2019-07-15 10:16:38 -07:00

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=== Reindex API
experimental["This API is *experimental* and may be changed or removed completely in a future release. The underlying Upgrade Assistant concepts are stable, but the APIs for managing Upgrade Assistant are currently experimental."]
When checking the upgrade status, some indices will have the `reindex` paramaeter set to `true`. You can use this Reindexing API to reindex these indices.
==== Start or resume a reindex
===== Request
To start a new reindex or resume a paused reindex, submit a POST request to the `/api/upgrade_assistant/reindex/<indexName>` endpoint:
Note: You cannot access this endpoint via the Console in Kibana.
POST /api/upgrade_assistant/reindex/myIndex
===== Response
A successful call returns a response code of `200` and a response body
containing a JSON structure similar to the following example:
"indexName": ".ml-state",
"newIndexName": ".reindexed-v7-ml-state",
"status": 0,
"lastCompletedStep": 0,
"reindexTaskId": null,
"reindexTaskPercComplete": null,
"errorMessage": null
See the next section for an explanation of each field.
==== Check the status of a reindex
===== Request
Once a reindex is started, you can check the status of the reindex operation by submitting a GET request to the `/api/upgrade_assistant/reindex/<indexName>` endpoint:
Note: You cannot access this endpoint via the Console in Kibana.
GET /api/upgrade_assistant/reindex/myIndex
===== Response
A successful call returns a response code of `200` and a response body
containing a JSON structure similar to the following example:
"reindexOp": {
"indexName": ".ml-state",
"newIndexName": ".reindexed-v7-ml-state", <1>
"status": 0, <2>
"lastCompletedStep": 40, <3>
"reindexTaskId": "QprwvTMzRQ2MLWOW22oQ4Q:11819", <4>
"reindexTaskPercComplete": 0.3, <5>
"errorMessage": null <6>
"warnings": [], <7>
"hasRequiredPrivileges": true <8>
<1> Name of the new index that is being created.
<2> Current status of the reindex. See the <<status-code,status code table>> for details.
<3> Last successfully completed step of the reindex. See the <<step-code,step code table>> table for details.
<4> Task ID of the reindex task in Elasticsearch. Only present if reindexing has started.
<5> Percentage of how far the reindexing task in Elasticsearch has progressed, in decimal from from 0 to 1.
<6> Error that caused the reindex to fail, if it failed.
<7> An array of any warning codes explaining what changes are required for this reindex. See the <<warning-code,warning code table>> for details.
<8> Whether or not the current user has required privileges to reindex this index. Returns `true` if Security is not available or disabled.
===== Status code
The `status` field corresponds to these statuses:
0:: in progress
1:: completed
2:: failed
3:: paused
4:: cancelled
===== Step code
The `lastCompletedStep` field corresponds to these steps:
0:: The reindex operation has been created in Kibana.
10:: Index group services stopped. Only applies to some system indices.
20:: index set to readonly
30:: The new destination index has been created.
40:: The reindex task in Elasticsearch has started.
50:: The reindex task in Elasticsearch has completed.
60:: Aliases have been created to point to the new index, and the old index has been deleted.
70:: Index group services have been resumed. Only applies to some system indices.
===== Warning code
The `warnings` field corresponds to an array of integers for these warnings:
0:: The `_all` meta field will be removed.
1:: Any coerced boolean values will be converted in the source document (example: `yes`, `1`, `off`).
2:: Documents will be converted to support Elastic Common Schema. Only applies to APM indices created in 6.x.
===== Paused reindexes
If the Kibana node that started the reindex is shutdown or restarted, the reindex will go into a paused state after some time.
To resume the reindex, you must submit a new POST request to the `/api/upgrade_assistant/reindex/<indexName>` endpoint.
==== Cancel a reindex
===== Request
You can cancel reindexes that are waiting for the Elasticsearch reindex task to complete (`lastCompletedStep` set to `40`).
To cancel a reindex, submit a POST request to the `/api/upgrade_assistant/reindex/<indexName>/cancel` endpoint:
Note: You cannot access this endpoint via the Console in Kibana.
POST /api/upgrade_assistant/reindex/myIndex/cancel
===== Response
A successful call returns a response code of `200` and a response body
containing a JSON structure similar to the following example:
"acknowledged": true