2020-03-02 17:24:57 -05:00

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// "Workers" in this file will spin up an instance, do some setup etc depending on the configuration, and then execute some work that you define
// e.g. workers.base(name: 'my-worker') { sh "echo 'ready to execute some kibana scripts'" }
The base worker that all of the others use. Will clone the scm (assumed to be kibana), and run kibana bootstrap processes by default.
label - gobld/agent label to use, e.g. 'linux && immutable'
ramDisk - Should the workspace be mounted in memory? Default: true
bootstrapped - If true, download kibana dependencies, run kbn bootstrap, etc. Default: true
name - Name of the worker for display purposes, filenames, etc.
scm - Jenkins scm configuration for checking out code. Use `null` to disable checkout. Default: inherited from job
def base(Map params, Closure closure) {
def config = [label: '', ramDisk: true, bootstrapped: true, name: 'unnamed-worker', scm: scm] + params
if (!config.label) {
error "You must specify an agent label, such as 'tests-xl' or 'linux && immutable', when using workers.base()"
node(config.label) {
if (config.ramDisk) {
// Move to a temporary workspace, so that we can symlink the real workspace into /dev/shm
def originalWorkspace = env.WORKSPACE
ws('/tmp/workspace') {
script: """
mkdir -p /dev/shm/workspace
mkdir -p '${originalWorkspace}' # create all of the directories leading up to the workspace, if they don't exist
rm --preserve-root -rf '${originalWorkspace}' # then remove just the workspace, just in case there's stuff in it
ln -s /dev/shm/workspace '${originalWorkspace}'
label: "Move workspace to RAM - /dev/shm/workspace"
def scmVars = [:]
if (config.scm) {
// Try to clone from Github up to 8 times, waiting 15 secs between attempts
retryWithDelay(8, 15) {
scmVars = checkout scm
"PR_SOURCE_BRANCH=${env.ghprbSourceBranch ?: ''}",
"PR_TARGET_BRANCH=${env.ghprbTargetBranch ?: ''}",
"PR_AUTHOR=${env.ghprbPullAuthorLogin ?: ''}",
"GIT_BRANCH=${scmVars.GIT_BRANCH ?: ''}",
]) {
string(credentialsId: 'vault-addr', variable: 'VAULT_ADDR'),
string(credentialsId: 'vault-role-id', variable: 'VAULT_ROLE_ID'),
string(credentialsId: 'vault-secret-id', variable: 'VAULT_SECRET_ID'),
]) {
// scm is configured to check out to the ./kibana directory
dir('kibana') {
if (config.bootstrapped) {
// Worker for ci processes. Extends the base worker and adds GCS artifact upload, error reporting, junit processing
def ci(Map params, Closure closure) {
def config = [ramDisk: true, bootstrapped: true] + params
return base(config) {
kibanaPipeline.withGcsArtifactUpload( {
kibanaPipeline.withPostBuildReporting {
// Worker for running the current intake jobs. Just runs a single script after bootstrap.
def intake(jobName, String script) {
return {
ci(name: jobName, label: 'linux && immutable', ramDisk: false) {
withEnv(["JOB=${jobName}"]) {
runbld(script, "Execute ${jobName}")
// Worker for running functional tests. Runs a setup process (e.g. the kibana build) then executes a map of closures in parallel (e.g. one for each ciGroup)
def functional(name, Closure setup, Map processes) {
return {
parallelProcesses(name: name, setup: setup, processes: processes, delayBetweenProcesses: 20, label: 'tests-xl')
Creates a ci worker that can run a setup process, followed by a group of processes in parallel.
name: Name of the worker for display purposes, filenames, etc.
setup: Closure to execute after the agent is bootstrapped, before starting the parallel work
processes: Map of closures that will execute in parallel after setup. Each closure is passed a unique number.
delayBetweenProcesses: Number of seconds to wait between starting the parallel processes. Useful to spread the load of heavy init processes, e.g. Elasticsearch starting up. Default: 0
label: gobld/agent label to use, e.g. 'linux && immutable'. Default: 'tests-xl', a 32 CPU machine used for running many functional test suites in parallel
def parallelProcesses(Map params) {
def config = [name: 'parallel-worker', setup: {}, processes: [:], delayBetweenProcesses: 0, label: 'tests-xl'] + params
ci(label: config.label, name: {
def nextProcessNumber = 1
def process = { processName, processClosure ->
def processNumber = nextProcessNumber
return {
if (config.delayBetweenProcesses && config.delayBetweenProcesses > 0) {
// This delay helps smooth out CPU load caused by ES/Kibana instances starting up at the same time
def delay = (processNumber-1)*config.delayBetweenProcesses
def processes = [:]
config.processes.each { processName, processClosure ->
processes[processName] = process(processName, processClosure)
return this