
456 lines
16 KiB

* Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one
* or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License
* 2.0 and the Server Side Public License, v 1; you may not use this file except
* in compliance with, at your election, the Elastic License 2.0 or the Server
* Side Public License, v 1.
import { Position } from '@elastic/charts';
import chroma from 'chroma-js';
import { FtrService } from '../ftr_provider_context';
const pieChartSelector = 'visTypePieChart';
export class VisualizeChartPageObject extends FtrService {
private readonly testSubjects = this.ctx.getService('testSubjects');
private readonly config = this.ctx.getService('config');
private readonly find = this.ctx.getService('find');
private readonly log = this.ctx.getService('log');
private readonly retry = this.ctx.getService('retry');
private readonly kibanaServer = this.ctx.getService('kibanaServer');
private readonly elasticChart = this.ctx.getService('elasticChart');
private readonly dataGrid = this.ctx.getService('dataGrid');
private readonly common = this.ctx.getPageObject('common');
private readonly header = this.ctx.getPageObject('header');
private readonly defaultFindTimeout = this.config.get('timeouts.find');
public async getEsChartDebugState(chartSelector: string) {
return await this.elasticChart.getChartDebugData(chartSelector);
* Is new charts library advanced setting enabled
public async isNewChartsLibraryEnabled(): Promise<boolean> {
const legacyChartsLibrary =
await this.kibanaServer.uiSettings.get('visualization:visualize:legacyPieChartsLibrary')
) ?? true;
const enabled = !legacyChartsLibrary;
this.log.debug(`-- isNewChartsLibraryEnabled = ${enabled}`);
return enabled;
* Is new charts library enabled and an area, line or histogram chart exists
public async isNewLibraryChart(chartSelector: string): Promise<boolean> {
const enabled = await this.isNewChartsLibraryEnabled();
if (!enabled) {
this.log.debug(`-- isNewLibraryChart = false`);
return false;
// check if enabled but not a line, area, histogram or pie chart
if (await this.find.existsByCssSelector('.visLib__chart', 1)) {
const chart = await this.find.byCssSelector('.visLib__chart');
const chartType = await chart.getAttribute('data-vislib-chart-type');
if (!['line', 'area', 'histogram', 'pie'].includes(chartType)) {
this.log.debug(`-- isNewLibraryChart = false`);
return false;
if (!(await this.elasticChart.hasChart(chartSelector, 1))) {
// not be a vislib chart type
this.log.debug(`-- isNewLibraryChart = false`);
return false;
this.log.debug(`-- isNewLibraryChart = true`);
return true;
public async getYAxisTitle(selector: string) {
const xAxis = (await this.getEsChartDebugState(selector))?.axes?.y ?? [];
return xAxis[0]?.title;
public async getXAxisLabels(selector: string) {
const [xAxis] = (await this.getEsChartDebugState(selector))?.axes?.x ?? [];
return xAxis?.labels;
public async getYAxisLabels(selector: string, nth = 0) {
const yAxis = (await this.getEsChartDebugState(selector))?.axes?.y ?? [];
return yAxis[nth]?.labels;
public async getYAxisLabelsAsNumbers(selector: string) {
const [yAxis] = (await this.getEsChartDebugState(selector))?.axes?.y ?? [];
return yAxis?.values;
* Gets the chart data and scales it based on chart height and label.
* @param dataLabel data-label value
* @param selector chart selector
* @param shouldContainXAxisData boolean value for mapping points, false by default
* Returns an array of height values
public async getAreaChartData(
dataLabel: string,
selector: string,
shouldContainXAxisData = false
) {
const areas = (await this.getEsChartDebugState(selector))?.areas ?? [];
const points = areas.find(({ name }) => name === dataLabel)?.lines.y1.points ?? [];
return shouldContainXAxisData ?{ x, y }) => [x, y]) :{ y }) => y);
* Returns the paths that compose an area chart.
* @param dataLabel data-label value
public async getAreaChartPaths(dataLabel: string, selector: string) {
const areas = (await this.getEsChartDebugState(selector))?.areas ?? [];
const path = areas.find(({ name }) => name === dataLabel)?.path ?? '';
return path.split('L');
* Gets the dots and normalizes their height.
* @param dataLabel data-label value
* @param axis axis value, 'ValueAxis-1' by default
public async getLineChartData(selector: string, dataLabel = 'Count') {
// For now lines are rendered as areas to enable stacking
const areas = (await this.getEsChartDebugState(selector))?.areas ?? [];
const lines ={ lines: { y1 }, name, color }) => ({ ...y1, name, color }));
const points = lines.find(({ name }) => name === dataLabel)?.points ?? [];
return{ y }) => y);
* Returns bar chart data in pixels
* @param dataLabel data-label value
public async getBarChartData(selector: string, dataLabel = 'Count') {
const bars = (await this.getEsChartDebugState(selector))?.bars ?? [];
const values = bars.find(({ name }) => name === dataLabel)?.bars ?? [];
return{ y }) => y);
private async toggleLegend(force = false) {
const isVisTypePieChart = await this.isNewLibraryChart(pieChartSelector);
const legendSelector = force || isVisTypePieChart ? '.echLegend' : '.visLegend';
await this.retry.try(async () => {
const isVisible = await this.find.existsByCssSelector(legendSelector);
if (!isVisible) {
public async filterLegend(name: string, force = false) {
await this.toggleLegend(force);
const filterIn = await this.testSubjects.find(`legend-${name}-filterIn`);
await this.waitForVisualizationRenderingStabilized();
public async doesLegendColorChoiceExist(color: string) {
return await this.testSubjects.exists(`visColorPickerColor-${color}`);
public async selectNewLegendColorChoice(color: string) {
public async doesSelectedLegendColorExistForXY(color: string, selector: string) {
const items = (await this.getEsChartDebugState(selector))?.legend?.items ?? [];
return items.some(({ color: c }) => c === color);
public async doesSelectedLegendColorExistForPie(matchingColor: string) {
if (await this.isNewLibraryChart(pieChartSelector)) {
const hexMatchingColor = chroma(matchingColor).hex().toUpperCase();
const slices =
(await this.getEsChartDebugState(pieChartSelector))?.partition?.[0]?.partitions ?? [];
return slices.some(({ color }) => {
return hexMatchingColor === chroma(color).hex().toUpperCase();
return await this.testSubjects.exists(`legendSelectedColor-${matchingColor}`);
public async expectError() {
if (!this.isNewLibraryChart(pieChartSelector)) {
await this.testSubjects.existOrFail('vislibVisualizeError');
public async getVisualizationRenderingCount() {
const visualizationLoader = await this.testSubjects.find('visualizationLoader');
const renderingCount = await visualizationLoader.getAttribute('data-rendering-count');
return Number(renderingCount);
public async waitForRenderingCount(minimumCount = 1) {
await this.retry.waitFor(
`rendering count to be greater than or equal to [${minimumCount}]`,
async () => {
const currentRenderingCount = await this.getVisualizationRenderingCount();
this.log.debug(`-- currentRenderingCount=${currentRenderingCount}`);
this.log.debug(`-- expectedCount=${minimumCount}`);
return currentRenderingCount >= minimumCount;
public async waitForVisualizationRenderingStabilized() {
await this.header.waitUntilLoadingHasFinished();
// assuming rendering is done when data-rendering-count is constant within 1000 ms
await this.retry.waitFor('rendering count to stabilize', async () => {
const firstCount = await this.getVisualizationRenderingCount();
this.log.debug(`-- firstCount=${firstCount}`);
await this.common.sleep(2000);
const secondCount = await this.getVisualizationRenderingCount();
this.log.debug(`-- secondCount=${secondCount}`);
return firstCount === secondCount;
public async waitForVisualization() {
await this.waitForVisualizationRenderingStabilized();
public async getLegendEntriesXYCharts(selector: string) {
const items = (await this.getEsChartDebugState(selector))?.legend?.items ?? [];
return{ name }) => name);
public async getLegendEntries() {
const isVisTypePieChart = await this.isNewLibraryChart(pieChartSelector);
if (isVisTypePieChart) {
const slices =
(await this.getEsChartDebugState(pieChartSelector))?.partition?.[0]?.partitions ?? [];
return{ name }) => name);
const legendEntries = await this.find.allByCssSelector(
this.defaultFindTimeout * 2
return await Promise.all( (chart) => await chart.getAttribute('data-label'))
public async openLegendOptionColorsForXY(name: string, chartSelector: string) {
await this.waitForVisualizationRenderingStabilized();
await this.retry.try(async () => {
const chart = await this.find.byCssSelector(chartSelector);
const legendItemColor = await chart.findByCssSelector(
`[data-ech-series-name="${name}"] .echLegendItem__color`
await this.waitForVisualizationRenderingStabilized();
// arbitrary color chosen, any available would do
const arbitraryColor = '#d36086';
const isOpen = await this.doesLegendColorChoiceExist(arbitraryColor);
if (!isOpen) {
throw new Error('legend color selector not open');
public async openLegendOptionColorsForPie(name: string, chartSelector: string) {
await this.waitForVisualizationRenderingStabilized();
await this.retry.try(async () => {
if (await this.isNewLibraryChart(pieChartSelector)) {
const chart = await this.find.byCssSelector(chartSelector);
const legendItemColor = await chart.findByCssSelector(
`[data-ech-series-name="${name}"] .echLegendItem__color`
} else {
// This click has been flaky in opening the legend, hence the this.retry. See
await this.waitForVisualizationRenderingStabilized();
// arbitrary color chosen, any available would do
const arbitraryColor = '#EF843C';
const isOpen = await this.doesLegendColorChoiceExist(arbitraryColor);
if (!isOpen) {
throw new Error('legend color selector not open');
public async filterOnTableCell(columnIndex: number, rowIndex: number) {
await this.retry.try(async () => {
const cell = await this.dataGrid.getCellElement(rowIndex, columnIndex);
const filterBtn = await this.testSubjects.findDescendant(
await this.common.sleep(2000);;
public async getMarkdownText() {
const markdownContainer = await this.testSubjects.find('markdownBody');
return markdownContainer.getVisibleText();
public async getMarkdownBodyDescendentText(selector: string) {
const markdownContainer = await this.testSubjects.find('markdownBody');
const element = await this.find.descendantDisplayedByCssSelector(selector, markdownContainer);
return element.getVisibleText();
// Table visualization
public async getTableVisNoResult() {
return await this.testSubjects.find('tbvChartContainer>visNoResult');
* This function returns the text displayed in the Table Vis header
public async getTableVisHeader() {
return await this.testSubjects.getVisibleText('dataGridHeader');
public async getFieldLinkInVisTable(fieldName: string, rowIndex: number = 1) {
const headers = await this.dataGrid.getHeaders();
const fieldColumnIndex = headers.indexOf(fieldName);
const cell = await this.dataGrid.getCellElement(rowIndex, fieldColumnIndex + 1);
return await cell.findByTagName('a');
* Function to retrieve data from within a table visualization.
public async getTableVisContent({ stripEmptyRows = true } = {}) {
return await this.retry.try(async () => {
const container = await this.testSubjects.find('tbvChart');
const allTables = await this.testSubjects.findAllDescendant('dataGridWrapper', container);
if (allTables.length === 0) {
return [];
const allData = await Promise.all( (t) => {
let data = await this.dataGrid.getDataFromElement(t, 'tbvChartCellContent');
if (stripEmptyRows) {
data = data.filter(
(row) => row.length > 0 && row.some((cell) => cell.trim().length > 0)
return data;
if (allTables.length === 1) {
// If there was only one table we return only the data for that table
// This prevents an unnecessary array around that single table, which
// is the case we have in most tests.
return allData[0];
return allData;
public async getMetric() {
const elements = await this.find.allByCssSelector(
'[data-test-subj="visualizationLoader"] .mtrVis__container'
const values = await Promise.all( (element) => {
const text = await element.getVisibleText();
return text;
return values
.filter((item) => item.length > 0)
.reduce((arr: string[], item) => arr.concat(item.split('\n')), []);
public async getGaugeValue() {
const elements = await this.find.allByCssSelector(
'[data-test-subj="visualizationLoader"] .chart svg text'
const values = await Promise.all( (element) => {
const text = await element.getVisibleText();
return text;
return values.filter((item) => item.length > 0);
public async getAxesCountByPosition(
axesPosition: typeof Position[keyof typeof Position],
selector: string
) {
const yAxes = (await this.getEsChartDebugState(selector))?.axes?.y ?? [];
return yAxes.filter(({ position }) => position === axesPosition).length;
public async clickOnGaugeByLabel(label: string) {
const gauge = await this.testSubjects.find(`visGauge__meter--${label}`);
const gaugeSize = await gauge.getSize();
const gaugeHeight = gaugeSize.height;
// To click at Gauge arc instead of the center of SVG element
// the offset for a click is calculated as half arc height without 1 pixel
const yOffset = 1 - Math.floor(gaugeHeight / 2);
await gauge.clickMouseButton({ xOffset: 0, yOffset });
public async getAreaSeriesCount(selector: string) {
const areas = (await this.getEsChartDebugState(selector))?.areas ?? [];
return areas.filter((area) => area.lines.y1.visible).length;
public async getHistogramSeriesCount(selector: string) {
const bars = (await this.getEsChartDebugState(selector))?.bars ?? [];
return bars.filter(({ visible }) => visible).length;
public async getGridLines(selector: string): Promise<Array<{ x: number; y: number }>> {
const { x, y } = (await this.getEsChartDebugState(selector))?.axes ?? {
x: [],
y: [],
return [...x, ...y].flatMap(({ gridlines }) => gridlines);
public async getChartValues(selector: string) {
const barSeries = (await this.getEsChartDebugState(selector))?.bars ?? [];
return barSeries.filter(({ visible }) => visible).flatMap((bars) => bars.labels);