Mikhail Shustov f3ec948bee
Cleanup outdated @elastic/elasticsearch client type errors (#101741)
* fix errors and update comments in Core

* fix errors or update comments in Security plugin

* update spaces test

* update task_manager files

* update comments in monitoring plugin

* fix errors in update comments in security_solutions

* fix errors and update comments in data_enhanced

* update fleet code

* update infra code

* update comment in trigger_actions_ui

* update comment in lens

* update comments in ES-UI code

* update typings for search

* update monitoring

* remove outdated export
2021-06-21 10:03:00 -04:00

814 lines
29 KiB

* Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one
* or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License
* 2.0; you may not use this file except in compliance with the Elastic License
* 2.0.
import type { estypes } from '@elastic/elasticsearch';
import expect from '@kbn/expect';
import { SuperTest } from 'supertest';
import { EsArchiver } from '@kbn/es-archiver';
import type { KibanaClient } from '@elastic/elasticsearch/api/kibana';
import { DEFAULT_SPACE_ID } from '../../../../plugins/spaces/common/constants';
import { CopyResponse } from '../../../../plugins/spaces/server/lib/copy_to_spaces';
import { getUrlPrefix } from '../lib/space_test_utils';
import { DescribeFn, TestDefinitionAuthentication } from '../lib/types';
type TestResponse = Record<string, any>;
interface CopyToSpaceTest {
statusCode: number;
response: (resp: TestResponse) => Promise<void>;
interface CopyToSpaceMultiNamespaceTest extends CopyToSpaceTest {
testTitle: string;
objects: Array<Record<string, any>>;
interface CopyToSpaceTests {
noConflictsWithoutReferences: CopyToSpaceTest;
noConflictsWithReferences: CopyToSpaceTest;
withConflictsOverwriting: CopyToSpaceTest;
withConflictsWithoutOverwriting: CopyToSpaceTest;
nonExistentSpace: CopyToSpaceTest;
multipleSpaces: {
statusCode: number;
withConflictsResponse: (resp: TestResponse) => Promise<void>;
noConflictsResponse: (resp: TestResponse) => Promise<void>;
multiNamespaceTestCases: (
overwrite: boolean,
createNewCopies: boolean
) => CopyToSpaceMultiNamespaceTest[];
interface CopyToSpaceTestDefinition {
user?: TestDefinitionAuthentication;
spaceId?: string;
tests: CopyToSpaceTests;
interface CountByTypeBucket {
key: string;
doc_count: number;
interface SpaceBucket {
doc_count: number;
key: string;
countByType: {
doc_count_error_upper_bound: number;
sum_other_doc_count: number;
buckets: CountByTypeBucket[];
const INITIAL_COUNTS: Record<string, Record<string, number>> = {
[DEFAULT_SPACE_ID]: { dashboard: 2, visualization: 3, 'index-pattern': 1 },
space_1: { dashboard: 2, visualization: 3, 'index-pattern': 1 },
space_2: { dashboard: 1 },
const getDestinationWithoutConflicts = () => 'space_2';
const getDestinationWithConflicts = (originSpaceId?: string) =>
!originSpaceId || originSpaceId === DEFAULT_SPACE_ID ? 'space_1' : DEFAULT_SPACE_ID;
export function copyToSpaceTestSuiteFactory(
es: KibanaClient,
esArchiver: EsArchiver,
supertest: SuperTest<any>
) {
const collectSpaceContents = async () => {
const { body: response } = await{
index: '.kibana',
body: {
size: 0,
query: { terms: { type: ['visualization', 'dashboard', 'index-pattern'] } },
aggs: {
count: {
terms: { field: 'namespace', missing: DEFAULT_SPACE_ID, size: 10 },
aggs: { countByType: { terms: { field: 'type', missing: 'UNKNOWN', size: 10 } } },
const aggs = response.aggregations as Record<
return {
buckets: aggs.count.buckets,
const assertSpaceCounts = async (
spaceId: string,
expectedCounts: Record<string, number> = {}
) => {
const bucketSorter = (b1: CountByTypeBucket, b2: CountByTypeBucket) =>
b1.key < b2.key ? -1 : 1;
const { buckets } = await collectSpaceContents();
const spaceBucket = buckets.find((b) => b.key === spaceId);
if (!spaceBucket) {
const { countByType } = spaceBucket;
const expectedBuckets = Object.entries(expectedCounts).reduce((acc, entry) => {
const [type, count] = entry;
return [...acc, { key: type, doc_count: count }];
}, [] as CountByTypeBucket[]);
doc_count_error_upper_bound: 0,
sum_other_doc_count: 0,
buckets: expectedBuckets,
const expectRouteForbiddenResponse = async (resp: TestResponse) => {
statusCode: 403,
error: 'Forbidden',
message: 'Forbidden',
const expectRouteNotFoundResponse = async (resp: TestResponse) => {
statusCode: 404,
error: 'Not Found',
message: 'Not Found',
const createExpectNoConflictsWithoutReferencesForSpace = (
spaceId: string,
destination: string,
expectedDashboardCount: number
) => async (resp: TestResponse) => {
const result = resp.body as CopyResponse;
[destination]: {
success: true,
successCount: 1,
successResults: [
id: 'cts_dashboard',
type: 'dashboard',
meta: {
title: `This is the ${spaceId} test space CTS dashboard`,
icon: 'dashboardApp',
} as CopyResponse);
// Query ES to ensure that we copied everything we expected
await assertSpaceCounts(destination, {
dashboard: expectedDashboardCount,
const expectNoConflictsWithoutReferencesResult = (spaceId: string = DEFAULT_SPACE_ID) =>
createExpectNoConflictsWithoutReferencesForSpace(spaceId, getDestinationWithoutConflicts(), 2);
const expectNoConflictsForNonExistentSpaceResult = (spaceId: string = DEFAULT_SPACE_ID) =>
createExpectNoConflictsWithoutReferencesForSpace(spaceId, 'non_existent_space', 1);
const expectNoConflictsWithReferencesResult = (spaceId: string = DEFAULT_SPACE_ID) => async (
resp: TestResponse
) => {
const destination = getDestinationWithoutConflicts();
const result = resp.body as CopyResponse;
[destination]: {
success: true,
successCount: 5,
successResults: [
id: 'cts_ip_1',
type: 'index-pattern',
meta: {
icon: 'indexPatternApp',
title: `Copy to Space index pattern 1 from ${spaceId} space`,
id: `cts_vis_1_${spaceId}`,
type: 'visualization',
meta: { icon: 'visualizeApp', title: `CTS vis 1 from ${spaceId} space` },
id: `cts_vis_2_${spaceId}`,
type: 'visualization',
meta: { icon: 'visualizeApp', title: `CTS vis 2 from ${spaceId} space` },
id: 'cts_vis_3',
type: 'visualization',
meta: { icon: 'visualizeApp', title: `CTS vis 3 from ${spaceId} space` },
id: 'cts_dashboard',
type: 'dashboard',
meta: {
icon: 'dashboardApp',
title: `This is the ${spaceId} test space CTS dashboard`,
} as CopyResponse);
// Query ES to ensure that we copied everything we expected
await assertSpaceCounts(destination, {
dashboard: 2,
visualization: 3,
'index-pattern': 1,
const getDestinationSpace = (
sourceSpaceId: string,
type: 'with-conflicts' | 'without-conflicts' | 'non-existent'
) => {
if (type === 'non-existent') {
return 'non_existent_space';
return type === 'with-conflicts'
? getDestinationWithConflicts(sourceSpaceId)
: getDestinationWithoutConflicts();
const createExpectUnauthorizedAtSpaceWithReferencesResult = (
spaceId: string = DEFAULT_SPACE_ID,
type: 'with-conflicts' | 'without-conflicts'
) => async (resp: TestResponse) => {
const destination = getDestinationSpace(spaceId, type);
const result = resp.body as CopyResponse;
[destination]: {
success: false,
successCount: 0,
errors: [
statusCode: 403,
error: 'Forbidden',
message: 'Unable to bulk_create dashboard,index-pattern,visualization',
} as CopyResponse);
// Query ES to ensure that nothing was copied
await assertSpaceCounts(destination, INITIAL_COUNTS[destination]);
const createExpectUnauthorizedAtSpaceWithoutReferencesResult = (
spaceId: string = DEFAULT_SPACE_ID,
type: 'with-conflicts' | 'without-conflicts' | 'non-existent'
) => async (resp: TestResponse) => {
const destination = getDestinationSpace(spaceId, type);
const result = resp.body as CopyResponse;
[destination]: {
success: false,
successCount: 0,
errors: [
statusCode: 403,
error: 'Forbidden',
message: 'Unable to bulk_create dashboard',
} as CopyResponse);
// Query ES to ensure that nothing was copied
await assertSpaceCounts(destination, INITIAL_COUNTS[destination]);
const createExpectWithConflictsOverwritingResult = (spaceId?: string) => async (resp: {
[key: string]: any;
}) => {
const destination = getDestinationWithConflicts(spaceId);
const result = resp.body as CopyResponse;
[destination]: {
success: true,
successCount: 5,
successResults: [
id: 'cts_ip_1',
type: 'index-pattern',
meta: {
icon: 'indexPatternApp',
title: `Copy to Space index pattern 1 from ${spaceId} space`,
overwrite: true,
id: `cts_vis_1_${spaceId}`,
type: 'visualization',
meta: { icon: 'visualizeApp', title: `CTS vis 1 from ${spaceId} space` },
id: `cts_vis_2_${spaceId}`,
type: 'visualization',
meta: { icon: 'visualizeApp', title: `CTS vis 2 from ${spaceId} space` },
id: 'cts_vis_3',
type: 'visualization',
meta: { icon: 'visualizeApp', title: `CTS vis 3 from ${spaceId} space` },
overwrite: true,
id: 'cts_dashboard',
type: 'dashboard',
meta: {
icon: 'dashboardApp',
title: `This is the ${spaceId} test space CTS dashboard`,
overwrite: true,
} as CopyResponse);
// Query ES to ensure that we copied everything we expected
await assertSpaceCounts(destination, {
dashboard: 2,
visualization: 5,
'index-pattern': 1,
const createExpectWithConflictsWithoutOverwritingResult = (spaceId?: string) => async (resp: {
[key: string]: any;
}) => {
const errorSorter = (e1: any, e2: any) => ( < ? -1 : 1);
const destination = getDestinationWithConflicts(spaceId);
const result = resp.body as CopyResponse;
const expectedSuccessResults = [
id: `cts_vis_1_${spaceId}`,
type: 'visualization',
meta: { icon: 'visualizeApp', title: `CTS vis 1 from ${spaceId} space` },
id: `cts_vis_2_${spaceId}`,
type: 'visualization',
meta: { icon: 'visualizeApp', title: `CTS vis 2 from ${spaceId} space` },
const expectedErrors = [
error: { type: 'conflict' },
id: 'cts_dashboard',
title: `This is the ${spaceId} test space CTS dashboard`,
type: 'dashboard',
meta: {
title: `This is the ${spaceId} test space CTS dashboard`,
icon: 'dashboardApp',
error: { type: 'conflict' },
id: 'cts_ip_1',
title: `Copy to Space index pattern 1 from ${spaceId} space`,
type: 'index-pattern',
meta: {
title: `Copy to Space index pattern 1 from ${spaceId} space`,
icon: 'indexPatternApp',
error: { type: 'conflict' },
id: 'cts_vis_3',
title: `CTS vis 3 from ${spaceId} space`,
type: 'visualization',
meta: {
title: `CTS vis 3 from ${spaceId} space`,
icon: 'visualizeApp',
[destination]: {
success: false,
successCount: 2,
successResults: expectedSuccessResults,
errors: expectedErrors,
} as CopyResponse);
// Query ES to ensure that no objects were created
await assertSpaceCounts(destination, INITIAL_COUNTS[destination]);
* Creates test cases for multi-namespace saved object types.
* Note: these are written with the assumption that test data will only be reloaded between each group of test cases, *not* before every
* single test case. This saves time during test execution.
const createMultiNamespaceTestCases = (
spaceId: string,
outcome: 'authorized' | 'unauthorizedRead' | 'unauthorizedWrite' | 'noAccess' = 'authorized'
) => (overwrite: boolean, createNewCopies: boolean): CopyToSpaceMultiNamespaceTest[] => {
// the status code of the HTTP response differs depending on the error type
// a 403 error actually comes back as an HTTP 200 response
const statusCode = outcome === 'noAccess' ? 403 : 200;
const type = 'sharedtype';
const v4 = new RegExp(/^[0-9A-F]{8}-[0-9A-F]{4}-4[0-9A-F]{3}-[89AB][0-9A-F]{3}-[0-9A-F]{12}$/i);
const noConflictId = `${spaceId}_only`;
const exactMatchId = 'each_space';
const inexactMatchId = `conflict_1_${spaceId}`;
const ambiguousConflictId = `conflict_2_${spaceId}`;
const getResult = (response: TestResponse) => (response.body as CopyResponse).space_2;
const expectSavedObjectForbiddenResponse = (response: TestResponse) => {
space_2: {
success: false,
successCount: 0,
errors: [
{ statusCode: 403, error: 'Forbidden', message: `Unable to bulk_create sharedtype` },
const expectNewCopyResponse = (response: TestResponse, sourceId: string, title: string) => {
const { success, successCount, successResults, errors } = getResult(response);
const destinationId = successResults![0].destinationId;
const meta = { title, icon: 'beaker' };
expect(successResults).to.eql([{ type, id: sourceId, meta, destinationId }]);
return [
testTitle: 'copying with no conflict',
objects: [{ type, id: noConflictId }],
response: async (response: TestResponse) => {
if (outcome === 'authorized') {
const title = 'A shared saved-object in one space';
// It doesn't matter if createNewCopies is enabled or not, a new copy will be created because two objects cannot exist with the same ID.
// Note: if createNewCopies is disabled, the new object will have an originId property that matches the source ID, but this is not included in the HTTP response.
expectNewCopyResponse(response, noConflictId, title);
} else if (outcome === 'noAccess') {
} else {
// unauthorized read/write
testTitle: 'copying with an exact match conflict',
objects: [{ type, id: exactMatchId }],
response: async (response: TestResponse) => {
if (outcome === 'authorized' || (outcome === 'unauthorizedWrite' && !createNewCopies)) {
// If the user is authorized to read in the current space, and is authorized to read in the destination space but not to write
// (outcome === 'unauthorizedWrite'), *and* createNewCopies is not enabled, the object will be skipped (because it already
// exists in the destination space) and the user will encounter an empty success result.
// On the other hand, if the user is authorized to read in the current space but not the destination space (outcome ===
// 'unauthorizedRead'), the copy attempt will proceed because they are not aware that the object already exists in the
// destination space. In that case, they will encounter a 403 error.
const { success, successCount, successResults, errors } = getResult(response);
const title = 'A shared saved-object in the default, space_1, and space_2 spaces';
if (createNewCopies) {
expectNewCopyResponse(response, exactMatchId, title);
} else {
// It doesn't matter if overwrite is enabled or not, the object will not be copied because it already exists in the destination space
} else if (outcome === 'noAccess') {
} else {
// unauthorized read/write
testTitle: 'copying with an inexact match conflict',
objects: [{ type, id: inexactMatchId }],
response: async (response: TestResponse) => {
if (outcome === 'authorized') {
const { success, successCount, successResults, errors } = getResult(response);
const title = 'A shared saved-object in one space';
const meta = { title, icon: 'beaker' };
const destinationId = 'conflict_1_space_2';
if (createNewCopies) {
expectNewCopyResponse(response, inexactMatchId, title);
} else if (overwrite) {
{ type, id: inexactMatchId, meta, overwrite: true, destinationId },
} else {
error: { type: 'conflict', destinationId },
id: inexactMatchId,
} else if (outcome === 'noAccess') {
} else {
// unauthorized read/write
testTitle: 'copying with an ambiguous conflict',
objects: [{ type, id: ambiguousConflictId }],
response: async (response: TestResponse) => {
if (outcome === 'authorized') {
const { success, successCount, successResults, errors } = getResult(response);
const title = 'A shared saved-object in one space';
if (createNewCopies) {
expectNewCopyResponse(response, ambiguousConflictId, title);
} else {
// It doesn't matter if overwrite is enabled or not, the object will not be copied because there are two matches in the destination space
const updatedAt = '2017-09-21T18:59:16.270Z';
const destinations = [
// response should be sorted by updatedAt in descending order
id: 'conflict_2_space_2',
title: 'A shared saved-object in one space',
{ id: 'conflict_2_all', title: 'A shared saved-object in all spaces', updatedAt },
error: { type: 'ambiguous_conflict', destinations },
id: ambiguousConflictId,
meta: { title, icon: 'beaker' },
} else if (outcome === 'noAccess') {
} else {
// unauthorized read/write
const makeCopyToSpaceTest = (describeFn: DescribeFn) => (
description: string,
{ user = {}, spaceId = DEFAULT_SPACE_ID, tests }: CopyToSpaceTestDefinition
) => {
describeFn(description, () => {
before(() => {
// test data only allows for the following spaces as the copy origin
expect(['default', 'space_1']).to.contain(spaceId);
describe('single-namespace types', () => {
beforeEach(() =>
afterEach(() =>
const dashboardObject = { type: 'dashboard', id: 'cts_dashboard' };
it(`should return ${tests.noConflictsWithoutReferences.statusCode} when copying to space without conflicts or references`, async () => {
const destination = getDestinationWithoutConflicts();
await assertSpaceCounts(destination, INITIAL_COUNTS[destination]);
return supertest
.auth(user.username, user.password)
objects: [dashboardObject],
spaces: [destination],
includeReferences: false,
createNewCopies: false,
overwrite: false,
it(`should return ${tests.noConflictsWithReferences.statusCode} when copying to space without conflicts with references`, async () => {
const destination = getDestinationWithoutConflicts();
await assertSpaceCounts(destination, INITIAL_COUNTS[destination]);
return supertest
.auth(user.username, user.password)
objects: [dashboardObject],
spaces: [destination],
includeReferences: true,
createNewCopies: false,
overwrite: false,
it(`should return ${tests.withConflictsOverwriting.statusCode} when copying to space with conflicts when overwriting`, async () => {
const destination = getDestinationWithConflicts(spaceId);
await assertSpaceCounts(destination, INITIAL_COUNTS[destination]);
return supertest
.auth(user.username, user.password)
objects: [dashboardObject],
spaces: [destination],
includeReferences: true,
createNewCopies: false,
overwrite: true,
it(`should return ${tests.withConflictsWithoutOverwriting.statusCode} when copying to space with conflicts without overwriting`, async () => {
const destination = getDestinationWithConflicts(spaceId);
await assertSpaceCounts(destination, INITIAL_COUNTS[destination]);
return supertest
.auth(user.username, user.password)
objects: [dashboardObject],
spaces: [destination],
includeReferences: true,
createNewCopies: false,
overwrite: false,
it(`should return ${tests.multipleSpaces.statusCode} when copying to multiple spaces`, async () => {
const conflictDestination = getDestinationWithConflicts(spaceId);
const noConflictDestination = getDestinationWithoutConflicts();
return supertest
.auth(user.username, user.password)
objects: [dashboardObject],
spaces: [conflictDestination, noConflictDestination],
includeReferences: true,
createNewCopies: false,
overwrite: true,
.then((response: TestResponse) => {
if (tests.multipleSpaces.statusCode === 200) {
return Promise.all([
body: { [noConflictDestination]: response.body[noConflictDestination] },
body: { [conflictDestination]: response.body[conflictDestination] },
// non-200 status codes will not have a response body broken out by space id, like above.
return Promise.all([
it(`should return ${tests.nonExistentSpace.statusCode} when copying to non-existent space`, async () => {
return supertest
.auth(user.username, user.password)
objects: [dashboardObject],
spaces: ['non_existent_space'],
includeReferences: false,
createNewCopies: false,
overwrite: true,
[false, false],
[false, true], // createNewCopies enabled
[true, false], // overwrite enabled
// we don't specify tese cases with both overwrite and createNewCopies enabled, since overwrite won't matter in that scenario
].forEach(([overwrite, createNewCopies]) => {
const spaces = ['space_2'];
const includeReferences = false;
describe(`multi-namespace types with overwrite=${overwrite} and createNewCopies=${createNewCopies}`, () => {
before(() =>
after(() =>
const testCases = tests.multiNamespaceTestCases(overwrite, createNewCopies);
testCases.forEach(({ testTitle, objects, statusCode, response }) => {
it(`should return ${statusCode} when ${testTitle}`, async () => {
return supertest
.auth(user.username, user.password)
.send({ objects, spaces, includeReferences, createNewCopies, overwrite })
const copyToSpaceTest = makeCopyToSpaceTest(describe);
// @ts-expect-error
copyToSpaceTest.only = makeCopyToSpaceTest(describe.only);
return {
originSpaces: ['default', 'space_1'],