Court Ewing 8895ae110f docs: Overhaul of doc structure for 5.0+ (#8821)
This overhaul of the docs structure puts Kibana's documentation more
inline with the structure that is used in Elasticsearch. This will help
us better organize the docs going forward as more docs are added.

This also includes a few necessary content changes for 5.0.
2016-10-24 21:41:32 -04:00

171 lines
4.9 KiB

== Loading Sample Data
The tutorials in this section rely on the following data sets:
* The complete works of William Shakespeare, suitably parsed into fields. Download this data set by clicking here:[shakespeare.json].
* A set of fictitious accounts with randomly generated data. Download this data set by clicking here:[]
* A set of randomly generated log files. Download this data set by clicking here:[logs.jsonl.gz]
Two of the data sets are compressed. Use the following commands to extract the files:
gunzip logs.jsonl.gz
The Shakespeare data set is organized in the following schema:
"line_id": INT,
"play_name": "String",
"speech_number": INT,
"line_number": "String",
"speaker": "String",
"text_entry": "String",
The accounts data set is organized in the following schema:
"account_number": INT,
"balance": INT,
"firstname": "String",
"lastname": "String",
"age": INT,
"gender": "M or F",
"address": "String",
"employer": "String",
"email": "String",
"city": "String",
"state": "String"
The schema for the logs data set has dozens of different fields, but the notable ones used in this tutorial are:
"memory": INT,
"geo.coordinates": "geo_point"
"@timestamp": "date"
Before we load the Shakespeare and logs data sets, we need to set up {es-ref}mapping.html[_mappings_] for the fields.
Mapping divides the documents in the index into logical groups and specifies a field's characteristics, such as the
field's searchability or whether or not it's _tokenized_, or broken up into separate words.
Use the following command to set up a mapping for the Shakespeare data set:
curl -XPUT http://localhost:9200/shakespeare -d '
"mappings" : {
"_default_" : {
"properties" : {
"speaker" : {"type": "string", "index" : "not_analyzed" },
"play_name" : {"type": "string", "index" : "not_analyzed" },
"line_id" : { "type" : "integer" },
"speech_number" : { "type" : "integer" }
This mapping specifies the following qualities for the data set:
* The _speaker_ field is a string that isn't analyzed. The string in this field is treated as a single unit, even if
there are multiple words in the field.
* The same applies to the _play_name_ field.
* The _line_id_ and _speech_number_ fields are integers.
The logs data set requires a mapping to label the latitude/longitude pairs in the logs as geographic locations by
applying the `geo_point` type to those fields.
Use the following commands to establish `geo_point` mapping for the logs:
curl -XPUT http://localhost:9200/logstash-2015.05.18 -d '
"mappings": {
"log": {
"properties": {
"geo": {
"properties": {
"coordinates": {
"type": "geo_point"
curl -XPUT http://localhost:9200/logstash-2015.05.19 -d '
"mappings": {
"log": {
"properties": {
"geo": {
"properties": {
"coordinates": {
"type": "geo_point"
curl -XPUT http://localhost:9200/logstash-2015.05.20 -d '
"mappings": {
"log": {
"properties": {
"geo": {
"properties": {
"coordinates": {
"type": "geo_point"
The accounts data set doesn't require any mappings, so at this point we're ready to use the Elasticsearch
{es-ref}docs-bulk.html[`bulk`] API to load the data sets with the following commands:
curl -XPOST 'localhost:9200/bank/account/_bulk?pretty' --data-binary @accounts.json
curl -XPOST 'localhost:9200/shakespeare/_bulk?pretty' --data-binary @shakespeare.json
curl -XPOST 'localhost:9200/_bulk?pretty' --data-binary @logs.jsonl
These commands may take some time to execute, depending on the computing resources available.
Verify successful loading with the following command:
curl 'localhost:9200/_cat/indices?v'
You should see output similar to the following:
health status index pri rep docs.count docs.deleted store.size
yellow open bank 5 1 1000 0 418.2kb 418.2kb
yellow open shakespeare 5 1 111396 0 17.6mb 17.6mb
yellow open logstash-2015.05.18 5 1 4631 0 15.6mb 15.6mb
yellow open logstash-2015.05.19 5 1 4624 0 15.7mb 15.7mb
yellow open logstash-2015.05.20 5 1 4750 0 16.4mb 16.4mb