
113 lines
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=== Get Role
experimental[This API is experimental and may be changed or removed completely in a future release. Although the underlying mechanism of enforcing role-based access control is stable, the APIs for managing the roles are currently experimental.]
Retrieves all {kib} roles, or a specific role.
NOTE: You cannot access this endpoint via the Console in Kibana.
==== Authorization
To use this API, you must have at least the `manage_security` cluster privilege.
==== Get all {kib} roles
===== Request
To retrieve all roles, issue a GET request to the
/api/security/role endpoint.
GET /api/security/role
===== Response
A successful call returns a response code of `200` and a response body containing a JSON
representation of the roles.
"name": "my_kibana_role",
"metadata" : {
"version" : 1
"transient_metadata": {
"enabled": true
"elasticsearch": {
"indices": [ ],
"cluster": [ ],
"run_as": [ ]
"kibana": [ {
"privileges": [ "all" ]
} ],
"name": "my_admin_role",
"metadata" : {
"version" : 1
"transient_metadata": {
"enabled": true
"elasticsearch": {
"cluster" : [ "all" ],
"indices" : [ {
"names" : [ "index1", "index2" ],
"privileges" : [ "all" ],
"field_security" : {
"grant" : [ "title", "body" ]
"query" : "{\"match\": {\"title\": \"foo\"}}"
} ],
"kibana": [ ]
==== Get a specific role
===== Request
To retrieve a specific role, issue a GET request to
the `/api/security/role/<rolename>` endpoint:
GET /api/security/role/my_kibana_role
===== Response
A successful call returns a response code of `200` and a response body containing a JSON
representation of the role.
"name": "my_kibana_role",
"metadata" : {
"version" : 1
"transient_metadata": {
"enabled": true
"elasticsearch": {
"cluster": [ ],
"indices": [ ],
"run_as": [ ]
"kibana": [ {
"privileges": [ "all" ]
} ],