Garrett Spong 4dccbcad33
[SecuritySolution][Detections] Resolves referential integrity issues when deleting value lists (#85925)
## Summary

Resolves,, resolves, and resolves

This PR addresses referential integrity issues when deleting value lists. Previously when deleting value lists, any references in Exception Lists/Items would be left behind. This PR introduces a new confirmation modal when deleting value lists that are referenced in either space aware (`simple`) or space `agnostic` exception lists.

Also includes:

* Fixed Lists plugin `` as it was using endpoint exception list + value lists (unsupported)
* Adds `` to create exception lists/items, value lists, and references to easily test
* Add support to `findExceptionList` for searching for both `simple` and `agnostic` list types
* Two new query params have been added to the `deleteListRoute`
  * `ignoreReferences` (default:false) when true, maintains pre-7.11 behavior of deleting value list without performing any additional checks. 
    * NOTE: As written, this becomes an API breaking change as existing existing calls to the same API will `409` conflict if references exist. cc @jmikell821 @DonNateR 
  * `deleteReferences` (default:false) to perform dry run and identify referenced exception lists/items

## Testing
To test, run `` and it will create all the necessary resources/references to easily exercise the above functionality. The below diagram details the resources created and how the references are wired up.

> Creates three different exception lists and value lists, and associates as
> below to test referential integrity functionality.
> NOTE: Endpoint lists don't support value lists, and are not tested here
> EL: Exception list
> ELI Exception list Item
> VL: Value list
>      EL1        EL2 (Agnostic)   EL3
>       |          |                |
>      ELI1       ELI2             ELI3
>       |\        /|                |
>       | \      / |                |
>       |  \    /  |                |
>       |   \  /   |                |
>       |    \/    |                |
>       |    /\    |                |
>       |   /  \   |                |
>       |  /    \  |                |
>       | /      \ |                |
>       |/        \|                |
>      VL1        VL2              VL3        VL4
>      ips.txt  ip_range.txt       text.txt   hosts.txt

Corner cases to be aware of:

* An exception item may have multiple value list entries -- only referenced value list entries should be removed
  * There is no API for removing individual entries. If all entries are references the entire item is deleted. If only some entries are references, the item is updated via a `PUT` (no `PATCH` support for exception items)
* It's not possible via the UI to create a space agnostic list that has value list exception items (only agnostic endpoint exception lists can be created and they do not support value lists). Please use above script to exercise this behavior.

Additional notes:
* Once the Exception List table is introduced (, we can add an enhancement for deeplinking to exception lists from the reference error modal.
* The `deleteListRoute` response has been updated to include the responses from the reference checks to provide maximum flexibility
* There is no bulk API for deleting exception list items, and so they are iterated over via the `deleteExceptionListItem` API.

##### Reference error modal
<p align="center">
  <img width="500" src="" />

##### Overflow example
<p align="center">
  <img width="500" src="" />

### Checklist

Delete any items that are not applicable to this PR.

- [X] Any text added follows [EUI's writing guidelines](, uses sentence case text and includes [i18n support](
- [X] [Unit or functional tests]( were updated or added to match the most common scenarios
- [X] Any UI touched in this PR is usable by keyboard only (learn more about [keyboard accessibility](

### For maintainers

- [X] This was checked for breaking API changes and was [labeled appropriately](
2020-12-15 19:50:31 -07:00
security_and_spaces [SecuritySolution][Detections] Resolves referential integrity issues when deleting value lists (#85925) 2020-12-15 19:50:31 -07:00