,
attribute: string,
value: string
): Promise<void> {
log.debug(`Find.waitForAttributeToChange('${selector}', '${attribute}', '${value}')`);
retry.waitFor(`${attribute} to equal "${value}"`, async () => {
const el = await this.byCssSelector(selector);
return value === (await el.getAttribute(attribute));
public async waitForElementStale(
element: WebElementWrapper,
timeout: number = defaultFindTimeout
): Promise<void> {
log.debug(`Find.waitForElementStale with timeout=${timeout}`);
await driver.wait(until.stalenessOf(element._webElement), timeout);
public async waitForElementHidden(
element: WebElementWrapper,
timeout: number = defaultFindTimeout
) {
log.debug(`Find.waitForElementHidden with timeout=${timeout}`);
await driver.wait(until.elementIsNotVisible(element._webElement), timeout);
private async _withTimeout(timeout: number) {
if (timeout !== this.currentWait) {
this.currentWait = timeout;
await (driver.manage() as any).setTimeouts({ implicit: timeout });
return new Find();