Boaz Leskes 442dd9faa2 Rewrote the stats_table panel data model, to reduce the number of facets/requests done.
Initial row-discovery fase now also facet for all metrics to get averages. The is used to select the rows that will be displaued. Histrograms are done, if needed, only for displayed rows.

This moves from index*metrics facets to #metrics facets. It also alows us to smartly choose which index/node we show when no sorting is active (smart = things with warnings take preference).
2014-01-26 23:37:14 +01:00

53 lines
1.9 KiB

/* jshint node:true */
'use strict';
module.exports = function (grunt) {
var config = {
pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),
kibanaCheckoutDir: './kibana/vendor/kibana',
kibanaRevision: 'master',
agentDir: 'agent',
buildDir: 'build',
packageDir: 'build/packages',
senseDir: './sense',
esPort: {
dev: '":'+ (grunt.option('es_port') || 9200) +'"',
dist: "(window.location.port !== '' ? ':'+window.location.port : '')"
statsReportUrl: {
dev: '"http://" + window.location.hostname + ":'+ (grunt.option('es_port') || 9200) +'/.marvel_cluster_report/report"',
dist: '""'
kibanaPort: grunt.option('port') || 5601,
kibanaHost: grunt.option('host') ||'localhost'
// more detailed config
config['buildTempDir'] = config['buildDir'] + '/tmp'; // kibana and custom panels will be merged here
config['buildSiteDir'] = config['buildDir'] + '/_site';
config['buildSenseDir'] = config['buildSiteDir'] + '/sense'; // compressed minified sense site will be here
config['buildKibanaDir'] = config['buildSiteDir'] + '/kibana'; // compressed minified marvel's kibana site will be output here
// Utility function to load plugin settings into the above config object
function loadConfig(config, path) {
require('glob').sync('*', {cwd: path}).forEach(function (option) {
var key = option.replace(/\.js$/, '');
// Merge duplicate plugin configs. It is your responsibility to avoid naming collisions
// in tasks
config[key] = config[key] || {};
grunt.util._.extend(config[key], require(path + option)(config, grunt));
return config;
// load plugins
// Load Marvel tasks. Identical task names will override kibana tasks
loadConfig(config, './tasks/options/');
// pass the config to grunt