Joe Portner 6627d7d9af
Sharing saved-objects phase 1.5 (#75444)
Added UI for sharing saved objects, and updated UI for importing and copying too
2020-08-26 16:52:29 -04:00

311 lines
9.3 KiB

=== Resolve copy saved objects to space conflicts API
<titleabbrev>Resolve copy to space conflicts</titleabbrev>
experimental[] Overwrite saved objects that are returned as errors from the <<spaces-api-copy-saved-objects, copy saved objects to space API>>.
==== {api-request-title}
`POST <kibana host>:<port>/api/spaces/_resolve_copy_saved_objects_errors`
`POST <kibana host>:<port>/s/<space_id>/api/spaces/_resolve_copy_saved_objects_errors`
==== {api-prereq-title}
Execute the <<spaces-api-copy-saved-objects,copy saved objects to space API>>, which returns the errors for you to resolve.
==== {api-path-parms-title}
(Optional, string) The ID of the space that contains the saved objects you want to copy. When `space_id` is unspecified in the URL, the default space is used. The `space_id` must be the same value used during the failed <<spaces-api-copy-saved-objects, copy saved objects to space API>> operation.
==== {api-request-body-title}
(Required, object array) The saved objects to copy. The `objects` must be the same values used during the failed <<spaces-api-copy-saved-objects, copy saved objects to space API>> operation.
.Properties of `objects`
(Required, string) The saved object type.
(Required, string) The saved object ID.
(Optional, boolean) When set to `true`, all saved objects related to the specified saved objects are copied into the target spaces. The `includeReferences` must be the same values used during the failed <<spaces-api-copy-saved-objects, copy saved objects to space API>> operation. The default value is `false`.
(Required, object) The retry operations to attempt, which can specify how to resolve different types of errors. Object keys represent the
target space IDs.
.Properties of `retries`
(Required, array) The errors to resolve for the specified `<space_id>`.
.Properties of `<space_id>`
(Required, string) The saved object type.
(Required, string) The saved object ID.
(Required, boolean) When set to `true`, the saved object from the source space (desigated by the <<spaces-api-resolve-copy-saved-objects-conflicts-path-params, `space_id` path parameter>>) overwrites the conflicting object in the destination space. When set to `false`, this does nothing.
(Optional, string) Specifies the destination ID that the copied object should have, if different from the current ID.
(Optional, boolean) When set to `true`, any missing references errors are ignored. When set to `false`, does nothing.
==== {api-response-body-title}
(object) An object that describes the result of the copy operation for the space. Includes the dynamic keys in the response.
.Properties of `<space_id>`
(boolean) The copy operation was successful. When set to `false`, some objects may have been copied. For additional information, refer to the `successCount` and `errors` properties.
(number) The number of objects that successfully copied.
(Optional, array) The errors that occurred during the copy operation. When errors are reported, the `success` flag is set to `false`.
NOTE: One object may result in multiple errors, which requires separate steps to resolve. For instance, a `missing_references` error and a
`conflict` error.
.Properties of `errors`
(string) The saved object ID that failed to copy.
(string) The type of saved object that failed to copy.
(object) The error that caused the copy operation to fail.
.Properties of `error`
(string) The type of error. For example, `conflict`, `ambiguous_conflict`, `missing_references`, `unsupported_type`, or `unknown`.
(Optional, string) The destination ID that was used during the copy attempt. This is only present on `conflict` errors types.
(Optional, array) A list of possible object destinations with `id`, `title`, and `updatedAt` fields to describe each one. This is
only present on `ambiguous_conflict` error types.
(Optional, array) Indicates successfully copied objects, with any applicable metadata.
NOTE: Objects are created when all resolvable errors are addressed, including conflict and missing references errors. For more information,
refer to the <<spaces-api-resolve-copy-saved-objects-conflicts-example,examples>>.
==== {api-examples-title}
===== Resolve conflict errors
This example builds upon the <<spaces-api-copy-saved-objects-example-3,Copy objects API example with conflict errors>>.
Resolve conflict errors for an index pattern, visualization, and *Canvas* workpad by overwriting the existing saved objects:
$ curl -X POST api/spaces/_resolve_copy_saved_objects_errors
"objects": [{
"type": "dashboard",
"id": "my-dashboard"
"includeReferences": true,
"retries": {
"sales": [
"type": "index-pattern",
"id": "my-pattern",
"overwrite": true
"type": "visualization",
"id": "my-vis",
"overwrite": true,
"destinationId": "another-vis"
"type": "canvas",
"id": "my-canvas",
"overwrite": true,
"destinationId": "yet-another-canvas"
"type": "dashboard",
"id": "my-dashboard"
The API returns the following:
"sales": {
"success": true,
"successCount": 4,
"successResults": [
"id": "my-pattern",
"type": "index-pattern",
"meta": {
"icon": "indexPatternApp",
"title": "my-pattern-*"
"id": "my-vis",
"type": "visualization",
"destinationId": "another-vis",
"meta": {
"icon": "visualizeApp",
"title": "Look at my visualization"
"id": "my-canvas",
"type": "canvas-workpad",
"destinationId": "yet-another-canvas",
"meta": {
"icon": "canvasApp",
"title": "Look at my canvas"
"id": "my-dashboard",
"type": "dashboard",
"meta": {
"icon": "dashboardApp",
"title": "Look at my dashboard"
The result indicates a successful copy, and all four objects are created.
TIP: If a prior copy attempt resulted in resolvable errors, you must include a retry for each object you want to copy, including any that
were returned in the `successResults` array. In this example, we retried copying the dashboard accordingly.
===== Resolve missing reference errors
This example builds upon the <<spaces-api-copy-saved-objects-example-4,Copy objects API example with missing reference errors>>.
Resolve missing reference errors for a visualization by ignoring the error:
$ curl -X POST api/spaces/_resolve_copy_saved_objects_errors
"objects": [{
"type": "dashboard",
"id": "my-dashboard"
"includeReferences": true,
"retries": {
"marketing": [
"type": "visualization",
"id": "my-vis",
"ignoreMissingReferences": true
"type": "canvas",
"id": "my-canvas"
"type": "dashboard",
"id": "my-dashboard"
The API returns the following:
"marketing": {
"success": true,
"successCount": 3,
"successResults": [
"id": "my-vis",
"type": "visualization",
"meta": {
"icon": "visualizeApp",
"title": "Look at my visualization"
"id": "my-canvas",
"type": "canvas-workpad",
"meta": {
"icon": "canvasApp",
"title": "Look at my canvas"
"id": "my-dashboard",
"type": "dashboard",
"meta": {
"icon": "dashboardApp",
"title": "Look at my dashboard"
The result indicates a successful copy and all three objects are created.
TIP: If a prior copy attempt resulted in resolvable errors, you must include a retry for each object you want to copy, including any that
were returned in the `successResults` array. In this example, we retried copying the dashboard and canvas accordingly.