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=== Create Logstash pipeline API
<titleabbrev>Create Logstash pipeline</titleabbrev>
experimental[] Create a centrally-managed Logstash pipeline, or update an existing pipeline.
==== Request
`PUT <kibana host>:<port>/api/logstash/pipeline/<id>`
==== Path parameters
(Required, string) The pipeline ID. Only alphanumeric characters, hyphens, and underscores are supported.
==== Request body
(Optional, string) The pipeline description.
(Required, string) The pipeline definition.
(Optional, object) The pipeline settings. Supported settings, represented as object keys, include the following:
* `pipeline.workers`
* `pipeline.batch.size`
* `pipeline.batch.delay`
* `pipeline.ecs_compatibility`
* `pipeline.ordered`
* `queue.type`
* `queue.max_bytes`
* `queue.checkpoint.writes`
==== Response code
`204 No Content`::
Indicates a successful call.
==== Example
$ curl -X PUT api/logstash/pipeline/hello-world
"pipeline": "input { stdin {} } output { stdout {} }",
"settings": {
"queue.type": "persisted"