Marco Liberati d3d3fa7bd2
[Lens] New value labels config option for bar charts (#81776)
Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <>
2020-11-06 16:34:30 +01:00

517 lines
14 KiB

* Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one
* or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License;
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the Elastic License.
import { Position } from '@elastic/charts';
import { i18n } from '@kbn/i18n';
import { PaletteOutput } from 'src/plugins/charts/public';
import { ArgumentType, ExpressionFunctionDefinition } from 'src/plugins/expressions/common';
import { LensIconChartArea } from '../assets/chart_area';
import { LensIconChartAreaStacked } from '../assets/chart_area_stacked';
import { LensIconChartAreaPercentage } from '../assets/chart_area_percentage';
import { LensIconChartBar } from '../assets/chart_bar';
import { LensIconChartBarStacked } from '../assets/chart_bar_stacked';
import { LensIconChartBarPercentage } from '../assets/chart_bar_percentage';
import { LensIconChartBarHorizontal } from '../assets/chart_bar_horizontal';
import { LensIconChartBarHorizontalStacked } from '../assets/chart_bar_horizontal_stacked';
import { LensIconChartBarHorizontalPercentage } from '../assets/chart_bar_horizontal_percentage';
import { LensIconChartLine } from '../assets/chart_line';
import { VisualizationType } from '../index';
import { FittingFunction } from './fitting_functions';
export interface LegendConfig {
* Flag whether the legend should be shown. If there is just a single series, it will be hidden
isVisible: boolean;
* Position of the legend relative to the chart
position: Position;
* Flag whether the legend should be shown even with just a single series
showSingleSeries?: boolean;
type LegendConfigResult = LegendConfig & { type: 'lens_xy_legendConfig' };
export const legendConfig: ExpressionFunctionDefinition<
> = {
name: 'lens_xy_legendConfig',
aliases: [],
type: 'lens_xy_legendConfig',
help: `Configure the xy chart's legend`,
inputTypes: ['null'],
args: {
isVisible: {
types: ['boolean'],
help: i18n.translate('', {
defaultMessage: 'Specifies whether or not the legend is visible.',
position: {
types: ['string'],
options: [Position.Top, Position.Right, Position.Bottom, Position.Left],
help: i18n.translate('', {
defaultMessage: 'Specifies the legend position.',
showSingleSeries: {
types: ['boolean'],
help: i18n.translate('', {
defaultMessage: 'Specifies whether a legend with just a single entry should be shown',
fn: function fn(input: unknown, args: LegendConfig) {
return {
type: 'lens_xy_legendConfig',
export interface AxesSettingsConfig {
x: boolean;
yLeft: boolean;
yRight: boolean;
type TickLabelsConfigResult = AxesSettingsConfig & { type: 'lens_xy_tickLabelsConfig' };
export const tickLabelsConfig: ExpressionFunctionDefinition<
> = {
name: 'lens_xy_tickLabelsConfig',
aliases: [],
type: 'lens_xy_tickLabelsConfig',
help: `Configure the xy chart's tick labels appearance`,
inputTypes: ['null'],
args: {
x: {
types: ['boolean'],
help: i18n.translate('', {
defaultMessage: 'Specifies whether or not the tick labels of the x-axis are visible.',
yLeft: {
types: ['boolean'],
help: i18n.translate('', {
defaultMessage: 'Specifies whether or not the tick labels of the left y-axis are visible.',
yRight: {
types: ['boolean'],
help: i18n.translate('', {
defaultMessage: 'Specifies whether or not the tick labels of the right y-axis are visible.',
fn: function fn(input: unknown, args: AxesSettingsConfig) {
return {
type: 'lens_xy_tickLabelsConfig',
type GridlinesConfigResult = AxesSettingsConfig & { type: 'lens_xy_gridlinesConfig' };
export const gridlinesConfig: ExpressionFunctionDefinition<
> = {
name: 'lens_xy_gridlinesConfig',
aliases: [],
type: 'lens_xy_gridlinesConfig',
help: `Configure the xy chart's gridlines appearance`,
inputTypes: ['null'],
args: {
x: {
types: ['boolean'],
help: i18n.translate('', {
defaultMessage: 'Specifies whether or not the gridlines of the x-axis are visible.',
yLeft: {
types: ['boolean'],
help: i18n.translate('', {
defaultMessage: 'Specifies whether or not the gridlines of the left y-axis are visible.',
yRight: {
types: ['boolean'],
help: i18n.translate('', {
defaultMessage: 'Specifies whether or not the gridlines of the right y-axis are visible.',
fn: function fn(input: unknown, args: AxesSettingsConfig) {
return {
type: 'lens_xy_gridlinesConfig',
type AxisTitlesVisibilityConfigResult = AxesSettingsConfig & {
type: 'lens_xy_axisTitlesVisibilityConfig';
export const axisTitlesVisibilityConfig: ExpressionFunctionDefinition<
> = {
name: 'lens_xy_axisTitlesVisibilityConfig',
aliases: [],
type: 'lens_xy_axisTitlesVisibilityConfig',
help: `Configure the xy chart's axis titles appearance`,
inputTypes: ['null'],
args: {
x: {
types: ['boolean'],
help: i18n.translate('', {
defaultMessage: 'Specifies whether or not the title of the x-axis are visible.',
yLeft: {
types: ['boolean'],
help: i18n.translate('', {
defaultMessage: 'Specifies whether or not the title of the left y-axis are visible.',
yRight: {
types: ['boolean'],
help: i18n.translate('', {
defaultMessage: 'Specifies whether or not the title of the right y-axis are visible.',
fn: function fn(input: unknown, args: AxesSettingsConfig) {
return {
type: 'lens_xy_axisTitlesVisibilityConfig',
interface AxisConfig {
title: string;
hide?: boolean;
const axisConfig: { [key in keyof AxisConfig]: ArgumentType<AxisConfig[key]> } = {
title: {
types: ['string'],
help: i18n.translate('', {
defaultMessage: 'The axis title',
hide: {
types: ['boolean'],
default: false,
help: 'Show / hide axis',
type YConfigResult = YConfig & { type: 'lens_xy_yConfig' };
export const yAxisConfig: ExpressionFunctionDefinition<
> = {
name: 'lens_xy_yConfig',
aliases: [],
type: 'lens_xy_yConfig',
help: `Configure the behavior of a xy chart's y axis metric`,
inputTypes: ['null'],
args: {
forAccessor: {
types: ['string'],
help: 'The accessor this configuration is for',
axisMode: {
types: ['string'],
options: ['auto', 'left', 'right'],
help: 'The axis mode of the metric',
color: {
types: ['string'],
help: 'The color of the series',
fn: function fn(input: unknown, args: YConfig) {
return {
type: 'lens_xy_yConfig',
type LayerConfigResult = LayerArgs & { type: 'lens_xy_layer' };
export const layerConfig: ExpressionFunctionDefinition<
> = {
name: 'lens_xy_layer',
aliases: [],
type: 'lens_xy_layer',
help: `Configure a layer in the xy chart`,
inputTypes: ['null'],
args: {
layerId: {
types: ['string'],
help: '',
xAccessor: {
types: ['string'],
help: '',
seriesType: {
types: ['string'],
options: [
help: 'The type of chart to display.',
xScaleType: {
options: ['ordinal', 'linear', 'time'],
help: 'The scale type of the x axis',
default: 'ordinal',
isHistogram: {
types: ['boolean'],
default: false,
help: 'Whether to layout the chart as a histogram',
yScaleType: {
options: ['log', 'sqrt', 'linear', 'time'],
help: 'The scale type of the y axes',
default: 'linear',
splitAccessor: {
types: ['string'],
help: 'The column to split by',
multi: false,
accessors: {
types: ['string'],
help: 'The columns to display on the y axis.',
multi: true,
yConfig: {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
types: ['lens_xy_yConfig' as any],
help: 'Additional configuration for y axes',
multi: true,
columnToLabel: {
types: ['string'],
help: 'JSON key-value pairs of column ID to label',
palette: {
default: `{theme "palette" default={system_palette name="default"} }`,
help: '',
types: ['palette'],
fn: function fn(input: unknown, args: LayerArgs) {
return {
type: 'lens_xy_layer',
export type SeriesType =
| 'bar'
| 'bar_horizontal'
| 'line'
| 'area'
| 'bar_stacked'
| 'bar_percentage_stacked'
| 'bar_horizontal_stacked'
| 'bar_horizontal_percentage_stacked'
| 'area_stacked'
| 'area_percentage_stacked';
export type YAxisMode = 'auto' | 'left' | 'right';
export type ValueLabelConfig = 'hide' | 'inside' | 'outside';
export interface YConfig {
forAccessor: string;
axisMode?: YAxisMode;
color?: string;
export interface LayerConfig {
hide?: boolean;
layerId: string;
xAccessor?: string;
accessors: string[];
yConfig?: YConfig[];
seriesType: SeriesType;
splitAccessor?: string;
palette?: PaletteOutput;
export interface ValidLayer extends LayerConfig {
xAccessor: NonNullable<LayerConfig['xAccessor']>;
export type LayerArgs = LayerConfig & {
columnToLabel?: string; // Actually a JSON key-value pair
yScaleType: 'time' | 'linear' | 'log' | 'sqrt';
xScaleType: 'time' | 'linear' | 'ordinal';
isHistogram: boolean;
// palette will always be set on the expression
palette: PaletteOutput;
// Arguments to XY chart expression, with computed properties
export interface XYArgs {
title?: string;
description?: string;
xTitle: string;
yTitle: string;
yRightTitle: string;
legend: LegendConfig & { type: 'lens_xy_legendConfig' };
valueLabels: ValueLabelConfig;
layers: LayerArgs[];
fittingFunction?: FittingFunction;
axisTitlesVisibilitySettings?: AxesSettingsConfig & {
type: 'lens_xy_axisTitlesVisibilityConfig';
tickLabelsVisibilitySettings?: AxesSettingsConfig & { type: 'lens_xy_tickLabelsConfig' };
gridlinesVisibilitySettings?: AxesSettingsConfig & { type: 'lens_xy_gridlinesConfig' };
// Persisted parts of the state
export interface XYState {
preferredSeriesType: SeriesType;
legend: LegendConfig;
valueLabels?: ValueLabelConfig;
fittingFunction?: FittingFunction;
layers: LayerConfig[];
xTitle?: string;
yTitle?: string;
yRightTitle?: string;
axisTitlesVisibilitySettings?: AxesSettingsConfig;
tickLabelsVisibilitySettings?: AxesSettingsConfig;
gridlinesVisibilitySettings?: AxesSettingsConfig;
export type State = XYState;
export const visualizationTypes: VisualizationType[] = [
id: 'bar',
icon: LensIconChartBar,
label: i18n.translate('xpack.lens.xyVisualization.barLabel', {
defaultMessage: 'Bar',
id: 'bar_horizontal',
icon: LensIconChartBarHorizontal,
label: i18n.translate('xpack.lens.xyVisualization.barHorizontalLabel', {
defaultMessage: 'H. Bar',
fullLabel: i18n.translate('xpack.lens.xyVisualization.barHorizontalFullLabel', {
defaultMessage: 'Horizontal bar',
id: 'bar_stacked',
icon: LensIconChartBarStacked,
label: i18n.translate('xpack.lens.xyVisualization.stackedBarLabel', {
defaultMessage: 'Stacked bar',
id: 'bar_percentage_stacked',
icon: LensIconChartBarPercentage,
label: i18n.translate('xpack.lens.xyVisualization.stackedPercentageBarLabel', {
defaultMessage: 'Percentage bar',
id: 'bar_horizontal_stacked',
icon: LensIconChartBarHorizontalStacked,
label: i18n.translate('xpack.lens.xyVisualization.stackedBarHorizontalLabel', {
defaultMessage: 'H. Stacked bar',
fullLabel: i18n.translate('xpack.lens.xyVisualization.stackedBarHorizontalFullLabel', {
defaultMessage: 'Horizontal stacked bar',
id: 'bar_horizontal_percentage_stacked',
icon: LensIconChartBarHorizontalPercentage,
label: i18n.translate('xpack.lens.xyVisualization.stackedPercentageBarHorizontalLabel', {
defaultMessage: 'H. Percentage bar',
fullLabel: i18n.translate(
defaultMessage: 'Horizontal percentage bar',
id: 'area',
icon: LensIconChartArea,
label: i18n.translate('xpack.lens.xyVisualization.areaLabel', {
defaultMessage: 'Area',
id: 'area_stacked',
icon: LensIconChartAreaStacked,
label: i18n.translate('xpack.lens.xyVisualization.stackedAreaLabel', {
defaultMessage: 'Stacked area',
id: 'area_percentage_stacked',
icon: LensIconChartAreaPercentage,
label: i18n.translate('xpack.lens.xyVisualization.stackedPercentageAreaLabel', {
defaultMessage: 'Percentage area',
id: 'line',
icon: LensIconChartLine,
label: i18n.translate('xpack.lens.xyVisualization.lineLabel', {
defaultMessage: 'Line',