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== Scale and performance
{kib} alerting run both alert checks and actions as persistent background tasks. This has two major benefits:
* *Persistence*: all task state and scheduling is stored in {es}, so if {kib} is restarted, alerts and actions will pick up where they left off.
* *Scaling*: multiple {kib} instances can read from and update the same task queue in {es}, allowing the alerting and action load to be distributed across instances. In cases where a {kib} instance no longer has capacity to run alert checks or actions, capacity can be increased by adding additional {kib} instances.
=== Running background alert checks and actions
{kib} background tasks are managed by:
* Polling an {es} task index for overdue tasks at 3 second intervals.
* Tasks are then claiming them by updating them in the {es} index, using optimistic concurrency control to prevent conflicts. Each {kib} instance can run a maximum of 10 concurrent tasks, so a maximum of 10 tasks are claimed each interval.
* Tasks are run on the {kib} server.
* In the case of alerts which are recurring background checks, upon completion the task is scheduled again according to the <<defining-alerts-general-details, check interval>>.
Because tasks are polled at 3 second intervals and only 10 tasks can run concurrently per {kib} instance, it is possible for alert and action tasks to be run late. This can happen if:
* Alerts use a small *check interval*. The lowest interval possible is 3 seconds, though intervals of 30 seconds or higher are recommended.
* Many alerts or actions must be *run at once*. In this case pending tasks will queue in {es}, and be pulled 10 at a time from the queue at 3 second intervals.
* *Long running tasks* occupy slots for an extended time, leaving fewer slots for other tasks.