Kaarina Tungseth 833b12ecc1
[DOCS] Updates Lens and editor pages for 7.14 (#104756)
* [DOCS] Lens features and changes for 7.14

* Aggregation reference

* Formatting

* Fixes terminology

* Updates from 8-Jul meeting

* Terminology

* Updates terminology, images, and tutorial steps

* Update docs/user/dashboard/lens-advanced.asciidoc

Co-authored-by: Wylie Conlon <>

* Update docs/user/dashboard/create-panels-with-editors.asciidoc

Co-authored-by: Wylie Conlon <>

* Update docs/user/dashboard/lens.asciidoc

Co-authored-by: Wylie Conlon <>

* Comments from review

* Cleans up unused images

* Fixes image reference

Co-authored-by: Wylie Conlon <>
2021-07-27 11:58:42 -05:00

1118 lines
24 KiB

=== Vega
*Vega* and *Vega-Lite* are both grammars for creating custom visualizations. They are recommended for advanced users who are comfortable writing {es} queries manually.
*Vega-Lite* is a good starting point for users who are new to both grammars, but they are not compatible.
*Vega* and *Vega-Lite* panels can display one or more data sources, including {es}, Elastic Map Service,
URL, or static data, and support <<reference-for-kibana-extensions,{kib} extensions>> that allow you to embed the panels on your dashboard and add interactive tools.
Use *Vega* or *Vega-Lite* when you want to create visualizations with:
* Aggregations that use `nested` or `parent/child` mapping
* Aggregations without an index pattern
* Queries that use custom time filters
* Complex calculations
* Extracted data from _source instead of aggregations
* Scatter charts, sankey charts, and custom maps
* An unsupported visual theme
These grammars have some limitations: they do not support tables, and can't run queries conditionally.
image::images/vega.png[Vega UI]
Both *Vega* and *Vega-Lite* use JSON, but {kib} has made this simpler to type by integrating[HJSON]. HJSON supports the following:
* Optional quotes
* Double quotes or single quotes
* Optional commas
* Comments using // or /* syntax
* Multiline strings
==== Tutorials: Create custom panels
Learn how to connect *Vega-Lite* with {kib} filters and {es} data, then learn how to create more {kib} interaction using *Vega*.
As you edit the specs, work in small steps, and frequently save your work. Small changes can cause unexpected results. To save, click *Save* in the toolbar.
Before starting, add the eCommerce sample data that you'll use in your spec, then create the dashboard.
. From the {kib} *Home* page, click *Try our sample data*.
. From *eCommerce sample data*, click *Add data*.
. Open the main menu, then click *Dashboard*.
. On the *Dashboards* page, click *Create dashboard*.
===== Open and set up Vega-Lite
Open *Vega-Lite* and change the time range.
. On the dashboard, click *All types*, then select *Custom visualization*.
A pre-populated line chart displays the total number of documents.
. Make sure the <<set-time-filter,time filter>> is *Last 7 days*.
=== Tutorial: Create a stacked area chart from an {es} search query
Learn how to query {es} from *Vega-Lite*, displaying the results in a stacked area chart.
. In the *Vega-Lite* spec, replace `index: _all` with the following, then click *Update*:
index: kibana_sample_data_ecommerce
A flat line appears with zero results.
To add the data fields from the *kibana_sample_data_ecommerce* index, replace the following, then click *Update*:
* `%timefield%: @timestamp` with `%timefield%: order_date`
* `field: @timestamp` with `field: order_date`
===== Add the aggregations
To create the stacked area chart, add the aggregations.
To check your work, open and use the <<console-kibana,*Console*>> on a separate browser tab.
. Open {kib} on a new tab.
. Open the main menu, then click *Dev Tools*.
. On the *Console* editor, enter the aggregation, then click *Click to send request*:
POST kibana_sample_data_ecommerce/_search
"query": {
"range": {
"order_date": {
"gte": "now-7d"
"aggs": {
"time_buckets": {
"date_histogram": {
"field": "order_date",
"fixed_interval": "1d",
"extended_bounds": {
"min": "now-7d"
"min_doc_count": 0
"size": 0
Add the {ref}/search-aggregations-bucket-terms-aggregation.html[terms aggregation], then click *Click to send request*:
POST kibana_sample_data_ecommerce/_search
"query": {
"range": {
"order_date": {
"gte": "now-7d"
"aggs": {
"categories": {
"terms": { "field": "category.keyword" },
"aggs": {
"time_buckets": {
"date_histogram": {
"field": "order_date",
"fixed_interval": "1d",
"extended_bounds": {
"min": "now-7d"
"min_doc_count": 0
"size": 0
The response format is different from the first aggregation query:
"aggregations" : {
"categories" : {
"doc_count_error_upper_bound" : 0,
"sum_other_doc_count" : 0,
"buckets" : [{
"key" : "Men's Clothing",
"doc_count" : 1661,
"time_buckets" : {
"buckets" : [{
"key_as_string" : "2020-06-30T00:00:00.000Z",
"key" : 1593475200000,
"doc_count" : 19
}, {
"key_as_string" : "2020-07-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"key" : 1593561600000,
"doc_count" : 71
In the *Vega-Lite* spec, enter the aggregations, then click *Update*:
data: {
url: {
%context%: true
%timefield%: order_date
index: kibana_sample_data_ecommerce
body: {
aggs: {
categories: {
terms: { field: "category.keyword" }
aggs: {
time_buckets: {
date_histogram: {
field: order_date
interval: {%autointerval%: true}
extended_bounds: {
min: {%timefilter%: "min"}
max: {%timefilter%: "max"}
min_doc_count: 0
size: 0
format: {property: "aggregations.categories.buckets" }
For information about the queries, refer to <<vega-queries, reference for writing {es} queries in Vega>>.
===== Debug the warning
To generate the data, *Vega-Lite* uses the `source_0` and `data_0`. `source_0` contains
the results from the {es} query, and `data_0` contains the visually encoded results that are shown on the chart.
To debug the warning, compare `source_0` and `data_0`.
. In the toolbar, click *Inspect*.
. From the *View* dropdown, select *Vega debug*.
. From the dropdown, select *source_0*.
image::images/vega_lite_tutorial_4.png[Table for data_0 with columns key, doc_count and array of time_buckets]
. To compare to the visually encoded data, select *data_0* from the dropdown.
image::images/vega_lite_tutorial_5.png[Table for data_0 where the key is NaN instead of a string]
*key* is unable to convert because the property is category (`Men's Clothing`, `Women's Clothing`, etc.) instead of a timestamp.
===== Add and debug the encoding block
In the *Vega-Lite* spec, add the `encoding` block:
encoding: {
x: {
field: time_buckets.buckets.key
type: temporal
axis: { title: null }
y: {
field: time_buckets.buckets.doc_count
type: quantitative
axis: { title: "Document count" }
. Click *Inspect*, then select *Vega Debug* from the *View* dropdown.
. From the dropdown, select *data_0*.
image::images/vega_lite_tutorial_6.png[Table for data_0 showing that the column time_buckets.buckets.key is undefined]
*Vega-Lite* is unable to extract the `time_buckets.buckets` inner array.
===== Extract the `time_buckets.buckets` inner array
In {kib} 7.9 and later, use the *Vega-Lite*[flatten transformation] to extract the `time_buckets.buckets` inner array.
If you are using {kib} 7.8 and earlier, the flatten transformation is available only in *Vega*.
In the *Vega-Lite* spec, add a `transform` block, then click *Update*:
transform: [{
flatten: ["time_buckets.buckets"]
. Click *Inspect*, then select *Vega Debug* from the *View* dropdown.
. From the dropdown, select *data_0*.
image::images/vega_lite_tutorial_7.png[Table showing data_0 with multiple pages of results, but undefined values in the column time_buckets.buckets.key]
Vega-Lite displays *undefined* values because there are duplicate names.
. To resolve the duplicate names, add the `transform` and `encoding` blocks, then click *Update*:
transform: [{
flatten: ["time_buckets.buckets"],
as: ["buckets"]
mark: area
encoding: {
x: {
field: buckets.key
type: temporal
axis: { title: null }
y: {
field: buckets.doc_count
type: quantitative
axis: { title: "Document count" }
color: {
field: key
type: nominal
===== Add hover states and tooltips
With the *Vega-Lite* spec, you can add hover states and tooltips to the stacked area chart with the `selection` block.
In the *Vega-Lite* spec, add the `encoding` block, then click *Update*:
encoding: {
tooltip: [{
field: buckets.key
type: temporal
title: "Date"
}, {
field: key
type: nominal
title: "Category"
}, {
field: buckets.doc_count
type: quantitative
title: "Count"
When you hover over the area series on the stacked area chart, a multi-line tooltip
appears, but is unable to indicate the nearest point. To
indicate the nearest point, add a second layer.
Add composite marks, then click *Update*:
layer: [{
mark: area
}, {
mark: point
The points are unable to stack and align with the stacked area chart.
Change the y `encoding`:
y: {
field: buckets.doc_count
type: quantitative
axis: { title: "Document count" }
stack: true
Add a `selection` block inside `mark: point`:
layer: [{
mark: area
}, {
mark: point
selection: {
pointhover: {
type: single
on: mouseover
clear: mouseout
empty: none
fields: ["buckets.key", "key"]
nearest: true
encoding: {
size: {
condition: {
selection: pointhover
value: 100
value: 5
fill: {
condition: {
selection: pointhover
value: white
Move your cursor around the stacked area chart. The points are able to
indicate the nearest point.
image::images/vega_lite_tutorial_2.png[Vega-Lite tutorial selection enabled]
The selection is controlled by a signal. To view the signal, click *Inspect* in the toolbar.
.Expand final Vega-Lite spec
title: Event counts from ecommerce
data: {
url: {
%context%: true
%timefield%: order_date
index: kibana_sample_data_ecommerce
body: {
aggs: {
categories: {
terms: { field: "category.keyword" }
aggs: {
time_buckets: {
date_histogram: {
field: order_date
interval: {%autointerval%: true}
extended_bounds: {
min: {%timefilter%: "min"}
max: {%timefilter%: "max"}
min_doc_count: 0
size: 0
format: {property: "aggregations.categories.buckets" }
transform: [{
flatten: ["time_buckets.buckets"]
as: ["buckets"]
encoding: {
x: {
field: buckets.key
type: temporal
axis: { title: null }
y: {
field: buckets.doc_count
type: quantitative
axis: { title: "Document count" }
stack: true
color: {
field: key
type: nominal
title: "Category"
tooltip: [{
field: buckets.key
type: temporal
title: "Date"
}, {
field: key
type: nominal
title: "Category"
}, {
field: buckets.doc_count
type: quantitative
title: "Count"
layer: [{
mark: area
}, {
mark: point
selection: {
pointhover: {
type: single
on: mouseover
clear: mouseout
empty: none
fields: ["buckets.key", "key"]
nearest: true
encoding: {
size: {
condition: {
selection: pointhover
value: 100
value: 5
fill: {
condition: {
selection: pointhover
value: white
=== Tutorial: Update {kib} filters from Vega
To build an area chart using an {es} search query, edit the *Vega* spec, then add click and drag handlers to update the {kib} filters.
In the *Vega* spec, enter the following, then click *Update*:
$schema: ""
data: [{
name: source_0
scales: [{
name: x
type: time
range: width
}, {
name: y
type: linear
range: height
axes: [{
orient: bottom
scale: x
}, {
orient: left
scale: y
marks: [
type: area
from: {
data: source_0
encode: {
update: {
Add the {es} search query with the `data` block, then click *Update*:
data: [
name: source_0
url: {
%context%: true
%timefield%: order_date
index: kibana_sample_data_ecommerce
body: {
aggs: {
time_buckets: {
date_histogram: {
field: order_date
fixed_interval: "3h"
extended_bounds: {
min: {%timefilter%: "min"}
max: {%timefilter%: "max"}
min_doc_count: 0
size: 0
format: { property: "aggregations.time_buckets.buckets" }
===== Change the x- and y-axes
Display labels for the x- and y-axes.
In the *Vega* spec, add the `scales` block, then click *Update*:
scales: [{
name: x
type: time
range: width
domain: {
data: source_0
field: key
}, {
name: y
type: linear
range: height
domain: {
data: source_0
field: doc_count
Add the `key` and `doc_count` fields as the X- and Y-axis values, then click *Update*:
marks: [
type: area
from: {
data: source_0
encode: {
update: {
x: {
scale: x
field: key
y: {
scale: y
value: 0
y2: {
scale: y
field: doc_count
===== Add a block to the `marks` section
Show the clickable points on the area chart to filter for a specific date.
In the *Vega* spec, add to the `marks` block, then click *Update*:
name: point
type: symbol
style: ["point"]
from: {
data: source_0
encode: {
update: {
x: {
scale: x
field: key
y: {
scale: y
field: doc_count
size: {
value: 100
fill: {
value: black
===== Create a signal
To make the points clickable, create a *Vega* signal. You can access the clicked `datum` in the expression used to update.
In the *Vega* spec, add a `signals` block to specify that the cursor clicks add a time filter with the three hour interval, then click *Update*:
signals: [
name: point_click
on: [{
events: {
source: scope
type: click
markname: point
update: '''kibanaSetTimeFilter(datum.key, datum.key + 3 * 60 * 60 * 1000)'''
The event uses the `kibanaSetTimeFilter` custom function to generate a filter that
applies to the entire dashboard on a click.
To make the area chart interactive, locate the `marks` block,
then update the `point` and add `cursor: { value: "pointer" }` to
name: point
type: symbol
style: ["point"]
from: {
data: source_0
encode: {
update: {
cursor: { value: "pointer" }
===== Add a drag interaction
To allow users to filter based on a time range, add a drag interaction, which requires additional signals and a rectangle overlay.
In the *Vega* spec, add a `signal` to track the X position of the cursor:
name: currentX
value: -1
on: [{
events: {
type: mousemove
source: view
update: "clamp(x(), 0, width)"
}, {
events: {
type: mouseout
source: view
update: "-1"
To indicate the current cursor position, add a `mark` block:
type: rule
interactive: false
encode: {
update: {
y: {value: 0}
y2: {signal: "height"}
stroke: {value: "gray"}
strokeDash: {
value: [2, 1]
x: {signal: "max(currentX,0)"}
defined: {signal: "currentX > 0"}
To track the selected time range, add a signal that updates
until the user releases their cursor or presses Return:
name: selected
value: [0, 0]
on: [{
events: {
type: mousedown
source: view
update: "[clamp(x(), 0, width), clamp(x(), 0, width)]"
}, {
events: {
type: mousemove
source: window
consume: true
between: [{
type: mousedown
source: view
}, {
merge: [{
type: mouseup
source: window
}, {
type: keydown
source: window
filter: "event.key === 'Escape'"
update: "[selected[0], clamp(x(), 0, width)]"
}, {
events: {
type: keydown
source: window
filter: "event.key === 'Escape'"
update: "[0, 0]"
There is a signal that tracks the time range from the user.
To indicate the range visually, add a mark that only appears conditionally:
type: rect
name: selectedRect
encode: {
update: {
height: {signal: "height"}
fill: {value: "#333"}
fillOpacity: {value: 0.2}
x: {signal: "selected[0]"}
x2: {signal: "selected[1]"}
defined: {signal: "selected[0] !== selected[1]"}
Add a signal that updates the {kib} time filter when the cursor is released while
name: applyTimeFilter
value: null
on: [{
events: {
type: mouseup
source: view
update: '''selected[0] !== selected[1] ? kibanaSetTimeFilter(
invert('x',selected[1])) : null'''
.Expand final Vega spec
$schema: ""
data: [
name: source_0
url: {
%context%: true
%timefield%: order_date
index: kibana_sample_data_ecommerce
body: {
aggs: {
time_buckets: {
date_histogram: {
field: order_date
fixed_interval: "3h"
extended_bounds: {
min: {%timefilter%: "min"}
max: {%timefilter%: "max"}
min_doc_count: 0
size: 0
format: { property: "aggregations.time_buckets.buckets" }
scales: [{
name: x
type: time
range: width
domain: {
data: source_0
field: key
}, {
name: y
type: linear
range: height
domain: {
data: source_0
field: doc_count
axes: [{
orient: bottom
scale: x
}, {
orient: left
scale: y
marks: [
type: area
from: {
data: source_0
encode: {
update: {
x: {
scale: x
field: key
y: {
scale: y
value: 0
y2: {
scale: y
field: doc_count
name: point
type: symbol
style: ["point"]
from: {
data: source_0
encode: {
update: {
x: {
scale: x
field: key
y: {
scale: y
field: doc_count
size: {
value: 100
fill: {
value: black
cursor: { value: "pointer" }
type: rule
interactive: false
encode: {
update: {
y: {value: 0}
y2: {signal: "height"}
stroke: {value: "gray"}
strokeDash: {
value: [2, 1]
x: {signal: "max(currentX,0)"}
defined: {signal: "currentX > 0"}
type: rect
name: selectedRect
encode: {
update: {
height: {signal: "height"}
fill: {value: "#333"}
fillOpacity: {value: 0.2}
x: {signal: "selected[0]"}
x2: {signal: "selected[1]"}
defined: {signal: "selected[0] !== selected[1]"}
signals: [
name: point_click
on: [{
events: {
source: scope
type: click
markname: point
update: '''kibanaSetTimeFilter(datum.key, datum.key + 3 * 60 * 60 * 1000)'''
name: currentX
value: -1
on: [{
events: {
type: mousemove
source: view
update: "clamp(x(), 0, width)"
}, {
events: {
type: mouseout
source: view
update: "-1"
name: selected
value: [0, 0]
on: [{
events: {
type: mousedown
source: view
update: "[clamp(x(), 0, width), clamp(x(), 0, width)]"
}, {
events: {
type: mousemove
source: window
consume: true
between: [{
type: mousedown
source: view
}, {
merge: [{
type: mouseup
source: window
}, {
type: keydown
source: window
filter: "event.key === 'Escape'"
update: "[selected[0], clamp(x(), 0, width)]"
}, {
events: {
type: keydown
source: window
filter: "event.key === 'Escape'"
update: "[0, 0]"
name: applyTimeFilter
value: null
on: [{
events: {
type: mouseup
source: view
update: '''selected[0] !== selected[1] ? kibanaSetTimeFilter(
invert('x',selected[1])) : null'''