2020-10-02 19:24:08 +01:00

206 lines
6 KiB

* Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one
* or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License;
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the Elastic License.
import { MakeSchemaFrom } from 'src/plugins/usage_collection/server';
import {
} from './types';
import { AgentName } from '../../../typings/es_schemas/ui/fields/agent';
const long: { type: 'long' } = { type: 'long' };
const aggregatedTransactionCountSchema: MakeSchemaFrom<AggregatedTransactionsCounts> = {
expected_metric_document_count: long,
transaction_count: long,
const timeframeMap1dSchema: MakeSchemaFrom<TimeframeMap1d> = {
'1d': long,
const timeframeMapAllSchema: MakeSchemaFrom<TimeframeMapAll> = {
all: long,
const timeframeMapSchema: MakeSchemaFrom<TimeframeMap> = {
const agentSchema: MakeSchemaFrom<APMUsage>['agents'][AgentName] = {
agent: {
version: { type: 'array', items: { type: 'keyword' } },
service: {
framework: {
name: { type: 'array', items: { type: 'keyword' } },
version: { type: 'array', items: { type: 'keyword' } },
composite: { type: 'array', items: { type: 'keyword' } },
language: {
name: { type: 'array', items: { type: 'keyword' } },
version: { type: 'array', items: { type: 'keyword' } },
composite: { type: 'array', items: { type: 'keyword' } },
runtime: {
name: { type: 'array', items: { type: 'keyword' } },
version: { type: 'array', items: { type: 'keyword' } },
composite: { type: 'array', items: { type: 'keyword' } },
const apmPerAgentSchema: Pick<
'services_per_agent' | 'agents'
> = {
// services_per_agent: AGENT_NAMES.reduce(
// (acc, name) => ({ ...acc, [name]: long }),
// {} as Record<AgentName, typeof long>
// ),
// agents: AGENT_NAMES.reduce(
// (acc, name) => ({ ...acc, [name]: agentSchema }),
// {} as Record<AgentName, typeof agentSchema>
// ),
// TODO: Find a way for `@kbn/telemetry-tools` to understand and evaluate expressions.
// In the meanwhile, we'll have to maintain these lists up to date (TS will remind us to update)
services_per_agent: {
dotnet: long,
go: long,
java: long,
'js-base': long,
nodejs: long,
python: long,
ruby: long,
'rum-js': long,
otlp: long,
'opentelemetry/cpp': long,
'opentelemetry/dotnet': long,
'opentelemetry/erlang': long,
'opentelemetry/go': long,
'opentelemetry/java': long,
'opentelemetry/nodejs': long,
'opentelemetry/php': long,
'opentelemetry/python': long,
'opentelemetry/ruby': long,
'opentelemetry/webjs': long,
agents: {
dotnet: agentSchema,
go: agentSchema,
java: agentSchema,
'js-base': agentSchema,
nodejs: agentSchema,
python: agentSchema,
ruby: agentSchema,
'rum-js': agentSchema,
otlp: agentSchema,
'opentelemetry/cpp': agentSchema,
'opentelemetry/dotnet': agentSchema,
'opentelemetry/erlang': agentSchema,
'opentelemetry/go': agentSchema,
'opentelemetry/java': agentSchema,
'opentelemetry/nodejs': agentSchema,
'opentelemetry/php': agentSchema,
'opentelemetry/python': agentSchema,
'opentelemetry/ruby': agentSchema,
'opentelemetry/webjs': agentSchema,
export const apmSchema: MakeSchemaFrom<APMUsage> = {
has_any_services: { type: 'boolean' },
version: {
apm_server: {
major: long,
minor: long,
patch: long,
environments: {
services_without_environments: long,
services_with_multiple_environments: long,
top_environments: { type: 'array', items: { type: 'keyword' } },
aggregated_transactions: {
current_implementation: aggregatedTransactionCountSchema,
no_observer_name: aggregatedTransactionCountSchema,
no_rum: aggregatedTransactionCountSchema,
no_rum_no_observer_name: aggregatedTransactionCountSchema,
only_rum: aggregatedTransactionCountSchema,
only_rum_no_observer_name: aggregatedTransactionCountSchema,
cloud: {
availability_zone: { type: 'array', items: { type: 'keyword' } },
provider: { type: 'array', items: { type: 'keyword' } },
region: { type: 'array', items: { type: 'keyword' } },
counts: {
transaction: timeframeMapSchema,
span: timeframeMapSchema,
error: timeframeMapSchema,
metric: timeframeMapSchema,
sourcemap: timeframeMapSchema,
onboarding: timeframeMapSchema,
agent_configuration: timeframeMapAllSchema,
max_transaction_groups_per_service: timeframeMapSchema,
max_error_groups_per_service: timeframeMapSchema,
traces: timeframeMapSchema,
services: timeframeMapSchema,
cardinality: {
client: { geo: { country_iso_code: { rum: timeframeMap1dSchema } } },
user_agent: {
original: {
all_agents: timeframeMap1dSchema,
rum: timeframeMap1dSchema,
transaction: {
name: {
all_agents: timeframeMap1dSchema,
rum: timeframeMap1dSchema,
retainment: {
span: { ms: long },
transaction: { ms: long },
error: { ms: long },
metric: { ms: long },
sourcemap: { ms: long },
onboarding: { ms: long },
integrations: { ml: { all_jobs_count: long } },
indices: {
shards: { total: long },
all: {
total: {
docs: { count: long },
store: { size_in_bytes: long },
tasks: {
aggregated_transactions: { took: { ms: long } },
cloud: { took: { ms: long } },
processor_events: { took: { ms: long } },
agent_configuration: { took: { ms: long } },
services: { took: { ms: long } },
versions: { took: { ms: long } },
groupings: { took: { ms: long } },
integrations: { took: { ms: long } },
agents: { took: { ms: long } },
indices_stats: { took: { ms: long } },
cardinality: { took: { ms: long } },