Mikhail Shustov 88c0631344
Update @typescript-eslint to ensure compatibility with TypeScript v3.9 (#74091)
* bump @typescript-eslint deps

* update rules

* fix errors in pacakges

* fix src/

* fix x-pack

* fix test

* fix typings

* fix examples

* allow _ as prefix and suffix

* roll back prefix and suffix changes

* add eslint-plugin-eslint-comments

* report unused rules

* remove unused eslint comments from tests

* remove unused eslint comments 2nd pass

* remove unused eslint comments from src/

* remove unused comments in x-pack

* use no-script-url and no-unsanitized/property for ts files

* remove unused eslint comments

* eui/href-or-on-click removed when not complained

* no import/* rules for ts files

* cleanup

* remove the unused eslint-disable

* rollback unnecessary changes

* allow underscore prefix & sufix in type name

* update docs

* fix type error in enterprise search plugin mocks

* rename platform hack __coreProvider --> _coreProvider

* rollback space removal in src/core/public/legacy/legacy_service.test.ts

* fix naming convention in APM
2020-08-05 17:32:19 +02:00

198 lines
6.4 KiB

* Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one
* or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License;
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the Elastic License.
import moment from 'moment';
import { isEmpty } from 'lodash';
import { SearchResponse } from 'elasticsearch';
import { StatsCollectionConfig } from 'src/plugins/telemetry_collection_manager/server';
import { KIBANA_SYSTEM_ID, TELEMETRY_COLLECTION_INTERVAL } from '../../common/constants';
import {
} from './get_high_level_stats';
export function rollUpTotals(
rolledUp: ClusterUsageStats,
addOn: { [key: string]: { total?: number } | undefined },
field: Exclude<keyof ClusterUsageStats, 'plugins' | 'indices'>
) {
const rolledUpTotal = rolledUp[field]?.total || 0;
const addOnTotal = addOn[field]?.total || 0;
return { total: rolledUpTotal + addOnTotal };
export function rollUpIndices(rolledUp: ClusterUsageStats) {
return rolledUp.indices + 1;
export interface KibanaUsageStats {
cluster_uuid: string;
kibana_stats?: {
usage?: {
index?: string;
} & {
[plugin: string]: {
total: number;
export interface ClusterUsageStats {
dashboard?: { total: number };
visualization?: { total: number };
search?: { total: number };
index_pattern?: { total: number };
graph_workspace?: { total: number };
timelion_sheet?: { total: number };
indices: number;
plugins?: {
xpack?: unknown;
[plugin: string]: unknown;
export interface ClustersUsageStats {
[clusterUuid: string]: ClusterUsageStats | undefined;
export interface KibanaClusterStat extends Partial<ClusterUsageStats>, ClusterHighLevelStats {}
export interface KibanaStats {
[clusterUuid: string]: KibanaClusterStat;
* @param {Object} rawStats
export function getUsageStats(rawStats: SearchResponse<KibanaUsageStats>) {
const clusterIndexCache = new Set();
const rawStatsHits = rawStats.hits?.hits || [];
// get usage stats per cluster / .kibana index
return rawStatsHits.reduce((accum, currInstance) => {
const clusterUuid = currInstance._source.cluster_uuid;
const currUsage = currInstance._source.kibana_stats?.usage || {};
const clusterIndexCombination = clusterUuid + currUsage.index;
// return early if usage data is empty or if this cluster/index has already been processed
if (isEmpty(currUsage) || clusterIndexCache.has(clusterIndexCombination)) {
return accum;
// Get the stats that were read from any number of different .kibana indices in the cluster,
// roll them up into cluster-wide totals
const rolledUpStats = accum[clusterUuid] || { indices: 0 };
const stats = {
dashboard: rollUpTotals(rolledUpStats, currUsage, 'dashboard'),
visualization: rollUpTotals(rolledUpStats, currUsage, 'visualization'),
search: rollUpTotals(rolledUpStats, currUsage, 'search'),
index_pattern: rollUpTotals(rolledUpStats, currUsage, 'index_pattern'),
graph_workspace: rollUpTotals(rolledUpStats, currUsage, 'graph_workspace'),
timelion_sheet: rollUpTotals(rolledUpStats, currUsage, 'timelion_sheet'),
indices: rollUpIndices(rolledUpStats),
// Get the stats provided by telemetry collectors.
const {
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/naming-convention */
/* eslint-enable @typescript-eslint/naming-convention */
} = currUsage;
// Stats filtered by telemetry collectors need to be flattened since they're pulled in a generic way.
// A plugin might not provide flat stats if it implements formatForBulkUpload in its collector.
// e.g: we want `xpack.reporting` to just be `reporting`
const plugins = { ...pluginsTop, ...xpack };
return {
[clusterUuid]: {
}, {} as ClustersUsageStats);
export function combineStats(
highLevelStats: ClustersHighLevelStats,
usageStats: ClustersUsageStats = {}
) {
return Object.keys(highLevelStats).reduce((accum, currClusterUuid) => {
return {
[currClusterUuid]: {
}, {} as KibanaStats);
* Ensure the start and end dates are, at least, TELEMETRY_COLLECTION_INTERVAL apart
* because, otherwise, we are sending telemetry with empty Kibana usage data.
* @param {date} [start] The start time from which to get the telemetry data
* @param {date} [end] The end time from which to get the telemetry data
export function ensureTimeSpan(
start?: StatsCollectionConfig['start'],
end?: StatsCollectionConfig['end']
) {
// We only care if we have a start date, because that's the limit that might make us lose the document
if (start) {
const duration = moment.duration(TELEMETRY_COLLECTION_INTERVAL, 'milliseconds');
// If end exists, we need to ensure they are, at least, TELEMETRY_COLLECTION_INTERVAL apart.
// Otherwise start should be, at least, TELEMETRY_COLLECTION_INTERVAL apart from now
let safeStart = moment().subtract(duration);
if (end) {
safeStart = moment(end).subtract(duration);
if (safeStart.isBefore(start)) {
return { start: safeStart.toISOString(), end };
return { start, end };
* Monkey-patch the modules from get_high_level_stats and add in the
* specialized usage data that comes with kibana stats (kibana_stats.usage).
export async function getKibanaStats(
callCluster: StatsCollectionConfig['callCluster'],
clusterUuids: string[],
start: StatsCollectionConfig['start'],
end: StatsCollectionConfig['end'],
maxBucketSize: number
) {
const { start: safeStart, end: safeEnd } = ensureTimeSpan(start, end);
const rawStats = await fetchHighLevelStats<KibanaUsageStats>(
const highLevelStats = handleHighLevelStatsResponse(rawStats, KIBANA_SYSTEM_ID);
const usageStats = getUsageStats(rawStats);
const stats = combineStats(highLevelStats, usageStats);
return stats;