Tiago Costa 45a67701f2
Upgrade to NodeJS 10 (#25157)
* feat(NA): upgrade node js version on file configs.

* chore(NA): migrate configs and 3rd party dependencies to work on node js 10.x

* fix(NA): add missing async function declaration.

* chore(NA): updated elastic/good package to work with node10

* chore(NA): update lockfiles.

* fix(NA): add missing dep.

* fix(NA): types for node 10.

* test(NA): fix error return type for node10.

* fix(NA): kbn-pm webpack config to unlazy a require using lazy-cache. fix(NA): build to work with node 10.

* test(NA): jest integration test for kbn-pluin-helpers.

* test(NA): fix jest tests for kbn-es.

* fix(NA): use ostmpdir instead of a tmp folder inside the fixtures.

* fix(NA): change afterEach on kbn es decompress test.

* fix(NA): change afterEach on kbn es decompress test.

* fix(NA): readd mock-fs for the tests that still use it on kbn-es and that works on node10.

* fix(NA): readd mock-fs for the tests that still use it on kbn-es and that works on node10.

* refact(NA): rewrite tests using mock-fs and completely remove this dependency.

* fix(NA): failing test implementation using jest mock in order to replace mock-fs.

* fix(NA): update jest snapshots to match new ones generated one node 10.

* fix(NA): cli/cluster mock to spyOn off method instead off spyOn removeListener as this was changed on Node 10.

* fix(NA): tests for cluster_manager to also spyOn off and on instead of addListener and removeListener

* test(NA): fix management advance settings image field test flow.

* fix(NA): apply missing types for src/core/server/plugins/discovery/plugins_discovery.ts.

* test(NA): updated 2 missing snapshots for KuiCodeEditor on kbn-ui-framework.

* refact(NA): fix eslint errors.

* refact(NA): fix ts code with tslint fix. chore(NA): update jest snapshots.

* chore(NA): migrate kbn config schema peer dependency to last used joi version to avoid warning on bootstrap.

* fix(NA): tslint errors.

* chore(NA): upgrade types node to the last version.

* fix(NA): missing utf8 input format encoding when reading a file.

* chore(NA): upgrade to node 10.14.1

* fix(NA): Buffer api usage to avoid deprecation warnings.
2018-12-10 17:41:51 +00:00

406 lines
12 KiB

"name": "kibana",
"description": "Kibana is a browser based analytics and search dashboard for Elasticsearch. Kibana is a snap to setup and start using. Kibana strives to be easy to get started with, while also being flexible and powerful, just like Elasticsearch.",
"keywords": [
"private": true,
"version": "7.0.0",
"branch": "master",
"types": "./target/types/type_exports.d.ts",
"build": {
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"author": "Rashid Khan <>",
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"test:dev": "grunt test:dev",
"test:quick": "grunt test:quick",
"test:browser": "grunt test:browser",
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"test:ui:server": "echo 'use `node scripts/functional_tests_server`' && false",
"test:ui:runner": "echo 'use `node scripts/functional_test_runner`' && false",
"test:server": "grunt test:server",
"test:coverage": "grunt test:coverage",
"checkLicenses": "grunt licenses --dev",
"build": "node scripts/build --all-platforms",
"start": "node scripts/kibana --dev",
"debug": "node --nolazy --inspect scripts/kibana --dev",
"debug-break": "node --nolazy --inspect-brk scripts/kibana --dev",
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"mocha": "echo 'use `node scripts/mocha`' && false",
"sterilize": "grunt sterilize",
"uiFramework:start": "cd packages/kbn-ui-framework && yarn docSiteStart",
"uiFramework:build": "cd packages/kbn-ui-framework && yarn docSiteBuild",
"uiFramework:createComponent": "cd packages/kbn-ui-framework && yarn createComponent",
"uiFramework:documentComponent": "cd packages/kbn-ui-framework && yarn documentComponent",
"kbn:watch": "node scripts/kibana --dev --logging.json=false",
"build:types": "tsc --p tsconfig.types.json",
"kbn:bootstrap": "yarn build:types && node scripts/register_git_hook"
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