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=== Encrypting communications in {kib}
<titleabbrev>Encrypting communications</titleabbrev>
{kib} supports Transport Layer Security (TLS/SSL) encryption for client
//TBD: It is unclear what "client requests" are in this context. Is it just
// communication between the browser and the Kibana server or are we talking
// about other types of clients connecting to the Kibana server?
If you are using {security} or a proxy that provides an HTTPS endpoint for {es},
you can configure {kib} to access {es} via HTTPS. Thus, communications between
{kib} and {es} are also encrypted.
. Configure {kib} to encrypt communications between the browser and the {kib}
NOTE: You do not need to enable {security} for this type of encryption.
.. Generate a server certificate for {kib}.
//TBD: Can we provide more information about how they generate the certificate?
//Would they be able to use something like the elasticsearch-certutil command?
You must either set the certificate's
`subjectAltName` to the hostname, fully-qualified domain name (FQDN), or IP
address of the {kib} server, or set the CN to the {kib} server's hostname
or FQDN. Using the server's IP address as the CN does not work.
.. Set the `server.ssl.enabled`, `server.ssl.key`, and `server.ssl.certificate`
properties in `kibana.yml`:
server.ssl.enabled: true
server.ssl.key: /path/to/your/server.key
server.ssl.certificate: /path/to/your/server.crt
After making these changes, you must always access {kib} via HTTPS. For example,
// TBD: The reference information for server.ssl.enabled says it "enables SSL for
// outgoing requests from the Kibana server to the browser". Do we need to
// reiterate here that only one side of the communications is encrypted?
For more information, see <<settings,{kib} configuration settings>>.
. Configure {kib} to connect to {es} via HTTPS:
NOTE: To perform this step, you must
{ref}/configuring-security.html[enable the {security} feature in {es}] or you
must have a proxy that provides an HTTPS endpoint for {es}.
.. Specify the HTTPS protocol in the `elasticsearch.url` setting in the {kib}
configuration file, `kibana.yml`:
elasticsearch.url: "https://<your_elasticsearch_host>.com:9200"
.. If you are using your own CA to sign certificates for {es}, set the
`elasticsearch.ssl.certificateAuthorities` setting in `kibana.yml` to specify
the location of the PEM file.
elasticsearch.ssl.certificateAuthorities: /path/to/your/cacert.pem
Setting the `certificateAuthorities` property lets you use the default
`verificationMode` option of `full`.
//TBD: Is this still true? It isn't mentioned in
For more information, see <<settings,{kib} configuration settings>>.