Chris Roberson 06b1820df7
[Monitoring] Out of the box alerting (#68805)
* First draft, not quite working but a good start

* More working

* Support configuring throttle

* Get the other alerts working too

* More

* Separate into individual files

* Menu support as well as better integration in existing UIs

* Red borders!

* New overview style, and renamed alert

* more visual updates

* Update cpu usage and improve settings configuration in UI

* Convert cluster health and license expiration alert to use legacy data model

* Remove most of the custom UI and use the flyout

* Add the actual alerts

* Remove more code

* Fix formatting

* Fix up some errors

* Remove unnecessary code

* Updates

* add more links here

* Fix up linkage

* Added nodes changed alert

* Most of the version mismatch working

* Add kibana mismatch

* UI tweaks

* Add timestamp

* Support actions in the enable api

* Move this around

* Better support for changing legacy alerts

* Add missing files

* Update alerts

* Enable alerts whenever any page is visited in SM

* Tweaks

* Use more practical default

* Remove the buggy renderer and ensure setup mode can show all alerts

* Updates

* Remove unnecessary code

* Remove some dead code

* Cleanup

* Fix snapshot

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fix test

* Add alerts to kibana and logstash listing pages

* Fix test

* Add disable/mute options

* Tweaks

* Fix linting

* Fix i18n

* Adding a couple tests

* Fix localization

* Use http

* Ensure we properly handle when an alert is resolved

* Fix tests

* Hide legacy alerts if not the right license

* Design tweaks

* Fix tests

* PR feedback

* Moar tests

* Fix i18n

* Ensure we have a control over the messaging

* Fix translations

* Tweaks

* More localization

* Copy changes

* Type
2020-07-14 17:50:22 -04:00

276 lines
9.3 KiB

* Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one
* or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License;
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the Elastic License.
* Helper string to add as a tag in every logging call
export const LOGGING_TAG = 'monitoring';
* Helper string to add as a tag in every logging call related to Kibana monitoring
export const KIBANA_MONITORING_LOGGING_TAG = 'kibana-monitoring';
* The Monitoring API version is the expected API format that we export and expect to import.
* @type {string}
* The type name used within the Monitoring index to publish Kibana ops stats.
* @type {string}
export const KIBANA_STATS_TYPE_MONITORING = 'kibana_stats'; // similar to KIBANA_STATS_TYPE but rolled up into 10s stats from 5s intervals through ops_buffer
* The type name used within the Monitoring index to publish Kibana stats.
* @type {string}
export const KIBANA_SETTINGS_TYPE = 'kibana_settings';
* Key for the localStorage service
export const STORAGE_KEY = '';
* Units for derivative metric values
* Values for column sorting in table options
* @type {number} 1 or -1
export const EUI_SORT_ASCENDING = 'asc';
export const EUI_SORT_DESCENDING = 'desc';
export const SORT_ASCENDING = 1;
export const SORT_DESCENDING = -1;
* Chart colors
* @type {string}
export const CHART_LINE_COLOR = '#d2d2d2';
export const CHART_TEXT_COLOR = '#9c9c9c';
* Number of cluster alerts to show on overview page
* @type {number}
* Format for moment-duration-format timestamp-to-duration template if the time diffs are gte 1 month
* @type {string}
export const FORMAT_DURATION_TEMPLATE_LONG = 'M [months] d [days]';
* Format for moment-duration-format timestamp-to-duration template if the time diffs are lt 1 month but gt 1 minute
* @type {string}
export const FORMAT_DURATION_TEMPLATE_SHORT = ' d [days] h [hrs] m [min]';
* Format for moment-duration-format timestamp-to-duration template if the time diffs are lt 1 minute
* @type {string}
export const FORMAT_DURATION_TEMPLATE_TINY = ' s [seconds]';
* Simple unique values for Timestamp to duration flags. These are used for
* determining if calculation should be formatted as "time until" (now to
* timestamp) or "time since" (timestamp to now)
export const CALCULATE_DURATION_SINCE = 'since';
export const CALCULATE_DURATION_UNTIL = 'until';
* In order to show ML Jobs tab in the Elasticsearch section / tab navigation, license must be supported
export const ML_SUPPORTED_LICENSES = ['trial', 'platinum', 'enterprise'];
* Metadata service URLs for the different cloud services that have constant URLs (e.g., unlike GCP, which is a constant prefix).
* @type {Object}
// We explicitly call out the version, 2016-09-02, rather than 'latest' to avoid unexpected changes
AWS_URL: '',
// 2017-04-02 is the first GA release of this API
// GCP documentation shows both '' (mostly) and '' (sometimes)
// To bypass potential DNS changes, the IP was used because it's shared with other cloud services
* Constants used by Logstash monitoring code
export const LOGSTASH = {
* Names ES keys on for different Logstash pipeline queues.
* @type {string}
MEMORY: 'memory',
PERSISTED: 'persisted',
export const DEBOUNCE_SLOW_MS = 17; // roughly how long it takes to render a frame at 60fps
export const DEBOUNCE_FAST_MS = 10; // roughly how long it takes to render a frame at 100fps
* Configuration key for setting the email address used for cluster alert notifications.
export const CLUSTER_ALERTS_ADDRESS_CONFIG_KEY = 'cluster_alerts.email_notifications.email_address';
export const STANDALONE_CLUSTER_CLUSTER_UUID = '__standalone_cluster__';
export const INDEX_PATTERN = '.monitoring-*-6-*,.monitoring-*-7-*';
export const INDEX_PATTERN_KIBANA = '.monitoring-kibana-6-*,.monitoring-kibana-7-*';
export const INDEX_PATTERN_LOGSTASH = '.monitoring-logstash-6-*,.monitoring-logstash-7-*';
export const INDEX_PATTERN_BEATS = '.monitoring-beats-6-*,.monitoring-beats-7-*';
export const INDEX_ALERTS = '.monitoring-alerts-6*,.monitoring-alerts-7*';
export const INDEX_PATTERN_ELASTICSEARCH = '.monitoring-es-6-*,.monitoring-es-7-*';
// This is the unique token that exists in monitoring indices collected by metricbeat
// We use this for metricbeat migration to identify specific products that we do not have constants for
export const ELASTICSEARCH_SYSTEM_ID = 'elasticsearch';
* The id of the infra source owned by the monitoring plugin.
export const INFRA_SOURCE_ID = 'internal-stack-monitoring';
* These constants represent code paths within `getClustersFromRequest`
* that an api call wants to invoke. This is meant as an optimization to
* avoid unnecessary ES queries (looking at you logstash) when the data
* is not used. In the long term, it'd be nice to have separate api calls
* instead of this path logic.
export const CODE_PATH_ALL = 'all';
export const CODE_PATH_ALERTS = 'alerts';
export const CODE_PATH_KIBANA = 'kibana';
export const CODE_PATH_ELASTICSEARCH = 'elasticsearch';
export const CODE_PATH_ML = 'ml';
export const CODE_PATH_BEATS = 'beats';
export const CODE_PATH_LOGSTASH = 'logstash';
export const CODE_PATH_APM = 'apm';
export const CODE_PATH_LICENSE = 'license';
export const CODE_PATH_LOGS = 'logs';
* The header sent by telemetry service when hitting Elasticsearch to identify query source
* @type {string}
* The name of the Kibana System ID used to publish and look up Kibana stats through the Monitoring system.
* @type {string}
export const KIBANA_SYSTEM_ID = 'kibana';
* The name of the Beats System ID used to publish and look up Beats stats through the Monitoring system.
* @type {string}
export const BEATS_SYSTEM_ID = 'beats';
* The name of the Apm System ID used to publish and look up Apm stats through the Monitoring system.
* @type {string}
export const APM_SYSTEM_ID = 'apm';
* The name of the Kibana System ID used to look up Logstash stats through the Monitoring system.
* @type {string}
export const LOGSTASH_SYSTEM_ID = 'logstash';
* The name of the Kibana System ID used to look up Reporting stats through the Monitoring system.
* @type {string}
export const REPORTING_SYSTEM_ID = 'reporting';
* The amount of time, in milliseconds, to wait between collecting kibana stats from es.
* Currently 24 hours kept in sync with reporting interval.
* @type {Number}
export const TELEMETRY_COLLECTION_INTERVAL = 86400000;
* We want to slowly rollout the migration from watcher-based cluster alerts to
* kibana alerts and we only want to enable the kibana alerts once all
* watcher-based cluster alerts have been migrated so this flag will serve
* as the only way to see the new UI and actually run Kibana alerts. It will
* be false until all alerts have been migrated, then it will be removed
* The prefix for all alert types used by monitoring
export const ALERT_PREFIX = 'monitoring_';
export const ALERT_LICENSE_EXPIRATION = `${ALERT_PREFIX}alert_license_expiration`;
export const ALERT_CLUSTER_HEALTH = `${ALERT_PREFIX}alert_cluster_health`;
export const ALERT_CPU_USAGE = `${ALERT_PREFIX}alert_cpu_usage`;
export const ALERT_NODES_CHANGED = `${ALERT_PREFIX}alert_nodes_changed`;
export const ALERT_ELASTICSEARCH_VERSION_MISMATCH = `${ALERT_PREFIX}alert_elasticsearch_version_mismatch`;
export const ALERT_KIBANA_VERSION_MISMATCH = `${ALERT_PREFIX}alert_kibana_version_mismatch`;
export const ALERT_LOGSTASH_VERSION_MISMATCH = `${ALERT_PREFIX}alert_logstash_version_mismatch`;
* A listing of all alert types
export const ALERTS = [
* A list of all legacy alerts, which means they are powered by watcher
export const LEGACY_ALERTS = [
* Matches the id for the built-in in email action type
* See x-pack/plugins/actions/server/builtin_action_types/email.ts
export const ALERT_ACTION_TYPE_EMAIL = '.email';
* Matches the id for the built-in in log action type
* See x-pack/plugins/actions/server/builtin_action_types/log.ts
export const ALERT_ACTION_TYPE_LOG = '.server-log';
export const ALERT_EMAIL_SERVICES = ['gmail', 'hotmail', 'icloud', 'outlook365', 'ses', 'yahoo'];