Alexey Antonov f68e0a36d5
[Vega] user should be able to toggle "textTruncate" option for tooltips (#80524)
* [Vega] user should be able to override the default tooltip width

Closes: #80325

* fix jest

* fix PR comments

Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <>
2020-10-19 17:07:10 +03:00

461 lines
15 KiB

== Vega reference
For additional *Vega* and *Vega-Lite* information, refer to the reference sections.
=== Reference for {kib} extensions
{kib} has extended Vega and Vega-Lite with extensions that support:
* Automatic sizing
* Default theme to match {kib}
* Writing {es} queries using the time range and filters from dashboards
* experimental[] Using the Elastic Map Service in Vega maps
* Additional tooltip styling
* Advanced setting to enable URL loading from any domain
* Limited debugging support using the browser dev tools
* (Vega only) Expression functions which can update the time range and dashboard filters
==== Automatic sizing
Most users will want their Vega visualizations to take the full available space, so unlike
Vega examples, `width` and `height` are not required parameters in {kib}. To set the width
or height manually, set `autosize: none`. For example, to set the height to a specific pixel value:
autosize: none
width: container
height: 200
The default {kib} settings which are inherited by your visualizations are:
autosize: {
type: fit
contains: padding
width: container
height: container
{kib} is able to merge your custom `autosize` settings with the defaults. The options `fit-x`
and `fit-y` are supported but not recommended over the default `fit` setting.
To learn more, read about[autosize]
in the Vega documentation.
==== Default theme to match {kib}
{kib} registers a default[Vega color scheme]
with the id `elastic`, and sets a default color for each `mark` type.
Override it by providing a different `stroke`, `fill`, or `color` (Vega-Lite) value.
==== Writing {es} queries in Vega
{kib} extends the Vega[data] elements
with support for direct {es} queries specified as `url`.
{kib} is **unable to support dynamically loaded data**,
which would otherwise work in Vega. All data is fetched before it's passed to
the Vega renderer.
To define an {es} query in Vega, set the `url` to an object. {kib} parses
the object looking for special tokens that allow your query to integrate with {kib}.
Tokens include the following:
* `%context%: true`: Set at the top level, and replaces the `query` section with filters from dashboard
* `%timefield%: <name>`: Set at the top level, integrates the query with the dashboard time filter
* `{%timefilter%: true}`: Replaced by an {es} range query with upper and lower bounds
* `{%timefilter%: "min" | "max"}`: Replaced only by the upper or lower bounds
* `{%timefilter: true, shift: -1, unit: 'hour'}`: Generates a time range query one hour in the past
* `{%autointerval%: true}`: Replaced by the string which contains the automatic {kib} time interval, such as `1h`
* `{%autointerval%: 10}`: Replaced by a string which is approximately dividing the time into 10 ranges, allowing
you to influence the automatic interval
* `"%dashboard_context-must_clause%"`: String replaced by object containing filters
* `"%dashboard_context-filter_clause%"`: String replaced by an object containing filters
* `"%dashboard_context-must_not_clause%"`: String replaced by an object containing filters
For example, the following query counts the number of documents in a specific index:
// An object instead of a string for the URL value
// is treated as a context-aware Elasticsearch query.
url: {
// Specify the time filter.
%timefield%: @timestamp
// Apply dashboard context filters when set
%context%: true
// Which indexes to search
index: kibana_sample_data_logs
// The body element may contain "aggs" and "query" keys
body: {
aggs: {
time_buckets: {
date_histogram: {
// Use date histogram aggregation on @timestamp field
field: @timestamp <1>
// interval value will depend on the time filter
// Use an integer to set approximate bucket count
interval: { %autointerval%: true }
// Make sure we get an entire range, even if it has no data
extended_bounds: {
min: { %timefilter%: "min" }
max: { %timefilter%: "max" }
// Use this for linear (e.g. line, area) graphs
// Without it, empty buckets will not show up
min_doc_count: 0
// Speed up the response by only including aggregation results
size: 0
<1> `@timestamp` &mdash; Filters the time range and breaks it into histogram
The full result includes the following structure:
"aggregations": {
"time_buckets": {
"buckets": [{
"key_as_string": "2015-11-30T22:00:00.000Z",
"key": 1448920800000,<1>
"doc_count": 28
}, {
"key_as_string": "2015-11-30T23:00:00.000Z",
"key": 1448924400000, <1>
"doc_count": 330
}, ...
<1> `"key"` &mdash; The unix timestamp you can use without conversions by the
Vega date expressions.
For most visualizations, you only need the list of bucket values. To focus on
only the data you need, use `format: {property: "aggregations.time_buckets.buckets"}`.
Specify a query with individual range and dashboard context. The query is
equivalent to `"%context%": true, "%timefield%": "@timestamp"`,
except that the time range is shifted back by 10 minutes:
body: {
query: {
bool: {
must: [
// This string will be replaced
// with the auto-generated "MUST" clause
range: {
// apply timefilter (upper right corner)
// to the @timestamp variable
@timestamp: {
// "%timefilter%" will be replaced with
// the current values of the time filter
// (from the upper right corner)
"%timefilter%": true
// Only work with %timefilter%
// Shift current timefilter by 10 units back
shift: 10
// week, day (default), hour, minute, second
unit: minute
must_not: [
// This string will be replaced with
// the auto-generated "MUST-NOT" clause
filter: [
// This string will be replaced
// with the auto-generated "FILTER" clause
NOTE: When using `"%context%": true` or defining a value for `"%timefield%"` the body cannot contain a query. To customize the query within the VEGA specification (e.g. add an additional filter, or shift the timefilter), define your query and use the placeholders as in the example above. The placeholders will be replaced by the actual context of the dashboard or visualization once parsed.
The `"%timefilter%"` can also be used to specify a single min or max
value. The date_histogram's `extended_bounds` can be set
with two values - min and max. Instead of hardcoding a value, you may
use `"min": {"%timefilter%": "min"}`, which will be replaced with the
beginning of the current time range. The `shift` and `unit` values are
also supported. The `"interval"` can also be set dynamically, depending
on the currently picked range: `"interval": {"%autointerval%": 10}` will
try to get about 10-15 data points (buckets).
=== Access Elastic Map Service files
experimental[] Access the Elastic Map Service files via the same mechanism:
url: {
// "type" defaults to "elasticsearch" otherwise
type: emsfile
// Name of the file, exactly as in the Region map visualization
name: World Countries
// The result is a geojson file, get its features to use
// this data source with the "shape" marks
format: {property: "features"}
To enable Maps, the graph must specify `type=map` in the host
"config": {
"kibana": {
"type": "map",
// Initial map position
"latitude": 40.7, // default 0
"longitude": -74, // default 0
"zoom": 7, // default 2
// defaults to "default". Use false to disable base layer.
"mapStyle": false,
// default 0
"minZoom": 5,
// defaults to the maximum for the given style,
// or 25 when base is disabled
"maxZoom": 13,
// defaults to true, shows +/- buttons to zoom in/out
"zoomControl": false,
// Defaults to 'false', disables mouse wheel zoom. If set to
// 'true', map may zoom unexpectedly while scrolling dashboard
"scrollWheelZoom": false,
// When false, repaints on each move frame.
// Makes the graph slower when moving the map
"delayRepaint": true, // default true
/* the rest of Vega JSON */
The visualization automatically injects a `"projection"`, which you can use to
calculate the position of all geo-aware marks.
Additionally, you can use `latitude`, `longitude`, and `zoom` signals.
These signals can be used in the graph, or can be updated to modify the
position of the map.
==== Additional tooltip styling
{kib} has installed the[Vega tooltip plugin],
so tooltips can be defined in the ways documented there. Beyond that, {kib} also supports
a configuration option for changing the tooltip position and padding:
config: {
kibana: {
tooltips: {
position: 'top',
padding: 15,
textTruncate: true,
==== Advanced setting to enable URL loading from any domain
Vega can load data from any URL, but this is disabled by default in {kib}.
To change this, set `vis_type_vega.enableExternalUrls: true` in `kibana.yml`,
then restart {kib}.
==== Vega Inspector
Use the contextual *Inspect* tool to gain insights into different elements.
For Vega visualizations, there are two different views: *Request* and *Vega debug*.
===== Inspect {es} requests
Vega uses the {ref}/search-search.html[{es} search API] to get documents and aggregation
results from {es}. To troubleshoot these requests, click *Inspect*, which shows the most recent requests.
In case your specification has more than one request, you can switch between the views using the *View* dropdown.
===== Vega debugging
With the *Vega debug* view, you can inspect the *Data sets* and *Signal Values* runtime data.
The runtime data is read from the[runtime scope].
To debug more complex specs, access to the `view` variable. For more information, refer to
the <<vega-browser-debugging-console, Vega browser debugging process>>.
===== Asking for help with a Vega spec
Because of the dynamic nature of the data in {es}, it is hard to help you with
Vega specs unless you can share a dataset. To do this, click *Inspect*, select the *Vega debug* view,
then select the *Spec* tab:
To copy the response, click *Copy to clipboard*. Paste the copied data to[], possibly with a .json extension. Use the [raw] button,
and share that when asking for help.
==== Browser debugging console
experimental[] Use browser debugging tools (for example, F12 or Ctrl+Shift+J in Chrome) to
inspect the `VEGA_DEBUG` variable:
* `view` &mdash; Access to the Vega View object. See[Vega Debugging Guide]
on how to inspect data and signals at runtime. For Vega-Lite,
`'source_0')` gets the pre-transformed data, and `'data_0')`
gets the encoded data. For Vega, it uses the data name as defined in your Vega spec.
* `vega_spec` &mdash; Vega JSON graph specification after some modifications by {kib}. In case
of Vega-Lite, this is the output of the Vega-Lite compiler.
* `vegalite_spec` &mdash; If this is a Vega-Lite graph, JSON specification of the graph before
Vega-Lite compilation.
==== (Vega only) Expression functions which can update the time range and dashboard filters
{kib} has extended the Vega expression language with these functions:
* @param {object} query Elastic Query DSL snippet, as used in the query DSL editor
* @param {string} [index] as defined in Kibana, or default if missing
kibanaAddFilter(query, index)
* @param {object} query Elastic Query DSL snippet, as used in the query DSL editor
* @param {string} [index] as defined in Kibana, or default if missing
kibanaRemoveFilter(query, index)
* Update dashboard time filter to the new values
* @param {number|string|Date} start
* @param {number|string|Date} end
kibanaSetTimeFilter(start, end)
==== Additional configuration options
config: {
kibana: {
// Placement of the Vega-defined signal bindings.
// Can be `left`, `right`, `top`, or `bottom` (default).
controlsLocation: top
// Can be `vertical` or `horizontal` (default).
controlsDirection: vertical
// If true, hides most of Vega and Vega-Lite warnings
hideWarnings: true
// Vega renderer to use: `svg` or `canvas` (default)
renderer: canvas
=== Resources and examples
experimental[] To learn more about Vega and Vega-Lite, refer to the resources and examples.
==== Vega editor
The[Vega Editor] includes examples for Vega & Vega-Lite, but does not support any
{kib}-specific features like {es} requests and interactive base maps.
==== Vega-Lite resources
==== Vega resources
TIP: When you use the examples in {kib}, you may
need to modify the "data" section to use absolute URL. For example,
replace `"url": "data/world-110m.json"` with
`"url": ""`.