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= Machine Learning
As datasets increase in size and complexity, the human effort required to
inspect dashboards or maintain rules for spotting infrastructure problems,
cyber attacks, or business issues becomes impractical. The Elastic {ml-features}
automatically model the normal behavior of your time series data — learning
trends, periodicity, and more — in real time to identify anomalies, streamline
root cause analysis, and reduce false positives.
The {ml-features} run in and scale with {es}, and include an
intuitive UI on the {kib} *Machine Learning* page for creating anomaly detection
jobs and understanding results.
If you have a basic license, you can use the *Data Visualizer* to learn more
about the data that you've stored in {es} and to identify possible fields for
{ml} analysis:
image::ml/images/ml-data-visualizer-sample.jpg[Data Visualizer for sample flight data]
experimental[] You can also upload a CSV, NDJSON, or log file (up to 100 MB in size).
The {ml-features} identify the file format and field mappings. You can then
optionally import that data into an {es} index.
If you have a trial or platinum license, you can <<ml-jobs,create {ml} jobs>>
and manage jobs and {dfeeds} from the *Job Management* pane:
image::ml/images/ml-job-management.jpg[Job Management]
You can use the *Settings* pane to create and edit
{stack-ov}/ml-calendars.html[calendars] and the filters that are used in
{stack-ov}/ml-rules.html[custom rules]:
image::ml/images/ml-settings.jpg[Calendar Management]
The *Anomaly Explorer* and *Single Metric Viewer* display the results of your
{ml} jobs. For example:
image::ml/images/ml-single-metric-viewer.jpg[Single Metric Viewer]
NOTE: The {kib} {ml-features} use pop-ups. You must configure your
web browser so that it does not block pop-up windows or create an exception for
your {kib} URL.
For more information about {ml}, see
{stack-ov}/xpack-ml.html[Machine learning in the {stack}].