Spencer f466ebf1a3
[esArchiver] drop support for --dir, use repo-relative paths instead (#101345)
Co-authored-by: spalger <>
2021-06-08 17:37:42 -04:00

254 lines
7.5 KiB

* Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one
* or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License
* 2.0; you may not use this file except in compliance with the Elastic License
* 2.0.
import expect from '@kbn/expect';
import { SuperTest } from 'supertest';
import type { KibanaClient } from '@elastic/elasticsearch/api/kibana';
import { getTestScenariosForSpace } from '../lib/space_test_utils';
import { MULTI_NAMESPACE_SAVED_OBJECT_TEST_CASES as CASES } from '../lib/saved_object_test_cases';
import { DescribeFn, TestDefinitionAuthentication } from '../lib/types';
interface DeleteTest {
statusCode: number;
response: (resp: { [key: string]: any }) => void;
interface DeleteTests {
exists: DeleteTest;
reservedSpace: DeleteTest;
doesntExist: DeleteTest;
interface DeleteTestDefinition {
user?: TestDefinitionAuthentication;
spaceId: string;
tests: DeleteTests;
export function deleteTestSuiteFactory(
es: KibanaClient,
esArchiver: any,
supertest: SuperTest<any>
) {
const createExpectResult = (expectedResult: any) => (resp: { [key: string]: any }) => {
const expectEmptyResult = async (resp: { [key: string]: any }) => {
// Query ES to ensure that we deleted everything we expected, and nothing we didn't
// Grouping first by namespace, then by saved object type
const { body: response } = await{
index: '.kibana',
body: {
size: 0,
query: {
terms: {
type: ['visualization', 'dashboard', 'space', 'config', 'index-pattern'],
aggs: {
count: {
terms: {
field: 'namespace',
missing: 'default',
size: 10,
aggs: {
countByType: {
terms: {
field: 'type',
missing: 'UNKNOWN',
size: 10,
// @ts-expect-error @elastic/elasticsearch doesn't defined `count.buckets`.
const buckets = response.aggregations?.count.buckets;
// Space 2 deleted, all others should exist
const expectedBuckets = [
key: 'default',
doc_count: 9,
countByType: {
doc_count_error_upper_bound: 0,
sum_other_doc_count: 0,
buckets: [
key: 'visualization',
doc_count: 3,
key: 'dashboard',
doc_count: 2,
key: 'space',
doc_count: 2,
key: 'config',
doc_count: 1,
key: 'index-pattern',
doc_count: 1,
doc_count: 7,
key: 'space_1',
countByType: {
doc_count_error_upper_bound: 0,
sum_other_doc_count: 0,
buckets: [
key: 'visualization',
doc_count: 3,
key: 'dashboard',
doc_count: 2,
key: 'config',
doc_count: 1,
key: 'index-pattern',
doc_count: 1,
// There were 15 multi-namespace objects.
// Since Space 2 was deleted, any multi-namespace objects that existed in that space
// are updated to remove it, and of those, any that don't exist in any space are deleted.
const { body: multiNamespaceResponse } = await<Record<string, any>>({
index: '.kibana',
size: 20,
body: { query: { terms: { type: ['sharedtype'] } } },
const docs = multiNamespaceResponse.hits.hits;
// Just 12 results, since spaces_2_only, conflict_1_space_2 and conflict_2_space_2 got deleted.
docs.forEach((doc) => () => {
const containsSpace2 = doc?._source?.namespaces.includes('space_2');
const space2OnlyObjExists = docs.some((x) => x._id ===;
const expectNotFound = (resp: { [key: string]: any }) => {
error: 'Not Found',
statusCode: 404,
message: 'Not Found',
const expectRbacForbidden = (resp: { [key: string]: any }) => {
statusCode: 403,
error: 'Forbidden',
message: 'Unauthorized to delete spaces',
const expectReservedSpaceResult = (resp: { [key: string]: any }) => {
error: 'Bad Request',
statusCode: 400,
message: `The default space cannot be deleted because it is reserved.`,
const makeDeleteTest = (describeFn: DescribeFn) => (
description: string,
{ user = {}, spaceId, tests }: DeleteTestDefinition
) => {
describeFn(description, () => {
beforeEach(async () => {
await esArchiver.load(
// since we want to verify that we only delete the right things
// and can't include a config document with the correct id in the
// archive we read the settings to trigger an automatic upgrade
// in each space
await supertest.get('/api/kibana/settings').auth(user.username, user.password).expect(200);
await supertest
.auth(user.username, user.password)
afterEach(() =>
getTestScenariosForSpace(spaceId).forEach(({ urlPrefix, scenario }) => {
it(`should return ${tests.exists.statusCode} ${scenario}`, async () => {
return supertest
.auth(user.username, user.password)
describe(`when the space is reserved`, () => {
it(`should return ${tests.reservedSpace.statusCode} ${scenario}`, async () => {
return supertest
.auth(user.username, user.password)
describe(`when the space doesn't exist`, () => {
it(`should return ${tests.doesntExist.statusCode} ${scenario}`, async () => {
return supertest
.auth(user.username, user.password)
const deleteTest = makeDeleteTest(describe);
// @ts-ignore
deleteTest.only = makeDeleteTest(describe.only);
return {